
13 practical tips for parents of grades 1-3, worth collecting!

The lower grades of primary school are the beginning of the nine-year compulsory education stage, and parents must help their children develop good learning and living habits to lay a solid foundation for future learning.


Be sure to ensure your child's sleep time

Adequate sleep is very important for both adults and children, and it is the basis for a person's energetic work and study. Small children should sleep about 10 hours a day, so parents should arrange for their children to fall asleep before 10 p.m. Only with enough sleep will you have enough energy to study.


Breakfast should not only be full, but also good

Some parents do not use breakfast in the morning, get up and rush to work, which is unscientific, and do not use breakfast for a long time, which not only affects work, but also affects health. Children who do not use breakfast tend to appear listless or restless after the second lesson. Because of hunger, he often overeats at noon. Therefore, the child's breakfast must be full, and if there is a condition, the pattern should also be changed so that the child can eat well.


Make sure your child drinks enough water per day

Children are lively and active, physical consumption is large, to ensure that children's water intake, directly related to health. Parents should remind their children to drink water, and it is best to bring their own water cups when going to school, at least in the morning, afternoon, and evening.


Guide children to establish a sense of time

After school, no more than at home, having a sense of time is very important. Because the school is mainly based on collective activities, when to go to class and when to leave class, there are unified arrangements, if there is no concept of time, it will affect the unified action. Therefore, parents should understand the time schedule of the school, timely supervise the children to go to school or complete the homework assigned by the teacher, so that the children can gradually establish the concept of time.

13 practical tips for parents of grades 1-3, worth collecting!


Teach your child to use less erasers

The role of the eraser is to erase the correction after writing errors. It should be said that there is no big mistake with an eraser. But why teach children to use less erasers? The reason is that children in the lower grades of primary school have just entered the learning stage, and the use of erasers is to cultivate children's serious and careful habits, from this point of view, the significance of using less erasers is far greater than using erasers. Some schools clearly stipulate that "no eraser" is used to cultivate children's seriousness and care.


Intentionally cultivate children's self-care ability

When a child goes to school, it means that he will be independent in many things. For example, going to and from school on time, going to class on time, writing homework on time, participating in activities on time, being able to organize their school supplies, being able to socialize with children, and so on. Parents can help with these things, but never replace them. If you are too spoiled, everything is replaced by the parents, which is superficially love, but in fact it is harmful.

True love is to cultivate the child's self-care ability, not only to take care of themselves in learning, but also in life, which is beneficial to the child's life.


Don't compare dressing up

Wearing is based on the principle of simplicity and practicality, because they are still young, and complex wearing will cause them a burden. At the same time, parents should never compare with each other, compared to the brand, than the price, is meaningless, and it is not conducive to the growth of children.


Pay attention to protect your child's vision

After school, it means spending more and more time with the eyes. How can I protect my child's vision?

First, when reading a book, the light must be sufficient, do not read in a dim condition;

Second, the posture must be correct when reading, the sitting posture should be straight, the distance between the eyes and the book should be about one foot (30 cm), do not lie on the bed and read;

Third, the time to watch TV and surf the Internet cannot be too long, and it is best to control it in about an hour;

Fourth, adhere to and seriously do eye exercises, with a period of behind the eyes, or close the eyes to recuperate, or stand in the distance, is also beneficial to eye health;

Fifth, when writing homework, the body should sit up straight, tell the child to remember a mantra "one foot and one inch a fist", that is, the distance between the eyes and the homework book is one foot, the fingertip of the pen is one inch away from the tip of the pen, and the distance between the front chest and the table is a fist.

13 practical tips for parents of grades 1-3, worth collecting!


Watch TV selectively

Watching TV without moderation, for fear of affecting learning and not allowing you to watch TV, these two extremes are not advisable. The right way to watch TV selectively, such as for the characteristics of first-grade children, let them watch children's programs, animation programs, animal worlds, people and nature, etc., are of great benefit to increasing their knowledge and broadening their horizons. However, each viewing time should not be too long, so as not to hurt the eyes.


Give your child the necessary guidance in learning

When instructing, parents need to pay attention to the following points:

Guidance should not become supervision, and do not sit next to the child and talk endlessly, which not only affects learning, but also easily makes the child have a rebellious psychology;

Guidance should not become a substitute, some parents for the child will not be homework directly tell the answer, a long time will breed the child's dependence on the idea;

Instruction is to tell the method, tell the child how to think, how to find the answer and the solution to the problem;

Mentoring is encouragement, encouraging children not only to do it correctly, but also quickly, so that they can cope with a variety of exams.


Attach importance to the cultivation of safety awareness

Children in the lower grades are most likely to be harmed in some of the following ways:

Crowded and tumbled or even stampede when entering and leaving classrooms, going up and down stairs;

Out of curiosity, touch the power supply to open and close the gate;

Not paying attention to vehicles when crossing the road;

Onlookers quarrel and fight;

Contact with strangers;

Adventures such as climbing, splashing in the water, and playing with fire.

In each of the above points, parents should tell their children what they should do and what they should not do.


Encourage children to interact more and be able to communicate

To communicate is the basic need of people, will communicate is the basic condition for survival, whether it is for adults or children, communication is very important. In the process of encouraging their children to interact more and communicate, parents should especially do the following three points:

First, educating children to respect others is the premise of communication, only by respecting others can they be respected by others, and there is a basis for communication;

Second, teach children to boldly express their own ideas when interacting with others, let people understand their own ideas, and at the same time, humbly listen to the opinions of others, so that they can improve themselves in communication;

Third, teach children to be honest, how to think, how to say, how to do, so that others feel honest and trustworthy, this person can be handed over.

13 practical tips for parents of grades 1-3, worth collecting!


Encourage children to communicate more with teachers and communicate more

For a variety of reasons, most children, especially first-grade children, are afraid to communicate directly with teachers, which is a problem that both schools and parents should strive to solve. Parents should encourage their children to dare to communicate with the teacher, tell the teacher their ideas, especially the places that they do not understand in class, and believe that the teacher will help the child solve the difficulties.

At the same time, it is necessary to tell children to understand the hard work of the teacher, respect the teacher's labor, obey the teacher's arrangement, maintain the dignity of the teacher, and the harmonious teacher-student relationship is an important factor to ensure the healthy growth of the child.

Reprint 丨 Tianjin Education News Pictures 丨 Photo Network

Responsible editor 丨 Tang Lili Editor-in-chief 丨 Lei Ling

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