
Why do I encourage my child to learn tea?

Recently, an article titled "It's Time to Talk About the Parenting Crisis of Chinese Children" has raised our minds about the next generation of parenting. In China today, uncultured children abound. In order not to let their children lose at the starting line, parents force children to learn English, Olympic numbers, piano at a high price, as everyone knows, it is not the academic performance that determines the child's life, but the sound personality cultivation!

Why do I encourage my child to learn tea?

In recent years, Guoxue Kindergarten has entered the society like a dark horse. Regarding the education of Sinology, some people say that it is sensational and has no practical significance. Some people say that it is urgent for children to learn the essence of the excellent ideas left to us by their ancestors from the stage of enlightenment. Regardless of who is right and who is wrong, the child's etiquette cultivation cannot be ignored.

Why do I encourage my child to learn tea?

Influencing children with tea allows children to influence the world

People who love tea know that drinking tea can calm the mind and help cultivate emotions, and the tea ceremony is a way to cultivate self-cultivation. Tea, originated in China, developed in China. Turning over the history of China's five-thousand-year civilization, you can see the aroma of tea everywhere, and Chinese tea culture supports the rich connotation of five thousand years of Chinese culture. How to make tea culture take root and carry forward in the hometown of tea?

I encourage children to learn tea, use tea to influence children, and let children influence the world.

Some people will say that you are imposing your own dreams on your children!

I would like to say that the study of Chinese tea ceremony culture does not have any utilitarian purposes, not for the sake of adding points to the college entrance examination, nor has anything to do with career orientation, more important than grades and work! Cultivated children can be closer to happiness.

Some people will say that there is nothing easy to learn about drinking tea and making tea!

I would like to say that the tea ceremony integrates the traditional culture of filial piety, compassion, etiquette and respect well into the activities of learning tea and making tea, and learning the tea ceremony is to plant a seed for the child's heart, which is wrapped in courtesy, fairness, respect, calmness, and most importantly, "root culture"! In the understanding of the Tao, the child is closer to the source of the Tao than the adult.

Why do I encourage my child to learn tea?

Why do I encourage my child to learn tea?

01 tea can cultivate children's etiquette and morality

Tea ceremony etiquette is in line with Chinese etiquette. I remember when I was a child, my father told me to call tea, to serve tea with both hands, and to say "please drink tea", which is not teaching us the way of "being kind to others and treating people with courtesy"? The tea ceremony allows children to understand the humble etiquette of "first and then themselves when renewing tea", the orderly etiquette of "respecting tea and respecting the elderly", and the self-cultivation of "strict self-discipline and leniency to others".

02 tea can let children learn to be quiet and focused

The essence of the tea ceremony is "stillness". Children enter this environment, away from the hustle and bustle, away from all kinds of unhealthy temptations, in the process of tea recognition, tea appreciation, tea brewing, tea tasting, tea worship process closer to nature, people will become more innocent and pure. At the same time, in order to avoid scalding themselves or others, children will learn the concentration necessary to do things from making tea.

Why do I encourage my child to learn tea?

03 tea, can build a child's sense of order

The tea ceremony needs to follow a standardized operating procedure and pay attention to details. In order to brew each tea, temperature, time, amount of tea, tea utensils, etc., all need to be carefully prepared, from tea appreciation, preparation, tea brewing, tea respect to tea tasting, respect for natural laws, step by step, not in a hurry.

04 tea can improve the demeanor and temperament of children

Tea ceremony movements need to be generous and elegant, soothing and elegant. Learning the tea ceremony can make the little girl more virtuous and raise the little boy to become a gentleman, rather than the children who are grinning and do not know how to take care of others. The tea ceremony can cultivate a very good demeanor, and this demeanor will be manifested at any time in the child's treatment of people and things, and will accompany the growth of the child's life.

Why do I encourage my child to learn tea?

05 tea can lay the foundation for children's aesthetic vision

The tea ceremony is an aesthetic. Tea itself comes from nature, tea mountain tea village tea tree tea, everywhere is beautiful, the beauty of tea utensils tea sets, the beauty of calligraphy painting works, tea, so that children's insight can be enhanced, aesthetics can be strengthened. Understanding the aesthetics of art will bring about the "aesthetics" of moral quality, thus turning itself into a "good tea" that has lasted for a long time.

06 tea can become a lifelong companion for children

Parents are most afraid of their children's future learning. What kind of friends a person has determines his quality of life and determines the level of his life. The tea ceremony will become the child's most loyal friend in life, no matter where he goes, please believe that a person who loves tea must be an elegant person, and must be a person who is detached from low-level fun.

Why do I encourage my child to learn tea?

We followed the tea, experienced the prosperity and wealth of the floating world, read all the world's faces, calmed down to taste a cup of tea, and finally found that the original "Tao" was in the teacup. The future belongs to the children, and we should leave them with beautiful and elegant things, not vulgar garbage. Tea culture is broad and profound, with tea to moisten the heart, tea to raise gifts, use tea to influence children, let children to influence the world!

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