
"The wife is gone, how long is the limit of a man's patience?" The three men told the big truth

Emotions are a testament to being born unique, everyone has different emotions, but everyone's story is the same, hello! Hello, I am Lele, pay attention to my words, into your heart!

If the wife is gone, how often will the man start a new relationship? The three men told the big truth

All good things come to an end. Between husband and wife, the same is true. There must always be one person who leaves first, and the one who stays behind is the most pitiful.

I once saw a love story where before the couple got married, the wife said to her husband, "Whenever you want, you will never leave me." The husband agreed.

After marriage, the relationship between the two has been very good, and they have walked hand in hand for more than fifty years. When his husband was seriously ill, the doctor snatched him back from death again and again. Until one day, the husband fell into a coma, and the doctor said that although he did not have a clear consciousness now, it was a very painful thing for him to be alive. The wife burst into tears.

The wife walked over to her husband's bed, took his hand and said to him, "Go, don't be afraid to leave me." Tears fell from the corners of her husband's eyes.

The next day, her husband died.

"The wife is gone, how long is the limit of a man's patience?" The three men told the big truth

Love is never the highest state at the moment of life and death. True love should be a long stream of thin water, it should be plain as water, and it should be cold and warm self-knowledge. Glory and wealth are just passing clouds, and having a person who knows cold and knows heat is by his side, which is the most important thing.

Emerson said, "A hundred men can build a camp, but to build a home you have to have a woman." "If one day, the wife who loved her husband dies, how long will it take for him to get out of the hurt?

The wife is gone, how long is the limit of a man's patience? The three men told the big truth

Mr. Li, 28 years old, married for 3 years:

"My wife and I have just been married for 3 years and she died in a car accident. Before getting married, we were in love for two years, and the relationship has always been very good. Before my wife was in a car accident, we were still discussing the need for children. However, tomorrow and the unexpected, I really don't know which one will come first. After my wife was gone, I couldn't slow down for a few months, and I always felt that my wife was joking with me, maybe one day she would suddenly come back to me. She would cook me a table full of dishes and tell me she missed me. ”

"Half a year after my wife died, my mother arranged a blind date for me. At first I refused, and my mother said that I could not live alone all my life, I always had to have a family. Besides, I'm still so young, remarrying is sooner or later. I knew that my mother was worried about my affairs, and in order to reassure her, I went on a blind date. ”

"Maybe everything is a fate arrangement, the first blind date, we both look at each other." In the beginning, I still occasionally think of my deceased wife and feel sorry for her. After all, she has only been gone for half a year, and I have begun a new relationship, is it too fast? I thought about it for a while, if I were a wife, I would definitely hope that my beloved other half could live happily and happily. Thinking like this, I feel much more comfortable. In love for eight months, I remarried. ”

"I don't know what other people will say about me, whether I think I'm too thin-hearted. Suffice it to say that I am worthy of my conscience. I think that how long a man can endure loneliness after his wife is gone has nothing to do with how deeply he loves her. It's either a lifetime of not marrying or true love, or remarrying is wrong. Everyone's situation is different and cannot be generalized. ”

"The wife is gone, how long is the limit of a man's patience?" The three men told the big truth

Mr. Zheng, 37 years old, married for 10 years:

"When my wife died of illness, we had just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. My wife and I had no children, and the year we were going to have children, my wife was diagnosed with uremia. Since then, we have dispelled the idea of having children. My wife couldn't accept her illness at first, and she said she wanted to divorce me. I said that no matter what happened, I would not leave her. As long as she lives one day, I will stay with her for a day until the end of her life. Over the years, I have devoted everything I have done to see my wife and have never hesitated. ”

"My mother told me to keep some money for myself, and I refused. Later, when I sold the house, my wife firmly disagreed, I knew that she planned for my future, and I only wanted to think about her present. The house was finally sold, the family's savings were gone, some money was still owed, and in the end, the wife's life was still not guaranteed. After my wife's funeral, I burst into tears. After enduring for so long, I finally let it go once without scruples. ”

"Two years later, I remarried. It's not that I've completely forgotten my deceased wife, but I know that no matter how sad I am, I have to have a new life of my own. Blindly immersed in pain, can not solve any problems. If my wife has a spirit in heaven, she must also want me to have a new life of my own. My wife is still in my heart, and no one can take her place. I didn't have patience, I just chose to remarry because I met the right person. ”

"My current wife is very understanding, she knows everything about my past. I had nothing to hide from her, and she told me that she felt that this was a particularly good man, responsible and responsible. When remarried, the current wife was married for the first time. We had no marriage room and no bride price, and she was willing to follow me to suffer, and I told myself that I would never fail her. As for the wife in heaven, she will always live in my heart. ”

"The wife is gone, how long is the limit of a man's patience?" The three men told the big truth

Mr. Sun, 62 years old, has been married for 33 years:

"When my wife had a heart attack and left me, I wasn't mentally prepared at all. My wife did not leave me a last word, which has become the biggest regret in my life. I often wonder what she would want to say to me if my wife could be resurrected for a few minutes? In the first two years of my wife's death, I lost sleep almost at night and my health deteriorated. My son and daughter wanted to take me to live with me, but I refused. ”

"I still live in the house where I lived with my wife and me for many years. As long as I live here, I feel like my wife hasn't left me. I felt like a stubborn old man in Flying House, clutching at everything in the past, including memories and habits. It seems that only in this way can I have the courage to continue living. ”

"After my wife is gone for five years, my children hope that I can find another wife, at least there is a person around me to take care of me, know the cold and know the heat." I also tried to get along with other old ladies, but I always felt that it was a betrayal of my wife. I can endure a person's loneliness and coldness, but when I think of the two words of betrayal, I can't accept it, and I can't afford it any more. ”

"I also asked myself, I don't want to find a new wife, is it because I am obsessed with my deceased wife? Of course, I will never forget my deceased wife, who has known each other for so many years, how can I say that I forgot it. Moreover, I am not ready to forget my wife, there are so many memories of the past, so beautiful, why should I forget? ”

"I think I don't want to find a new wife maybe because I'm not mentally prepared." If one day I thought I could accept a new wife, I wouldn't hesitate to look for it, no matter how old I was at the time. In life, it is easy to live up to yourself, and it is too difficult to live up to this life. I believe that my wife in heaven understands everything that is in my heart and will support me. ”

"The wife is gone, how long is the limit of a man's patience?" The three men told the big truth

Parting from life and death is the norm of life. Sooner or later, we will face it one day.

Mr. Lee has a good saying, tomorrow and accidents, we don't know which one will arrive first. It seems that the only thing we can do is cherish the present and cherish the people in front of us. If one day, the lover around you goes first, at least you will not have any regrets. In this life, the two words that people are most afraid of are regret. More effort and hard work, in order to have less regrets.

The wife is gone, there is nothing wrong with the man choosing to start a new relationship, and there is nothing wrong with remarrying. Of course, like Mr. Sun, there is no problem in choosing to be single for the time being because you are not mentally prepared. Right or wrong, everyone has a shot in their heart. As long as you have a clear conscience, you're fine.

As for what is the limit of men's patience? Vary. Whether it's a month, a year, or ten years, it's okay.

Well, today is here, LeLe hopes that each issue of the story can bring friends a little emotional thinking, like Lele please pay attention to me, to the article like collection recommended Oh, thank you we will see you in the next issue ~

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