
What kind of family will make children feel safe?

Lemon Psychology 丨 Author

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What kind of family will make children feel safe?

Psychological studies have found that:

People who are insecure may be insecure in childhood.

Because parents do not give children a sense of security in childhood, they will make children insecure after they grow up.

And insecurity can have many negative consequences, such as:

Let a person form an inferiority complex, an indifferent personality, and so on.

Therefore, parents should give their children a sense of security, let their children feel that they are valuable, worthy of being loved, and enhance their children's self-confidence and enthusiasm.

What kind of family will make children feel safe?

So how to give your child enough security?

Here I will give parents a few suggestions:


Show love to your child regularly.

Love has to be spoken out loud, and the same is true for parent-child relationships.

When parents often express their feelings to their children, I believe that children can feel it.

After such an environment for expressing love, the child will also become able to express love, and we all know how important the ability to express love is.

If children learn the ability to express love in childhood, they will know and dare to express love more when they grow up and face the people around them.


Give your child plenty of physical contact.

Physical contact is also a way to express love, and sufficient physical contact should be ensured in intimate relationships, which can make the other party feel strongly loved.

Just like many children like to kiss and hug and hold high, because through close contact with the caregiver, they can feel that they are liked.

What kind of family will make children feel safe?


Respond to the baby's cries.

Babies also need to feel safe, and when they cry, they may be hungry or feel uncomfortable, and parents should respond to them immediately.

If you keep ignoring them, it will make them insecure.

Some parents may be annoyed when they hear that babies have been crying, but when they lack language skills, they do not know how to express their discomfort, so they can only use crying to convey information, so parents give them more patience on the basis of understanding.


Use positive language and a gentle attitude to communicate with your child.

Positive language is positive, encouraging language.

Say more: you did a great job, today you performed well, etc., similar to "you will not want you if you do this again" and so on, such threatening, negative language is best not to appear, the child will feel frustrated and sad when he hears it.

Gentle attitude is also important.

Some parents can't move to talk loudly to their children, which will make the children feel that they are unhappy with the parents again, worried that the parents do not like themselves, thus lacking a sense of security, and it is not conducive to the formation of the child's personality, and the child will become irritable in the subtle.

What kind of family will make children feel safe?


Give your child as much companionship as possible.

The importance of companionship does not need to be said more, enough companionship to avoid children's insecurity.

Parents should give their children long-term and high-quality companionship, such as:

You can tell your child bedtime stories every night, play games with your child, and so on.

High quality is emphasized here, because some parents think that being around their children is companionship, in fact, those who sit next to brush vibrato and do not communicate properly with their children are low-quality companionship and will not have much positive effect.

In addition, we need to think more in life, pay attention to some small things, and the details will also affect the child's sense of security.

For example, participate in your child's parent-teacher conference, go to your child's theatrical performances, pick up your child from school on time, and so on.

Don't ignore your child's feelings, after ignoring these small problems for a long time, you may feel the child's gradual disappointment and indifference, which is especially important for parents.

This article is original by [Lemon Psychology Classroom], follow me, learn more psychological knowledge

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