
Whether a man likes to be "merciful" everywhere is actually easy to judge

Whether a man likes to be "merciful" everywhere is actually easy to judge

Shakespeare said, "Faithful love is overflowing in my heart, and I cannot estimate the wealth I enjoy." ”

Love is complex, sometimes happy, sometimes painful, but even if so many idiotic men and women tell you about the pain of eating in love relationships, we are still like moths to the fire.

It is precisely because good love is too rare that we will always follow and experience the preciousness and beauty of it.

"Trust, loyalty, dedication..." These are always the most precious things in a love relationship.

However, once there is a lack of loyalty in love, then the relationship is like a domino, instantly disintegrating and shattering.

Whether a man likes to be "merciful" everywhere is actually easy to judge

Case study: There is a woman, she is 35 years old, there is a chain company, she dresses fashionably, the whole person is very capable, it is difficult to imagine such a woman who is at ease in the workplace, and loses on a man who spends a lot of money.

At a sorority, she met an "elite man" who claimed to be the manager of a company, who was very talkative, very gentlemanly, and spoke with respect for her.

Probably because the first impression is good, two people are familiar with each other, they added WeChat to each other, and soon developed into a romantic relationship.

In the three months of dating, she spent more than two million dollars for him, and he always found various reasons to ask her for money, and from time to time he played disappeared, until once she took advantage of his drunkenness to read a text message on his mobile phone, and she woke up in time.

There was a lot of girlfriend information in the address book of this man's other cell phone, and he numbered them by region, and the days he disappeared were on dates with these women.

A woman who falls in love is easy to change from a wise man to a stupid woman, and when she meets a man who is merciful everywhere, it will make the woman scaled all over, and whether a man likes to "be merciful" everywhere is actually easy to judge.

Whether a man likes to be "merciful" everywhere is actually easy to judge

Inappropriate sense of boundaries

To see if a man will be merciful everywhere, not only to see his current attitude towards you, but also to see his attitude towards his friends and female friends.

If a man lacks a sense of boundaries when he is with the opposite sex, then such a man will usually have a lot of confidants.

He does not keep his distance from women, and even in his opinion, it is a very normal state to be a little ambiguous with the opposite sex, because in his subconscious he feels that this practice is right, and this just shows that he is a man who is unfaithful to his feelings.

Women are naturally aware of this when they are with such men, and he usually calls himself his sister and so on as a shelter.

Sometimes even if a woman tells a man that she cares very much, he still won't change, so it will be particularly painful for women to interact with this type of man.

Whether a man likes to be "merciful" everywhere is actually easy to judge

Polarized attitude

For a man, the sense of responsibility is very important, and the reason why men who like to be merciful will be merciful everywhere is because of the lack of responsibility.

Men who lack a sense of responsibility, he only cares about his own feelings, in the process of getting along with women, he has a certain goal, so women will be very painful when getting along with such men.

In the early stage, he will create a perfect image when pursuing women, and will try his best to please women, which will make many women mess up.

With the development of the relationship, men will gradually change their attitudes, showing a polarized development trend, he will disappear from time to time, and he will become more and more indifferent to women in attitude.

In addition, when women do not establish a relationship with such men prematurely, they will immediately stop their pursuit and then turn to the next goal, so some female readers will say: "Why did he pursue me so violently in the early stages, but suddenly disappeared." ”

The reason is simple, this type of man does not contact you in the first place because of real love, they prefer freshness, more will consider their time and energy invested in the relationship, once they consume too much on one goal, they will move on to the next goal.

Whether a man likes to be "merciful" everywhere is actually easy to judge

A man who is merciful everywhere, carrying all kinds of love debts, women have become their victims, this kind of man is very terrible for women, not only can not find the happiness they want, but will make women become victims of love.

Wise people do not fall in love, do not start easily, whether you love his versatility, love his romance, do not forget to see how his character is, hypocritical men are always good at disguising themselves, spending hearts of men will be more rhetorical, love is to two people to talk slowly, marriage should become a safe haven for women.

Say no early to men who don't love you that much, see those emotional "language giants", and wait for a good man who really loves you.

References: Psychology of Love, Subconscious

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