
A man with a heart of flowers, no matter how much he can cover up, he can't escape these three performances

A man with a heart of flowers, no matter how much he can cover up, he can't escape these three performances

In the emotional world, the most frightening thing is not that the other party no longer loves you, but that the other party no longer loves you, and you still stupidly believe that he still loves you deeply. This situation can often be embarrassing and embarrassing. We should learn to accept reality, not to have unrealistic illusions, to cherish our feelings, and to find ourselves someone truly worthy of love.

In life, there are many women who will fall in love with those men who are dedicated to their hearts even if they are a little flowery. In their eyes, this type of man is only superficial, but there is a strong emotion inside.

Even, women may overestimate their own strengths and expect to be the women who will make men change their ways.

Many people don't know that flowery men are usually very selfish. They only think about their own pleasures and thoughts and do not pay attention to the feelings and needs of others.

Even if they keep saying that they love you and talk to you every day, this does not hide the essence of being a big carrot.

A man with a heart of flowers, no matter how much he can cover up, he can't escape these three performances

Undoubtedly, many women find it difficult to find a man who truly cares about them. But in fact, good men still exist, only because they lack understanding of men.

Here, I hope that you will realize that no matter how much you disguise it, it is difficult to avoid showing it in the following three aspects, and these manifestations are very easy to identify.

In a relationship, both men and women need to keep a certain distance to ensure the health and stability of the relationship. This is a mature and rational attitude, and it is also an important factor in maintaining the longevity of love.

Otherwise, if the intimacy is too high, the passage of time will make the two people gradually lose the love and freshness of each other. We need to keep an appropriate distance and let each other's hearts and distances coexist in order to maintain a stable and long-lasting relationship.

Of course, the distance between people needs to be moderate, neither too intimate nor too distant.

Many women are always interested in a man when they first meet him, but when they spend a whole day together, they find that they still don't know anything about him.

A man with a heart of flowers, no matter how much he can cover up, he can't escape these three performances

In the conversation between the two people, only one person listened quietly, while the other person shared his life experience and personal information without reservation. This exchange brought us closer to each other and made me happier and more relaxed.

Perhaps, when you ask him about his age, hobbies, or past experiences, he always avoids and refuses to answer positively, which makes him seem a little difficult to get along with.

In fact, this type of man usually wants to spark your curiosity in order to keep in touch with you on an ongoing basis.

Just like in the classic funny TV series "Love Apartment", Lu Ziqiao always likes to maintain his mysterious character when pursuing beauties in various scenes.

When asked about his work, his experiences, and even his age, he always evades answers, whether through vague responses or casual fabrications, maintaining his enigmatic image. This behavior may be intriguing, but we must respect his privacy and personal choices.

If the man you are close to is always pretending to be mysterious and doesn't want to reveal too much about himself, it may mean that he is a flowery person. This type of man tends to keep his identity and relationships vague in order to move freely between different relationships. Beware of this kind of man.

A man with a heart of flowers, no matter how much he can cover up, he can't escape these three performances

Have you ever noticed that when a man is very attentive, he usually has a strong sense of machismo.

Because men who have machismo, tend to see women as objects.

Although it seems that he is always bewitched by the charm of women and cannot extricate himself, in fact, deep down he has a contempt for women.

Such men usually think that they are better than women, so they have difficulty seeing things from a woman's point of view, lacking understanding and empathy. This mindset deserves in-depth reflection to promote gender equality and real social progress.

For a man with a heart, he often cherishes his self-esteem. His self-esteem is often so strong that he cannot tolerate any negative opinion of him.

In the emotional world, he doesn't want women to have a higher status than himself, even the women he loves deeply.

To sum up, this type of man has a particularly high level of self-confidence, believing that as long as he is willing to pursue a woman, he can easily succeed, even if it is just for fun.

A man with a heart of flowers, no matter how much he can cover up, he can't escape these three performances

Like hunters in the forest, men often see women as their prey. This view is inappropriate and should be discarded.

No matter how much a man with high self-esteem tries to hide it, he can't hide the fact that he is a flowery man.

A sociable man will definitely be able to tap into the hearts of women and master their minds.

It is precisely because of their deep understanding of women's emotional needs that they can gain the admiration and affection of many women in the prosperous world.

Some men are not the same as straight men. Many times, we like to laugh at straight men, feeling that they don't understand romance, speak stiffly, and don't grasp the inner world of women at all.

Straight men and flowery men are just like antonyms, straight men may seem wooden, but when facing women, they are willing to give everything they have to each other, showing true protection and love. On the contrary, flowery men tend to be impetuous and lack real dedication and loyalty to the opposite sex. In this way, straight men are more worthy of our serious understanding and relationship.

Although the way of expressing love is a bit reckless, it is always sincere and passionate, which is cute.

A man with a heart of flowers, no matter how much he can cover up, he can't escape these three performances

In contrast, in everyday life, some men will behave with care, but they can always give women the thoughtfulness and gentleness they need.

They may seem to be able to provide all-round care and care to women, but in reality, they just want women to be obsessed with themselves, which is why they take such care of her.

You should understand that they can't offer eternal love to women, it's a harsh reality.

The most important thing in love is loyalty. If a man says he loves you, but is still having an affair with another woman, you should leave as soon as possible.

亲爱的女士们,请牢记,真正的爱情并不是仅仅在现实中的甜言蜜语和温柔关怀。 一旦男人展现以下三种行为,即使他表现得很爱你,也务必要理智看待。 Note: The modified text aims to express the same meaning in a more clear and formal manner, while also trying to make it sound more relaxed and friendly. The word count is exactly 60 words.

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