
A strong sense of responsibility for the constellation man, the stability is very high, even if he does not love, he will stick to the responsibility

A strong sense of responsibility for the constellation man, the stability is very high, even if he does not love, he will stick to the responsibility

Many girls, when asked about mate selection requirements, will propose to want a man with a strong sense of responsibility. I believe that this is the consensus of many girls, because men with a strong sense of responsibility tend to take care of their families. And the stability is stronger, and it will not abandon his wife and children because of some temptations.

People with a strong sense of responsibility mean that they will pay more for their families, they will also be more responsible for their own actions, they will treat themselves as a whole of the family, not excessively self-ego, but will give more. Even if they don't love such men so much, they will still fulfill their responsibilities for the sake of family responsibility.

A strong sense of responsibility for the constellation man, the stability is very high, even if he does not love, he will stick to the responsibility

Today we talk about these strong sense of responsibility from the perspective of the astrological chart, which boys have a high stability, even if they no longer love, they will not avoid taking responsibility.

Moon Lion + Venus Virgin

In the astrolabe, the two stars that are very important for feelings are the moon and Venus. And to see how a man is in marriage and relationships, then you must look at the seat of the moon and Venus and the house. Generally speaking, if a boy's moon falls on Leo, they are the kind of people who are particularly willing to give for the family.

Everyone knows that Leo's trait is generosity and at the same time willingness to give very hot, very warm. So when the moon falls here, the softness of the moon will be coated with a layer of brilliance by Leo, and this layer of brilliance is giving and sacrificing. The boy who sounds so moon-like leo, they are very generous in their feelings, and they are also very possessive and protective of the other half.

A strong sense of responsibility for the constellation man, the stability is very high, even if he does not love, he will stick to the responsibility

That is to say, the boys whose moon falls on Leo, they are responsible for their other half and their families. When they encounter problems, they will not shrink behind, but will stand up to protect their families from harm. Paired with a Venus virgin, then their sense of responsibility will be even higher.

Although some people think that Venus falling in Virgo is the landing position of Venus, such boys may have problems in the expression of emotions, but in fact Venus falls in Virgo. This position needs to be looked at dialectically, although Venus falling Virgo may make their emotional outlook more critical, but once they are married, they will be relatively stable, because the golden Virgo requires very few people who can enter their eyes, plus Venus falls in Virgo. There is actually a sense of responsibility for the family, so they will not be easily affected by temptation.

A strong sense of responsibility for the constellation man, the stability is very high, even if he does not love, he will stick to the responsibility

Because of this, the moon lion with the Venus virgin, such a configuration is actually a better configuration for boys. If the sun falls in such a strong position as Scorpio and Lion, then their stability will be even higher. Even if they don't love so much in marriage, they will still stick to their responsibilities.

The golden earth is in phase

In a person's astrological chart, if there is a positive phase of Venus and Saturn, it means that the person's emotional process is actually not smooth enough, and they may be more obstructive in falling in love. Maybe I'm very old, but I still don't have a relationship experience, or I have a love experience, but it's always not smooth enough.

A strong sense of responsibility for the constellation man, the stability is very high, even if he does not love, he will stick to the responsibility

Because Venus represents our feelings, represents our state in our feelings, if it is affected by Saturn, it is bound to become slower. The negative phase of the golden earth is more pronounced. However, in comparison, although the positive phase of the golden earth will make the feelings more sluggish, it will not let them have a lot more stability in the feelings.

This kind of person prefers long-term love, and they are more eager to be able to last forever because of a relationship, so they don't like to change, and they don't like to look outside. Moreover, the sense of responsibility of people in the golden earth phase is very strong, and they have a strong sense of responsibility for both the family and the other half.

A strong sense of responsibility for the constellation man, the stability is very high, even if he does not love, he will stick to the responsibility

The advantage of this sense of responsibility is that even if you no longer have feelings in the process of marriage, they will not let go of their responsibilities as husbands and fathers, and such boys are more worthy of dependence.

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