
When the husband is in distress, the wife leaves fiercely, and when she succeeds, the wife kneels and begs for a reunion, husband: You can't climb high

"Whether it is rich or poor, whether it is health or illness, whether it is the good times or bad times in life, when the other party needs you most, are you willing to never give up, forever?" 」 "I do!"

If you've been to a wedding, you've heard it, and that's what's in the wedding vows.

The wedding officiating asks the bride and groom to take an oath to show that they are loyal to their spouses, loyal to the marriage, and willing to be in the same boat with their lovers, and to share hardships and hardships for a lifetime.

When the husband is in distress, the wife leaves fiercely, and when she succeeds, the wife kneels and begs for a reunion, husband: You can't climb high

However, the changes in real life are uncertain; the feelings between husband and wife, as time goes on, as poverty and wealth evolve, can lead to parting ways and one side ruthlessly abandoning the other. A lot of people can't do that.

Recently, a netizen released a video that told such a true story:

When a woman is in debt and desperate because of an accident, she is not working with her husband to tide over the difficulties, not to solve her husband's worries and problems, but to leave him resolutely.

After 3 years, when her husband turned over and made a comeback, he hurried back to her husband's side, knelt down and begged for forgiveness, begging him to forgive her and forgive her, and wanted to renew the frontier with her husband and reconcile as before.

If you were a husband, when you were in trouble, when you were in a desperate situation, when you met such an ungrateful, unpaid, and difficult wife who abandoned you, what would you think and do?

When the husband is in distress, the wife leaves fiercely, and when she succeeds, the wife kneels and begs for a reunion, husband: You can't climb high

The man took full responsibility for a car accident 3 years ago and needed to pay hundreds of thousands of yuan. Because of the car accident, I also caused a lot of losses, and I couldn't come up with money to pay back the debt for a while.

He knew that his wife had some money on her, and when he found her and hoped that she would give up some of it and help him pay off part of his debts, his wife not only ignored him, but also ran away from him. He paid no attention to his debts and situation, as if they had nothing to do with her.

The man really had no choice but to be cheeky and find some friends in the business field to borrow money. Fortunately, after cobbling it together, the debt owed by the car accident was quickly paid off.

Next, the man has been very grateful to his friends for generously reaching out to him when he was in danger, letting him get through the difficulties, and he has always been grateful in his heart, always thinking that he can pay off his friends' debts as soon as possible.

In the following 3 years, men used pressure as a driving force, could eat any suffering, endured all sins, and tried to run their own businesses.

When the husband is in distress, the wife leaves fiercely, and when she succeeds, the wife kneels and begs for a reunion, husband: You can't climb high

After 3 years, even he did not think that he not only paid off his friend's arrears and purchased several engineering vehicles, but also bought a house, bought a car, and had his own crush.

However, when his wife heard the news of his comeback and re-emergence, she hurried back from the field and asked to reconcile with him.

At this moment, when the man heard this request from his wife, it was as disgusting as eating a fly. At the same time, the qi does not come out of nowhere.

I think that when the husband was very difficult to even eat, when the creditor was forced to pay the debt every day, and the wife who lived under one roof abandoned him and disappeared. Thinking of this, the man felt both great pain and anger. When his wife repeatedly pestered and asked to reunite with him, he flatly refused, without any room for negotiation.

The wife saw that there was really no way, just on the street, in front of the public, "pounced", knelt in front of her husband, wept bitterly, and admitted her mistake to her husband with a handful of snot and tears, indicating that she must repent and be a good wife again.

When the husband is in distress, the wife leaves fiercely, and when she succeeds, the wife kneels and begs for a reunion, husband: You can't climb high

At this time, the wife can't care about her own face, and she can't care about what occasion. She fell to her knees on the ground, and the scene of her incessant crying and pleading made passers-by both surprised and puzzled.

When her husband did not listen to her pleas at all and was ready to leave alone, she hurriedly got up and kept chasing her husband behind her, pulling him and asking for his forgiveness. However, when her husband saw her playing so desperately, he kept dodging and running.

When he saw a car parked on the side of the road, in order to avoid his wife's entanglement, he ran around the car in a circle, and the wife turned around and chased after him. People who don't know the inside story see it and must think that the couple is playing a game!

In the end, no matter how entangled the wife is, no matter how much the wife pleads, the man is not moved. The only purpose is to be able to go through the divorce procedure as soon as possible, to get away from this ruthless and unjust woman, and to start a new life again.

In life, regarding the relationship between husband and wife, there is such a saying: "Husband and wife are originally the same forest bird, and they fly separately when great trouble comes." ”

When the husband is in distress, the wife leaves fiercely, and when she succeeds, the wife kneels and begs for a reunion, husband: You can't climb high

This wife is such a person. You and your husband can only share happiness and suffering; they can only share happiness, not hardships together. When encountering difficulties, when encountering adversity, it is not to leave or abandon, but to go far and fly high; not to share happiness and bitterness, but to pull out legs and run.

As the saying goes: "You don't accompany you at sunset, who are you when you make a comeback?" ”

Just like this woman, when her husband is in distress, she is not helping each other, not accompanying her, but staying away from her husband, hanging out alone, and leaving her relationship with her husband clean. You say, such a person, is still trustworthy? Can you still forgive? Can we still live together?

As the saying goes, "Suffering sees the truth, and money sees the hearts of the people." ”

Husband and wife, friends, brothers and sisters, when a man approaches you because you have money, or when he is far away from you because you are poor. At this time, you can see the quality and face of a person, and you can choose how to deal with the relationship between each other. #社会万象 #

The man rejected his wife's request to reconcile, do you think he did it right?

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