
How to get girls to take the initiative to chat with you? Learning to mobilize emotions is key

Chat with girls, if you are always in a passive state, you are always active in her chat, and she never takes the initiative to find you, then your relationship is difficult to have further development, so if you want to catch up with a girl, you need to learn to let girls take the initiative, then how to let girls take the initiative to chat with you?

How to get girls to take the initiative to chat with you? Learning to mobilize emotions is key

Many boys in the process of chatting with girls, are easy to ignore the emotions of girls, in short, the focus of the chat on the topic, the mind spent on how to find the topic is not cold on the issue, and then has been looking for a topic, to provide a topic, although such a chat is not cold, but such a chat will also make girls feel bored, so it is difficult to make them take the initiative. So how to mobilize the girl's emotions in the chat, so that she will take the initiative to chat with you?

How to get girls to take the initiative to chat with you? Learning to mobilize emotions is key

1. Communication with girls' emotions in chat

You know, in the process of chatting, most of the words are their own emotions at that time, which is basically illogical thinking divergence. Therefore, it does not matter whether the content of their chat is accurate and logical. We just have to talk based on her emotions. Like what:

M: Or go out with Fa Xiao to play open

F: Yes, childhood friendship is the most worth cherishing

M: Feelings are worth cherishing, when there is time, please eat and cherish it

F: Haha, then I have to arrange the schedule

M: I heard that this kind of prevarication has not been used since then

F: No

According to the mood of the girl's reply, grasp the key word "cherish", interact with the girl in a relaxed state, and invite the girl.

Of course, there is also a point to note here, that is, there is no purpose in communicating emotions, so we do not need to complete the invitation upgrade at this time. At this time, what is important is the atmosphere of the chat now, when two people interact smoothly and have a good feeling for each other, dating upgrade is a natural thing.

How to get girls to take the initiative to chat with you? Learning to mobilize emotions is key

2. Stimulate the emotions of girls

We are not afraid of a woman with emotions, but of a woman who is calm and polite.

After all, girls are emotional animals, and the occasional flirtation and tantrum in their chats are actually all concerned. If the more of them have such emotions in the chat, it proves that she has a good feeling for you.

Therefore, if you want girls to take the initiative to chat with you, you need to learn to stimulate girls' emotions, when expectations are greater than reality, you can stimulate girls' emotions very well, and the sense of expectation is the expectations and expectations of girls for your interaction

Expectations: The girl's expectations and expectations for your interactions

Reality: The reality of your interactions

When a girl's expectations and reality of interaction with you are different, it can stimulate her emotions.

Like what:

When chatting, you deliberately tease the girls, make a joke, giggle, and then say that the way you laugh is really cute, and then reverse to the same as the piglet.

Such interactions will definitely exceed the girl's expectations, more interesting than following the rules to chat about some daily topics, impressing her, and effectively stimulating emotions.

And the gradual accumulation of such emotional fluctuations is the gradual accumulation of the girl's liking for you.

A few psychological skills for falling in love with girls Have you mastered?

Love can make two strangers incredibly close, and it will also make two intimate people no longer contact each other. It is said that the girl's heart boy you don't guess, guess and guess do not know what the girl is thinking in the end, in fact, as long as you understand the little psychology of the girl in love, the girl's occasional unreasonable teasing may just be a spoiled child, at this time, you only need to give inclusive care, you can make the feelings sweeter, the lover more intimate.

First, like sweet words to be spoiled by others

When women are in love, they often want their boyfriends to have intimate language and gentle demeanor. For example, at night, kissing goodbye at the door of the house, inadvertently stealing kisses, always holding her hand... These intimate actions will make her feel that you care about her very much and love her very much.

They also like to hear sweet words like "honey" and "I love you" from their boyfriends. However, most men have a hard time understanding this, because, in general, this kind of language is not easy for them to blurt out. After being heard by friends, they may also be ridiculed, so most boys may not be able to accept such sweet spoiling as girls.

Second, uncontrollable jealousy

Women are very sensitive to the people or things around them, especially in love, the more she cares about this man, the more she dates jealousy, nervous about any woman around the man, every activity of the nervous man, if you encounter your own man and the admirable friends of the opposite sex "close contact", it is easy to be jealous. She will constantly compare herself with others, and her mind will always worry that her value will not be recognized by the other party, so she will be jealous, and sometimes she will not be able to be liberated.

How to get girls to take the initiative to chat with you? Learning to mobilize emotions is key

Third, like to experience the feeling of being cared for

Women in love like to exaggerate to their boyfriends, such as a little bleeding gums, saying that toothache is too much to eat; A slight runny nose will say that a heavy cold and fever cannot get out of bed; Work finally encounters small problems that may affect appetite and skip meals... Girls "exaggerate" the pain of the disease, hoping to get the boyfriend's very distressed expression, no doubt in order to get the boyfriend's care and nervousness, girls see this kind of tension of others, especially the beloved man, for their own, will be infinite vanity.

Fourth, duplicity is not acknowledged

Women's methods of expressing their desires in the process of love are generally more subtle and euphemistic, and sometimes reversed. When she says "no", her heart is often "good and willing". For example, two people shopping, the girl stayed in front of a window for a long time, the eyes have been locked in luxury goods, this is, the boy asked: Do you like it? Buy it for you! The girl's answer is definitely: no! So expensive and not practical... But when a boy secretly buys it for a girl, she must be blaming you for wasting it while smiling and smiling. This strange psychology of women is actually a self-protection strategy, of course, sometimes it is also the expression of women's true hearts.

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