
There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

The hit "Heart Residence" has once again caused a wave of discussion, especially several women in the play.

As the saying goes, "three women and one play", what about 5 women + a bunch of old ladies? This drama can be even more "brilliant".

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Today, I will talk to you about the five types of women in "Heart Residence", each of whom has a "hard wound" on her body, but she is the one who is among all sentient beings.

1. Feng Xiaoqin: The most calculating

At the beginning of "Heart Residence", the difference between the two heroines is highlighted:

When "foreign daughter-in-law" Feng Xiaoqin opened her eyes in the morning, she was busy like a gyroscope;

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

And her elite "sister-in-law" Gu Qingyu, who has superior conditions, leisurely does yoga at home, waiting for the nanny to cook a meal and then come to the table.

Indeed, this scene appearing on the screen will make many female friends like "Feng Xiaoqin" empathize for a second, after all, there are many sentient beings in this world, Gu Qingyu is too few, and Feng Xiaoqin is everywhere.

But compared to thousands of housewives, Feng Xiaoqin has her biggest problem: too calculating and particularly lazy.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Speaking of the reason for Feng Xiaoqin's calculation, everyone may understand in seconds:

In the early days, she was indeed very vulgar, and she did not have the ability to pin the expectations of life on her relatives.

She "instigated" her husband to constantly turn to the rich aunt to borrow money to buy a house, and in order to please others, she did not hesitate to lower her breath, and sewed a fake trademark on the hand-knitted bib neck given to others.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her
There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her
There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Then why is it said that Feng Xiaoqin, who is busy taking care of the family's three meals a day, is lazy?

Because she always pins the idea of changing the status quo of her life on others, she expects her eldest sister Gu Qingyu to borrow her own 1 million yuan to buy a house; she also hopes that her husband Gu Lei can go to the accounting certificate that can be promoted.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

But helplessly: Gu Qingyu refused to lend her money, after all, she only had 30,000 yuan of savings in her hands, and she had no ability to repay the money;

On the other hand, her husband Gu Lei is so "nested", not only does not seek progress, but also uses the class time to play games, watch movies, and even walk can break his fingers.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

This is the background of Feng Xiaoqin's gray life, and it is also the result of her own lack of self-improvement, including a quarrel in the future, which caused her husband Gu Lei to inexplicably receive a box lunch, which has Feng Xiaoqin's reasons.

There is no doubt that Feng Xiaoqin is not wrong, after all, she expects to change her life status through her in-laws, and even change the lives of her parents, younger siblings, which is forgivable.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her
There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

But after reading Feng Xiaoqin's story and ending, you will find that the old saying is still correct: "It is better to ask for others than to seek oneself" - this is not only reflected in her, but also the feelings of her sister Feng Xixi should be deeper.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

2. Gu Qingyu: The most selfish

Gu Qingyu's selfishness is not only reflected in the fact that she does not lend Feng Xiaoqin money, but also in many aspects.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Although Gu Qingyu and his younger brother Gu Lei are twins, it seems that they really "took" away his brother's good fortune:

She is capable and courageous, beautiful temperament, especially her career is quite successful, in the company's high position, a single can earn 1.8 million, is the eyes of many people "elite women".

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

There is no doubt that Gu Qingyu also automatically substituted his own excellence into family life:

She is keen to mix marriages between her brother and sister-in-law, and her favorite thing to do is to help her brother "analyze" his daughter-in-law.

It is precisely because of this that Gu Lei and Feng Xiaoqin quarreled, causing Gu Lei to fall down the stairs and scream for his life.

Some people said that there was nothing wrong with Gu Qingyu not lending Feng Xiaoqin money.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Indeed, as a great sister, she is indeed not obliged to take her own money to supplement her brother's family, but her mistake is to blindly speculate on the intentions of her sister-in-law, and also show these expressions.

In fact, behind this is the so-called "elite" desire to seek profit and avoid harm: she stands on the commanding heights of morality, and she is always defensive and scrutinized for Feng Xiaoqin from other places.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Gu Qingyu did not believe at all that Feng Xiaoqin bought the house for the purpose of living a good life, but always thought that she was calculating her brother - this is one of the selfishness.

In addition, Gu Qingyu's selfishness is also vividly reflected in her handling of love.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her
There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

She knew Zhan Xiang's intentions for herself, although the words vaguely revealed that "we are not suitable", but she accepted all the care of the other party with peace of mind.

She can calmly go on morning runs with "bright lovers", go on dates and eat together, and plan to go to concerts...

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her
There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Just imagine, if Gu Qingyu's crush Shi Yuan did not appear, she would continue to "hang" Zhan Xiang until she was too old and naturally entered into marriage.

From her initiative to pursue Shi Yuan, it can also be seen that Gu Qingyu's selfishness:

Is she really a source of love? Or do you want to help the girl who was obsessed with him in his youth realize her dreams?

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Sure enough, the two did not persist until the end after they were together: what white moonlight and unforgettable, but it is just a condiment for this "dog blood" life.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her
There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

3. Feng Xixi: The saddest

As mentioned above, feng Xiaoqin's situation is more similar, that is, her sister Feng Xixi.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Feng Xixi comes from a small city, has no education, no background, and the only thing to rely on is the capital of youth and appearance.

She came to her sister, lived in her sister's in-laws' house, and even used to be used as a nanny by the other party's relatives.

It can be said that Feng Xixi, in a sense, is more sad than her sister.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

If even a woman like Feng Xiaoqin, who has been married to the Gu family for 8 years, seems to be helpless because she does not have a house, then isn't Feng Xixi more like a duckweed?

Moreover, when she saw the superiority of her sister-in-law Gu Qingyu, she inevitably had a wave of expectation in her heart that she would one day become an elite person in the office building and live a life of buying a house and no longer relying on borrowing.

But Feng Xixi and Gu Qingyu are of course different, whether it is background, education, family lineage, or even conversation...

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Under such a gap, Feng Xixi finally hit her idea on a man who is "rich and capable", which is normal.

And Gu Xin is such a man - although he has no ability himself, he has a job in the system and a certain network.

In order to be able to rush to the performance and stay in the bank, Feng Xiqian finally did Gu Xin's "little three", and it was still three when the three were known.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

However, in the ending, Feng Xixi still did not ascend to the sky one step at a time, because Gu Xin was involved in the whirlpool of non-performing loans, and the relationship between the two was discovered by his wife Ge Yue, so in the end, she carried the bag back to her hometown after doing "Nanke A Dream".

So does Feng Xixi have other options to stay in Shanghai? Of course.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Maybe she will continue to do odd jobs on the ground, although the day will be more difficult and the time will be longer, but she will never be "killed by a stick", and there is no possibility of staying in Shanghai.

4. Ge Yue: The weakest

In addition to the above, Gu Xin's wife Ge Yue also represents the situation of a type of woman.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

She is the daughter of the director of the Land Bureau of the New District, although she does not have big legs and heavy makeup, but she is cute and simple, and it is not difficult to find a good family.

However, Ge Yue was planted in Gu Xin's "Gentle Township" and couldn't call it out.

Before Ge Yue, Gu Xin had a girlfriend, his classmate Sun Qi, famous for his "big beauty", but what is the use? She has no money, no power and no background, and does not meet Gu Xin's criteria for choosing a wife.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

When he met Ge Yue, Gu Xin immediately dumped Sun Qi and easily captured the other party by relying on his own good skin bag, even if he was not welcomed by his mother-in-law.

However, Gu Xin also has a "magic weapon": Ge Yue obeys him.

Don't look at Ge Yue as a "high-ranking cadre child", but there is no shelf on his body, and the "silly white sweet" in his personality also provides Gu Xin with the conditions to climb up.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

The two naturally entered into marriage, although the Gu family also paid half of the down payment of the house, but it will still give people a feeling of Ge Yue's "upside down".

And this is not the end, after marriage, Gu Xin did not stop becoming "scum" because of his wife's goodness, but during her pregnancy, she still "made love" with "Little Three" Feng Xixi in public and made love.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her
There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Ge Yue, who broke through all this, did not say a word, and blindly accommodated.

Until her father was demoted and the family fell, her position in her husband's heart also showed a "cliff-like" decline, and she was still obsessed, and even helped Gu Xin when he was in distress.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

In the final analysis, the source of all this is that Ge Yue has been too well protected by her family since she was a child, not knowing that the world is dangerous and people's hearts are sinister, and the weakness in her character has become a "hurdle" that is difficult to pass.

However, it is believed that after the marriage with Gu Xin is over, Ge Yue will usher in his own nirvana rebirth.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

5. Sun Qi: The most boring

Speaking of the marriage between Ge Yue and Gu Xin, in addition to Feng Xiqian, she also wrapped up the man's ex-girlfriend Sun Qi.

Sun Qi's role is not much, but it can be found from the only appearances: she is really boring.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her
There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

As Gu Xin's first love girlfriend, sun Qi, who is "big pretty white", was dumped, which can indeed not only show Gu Xin's scum, but also explain some times:

When men choose who to marry, the first consideration is really not only appearance.

Sun Qi's first appearance was at Gu Xin's wedding, and although she did not shout, she also dragged her ex to the bathroom to "ask for advice".

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

Later, because he was seen by Ge Yue's family, secretly recorded a video, and was threatened, Sun Qi broke out, and in order to get revenge, he even wanted to frame Gu Xinyu's cousin Gu Qingyu.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

In fact, the plot developed here, it can be seen that Sun Qi is indeed grumpy about what Gu Xin has done, but it will not help to make trouble, after all, Gu Xin has become Ge Yue's husband.

There are five types of women in "Heart Residence": Feng Xiaoqin is calculating, Gu Qingyu is selfish, but the saddest thing is her

As for Sun Qi, who has wrongly paid for 10 years of youth, in fact, he should be glad that the other party did not marry himself, otherwise the woman who will be hurt by continuous cheating in the future is Sun Qi himself.

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