
Kindergarten Kids – How can I use critical periods to promote language development?

Language is the earliest cognitive achievement in early childhood. 2-year-olds can only use short telegram sentences, while 6-year-olds can understand and discuss almost everything. Early childhood is a critical period with language learning - the only time to master the mother tongue, and the key period to learn a second or third language, and we will talk about it from three aspects:

(1) Self-assessment form for children's language development

(2) The critical period of children's language in the kindergarten stage

(3) How to cultivate children's language during the critical period

Kindergarten Kids – How can I use critical periods to promote language development?

First, adults with children can look at their children's language development according to the form

Kindergarten Kids – How can I use critical periods to promote language development?

Second, the critical period of children's language development in kindergarten:

(1) Expand vocabulary

(2) Precise understanding

(3) Deep understanding

(4) Social communication

(5) Grammatical logic

Kindergarten Kids – How can I use critical periods to promote language development?

Third, how to grasp the critical period to promote language development, can be cultivated from three aspects:

Chat often - create stories - deliberately follow along

(1) How to chat often: there should be a planned, scientific, designed chat (in the process of chatting with children, there must be a plan to organize children to follow the adults to do, remember not to chat just for the sake of chatting)

(2) Create a story: set the protagonist, life content, development problems (when creating a story, you can choose what happens in your life, which can help children express more)

(3) How to deliberately follow reading: choose a picture book, adults read a sentence, children read a sentence, in the process of reading, adults according to the child's reading effect to make appropriate sentence breaks, so that children can also learn some complex sentences in the process of reading

Kindergarten Kids – How can I use critical periods to promote language development?

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