
How to do a good job of young articulation? The following points are key, especially the last one!

How to do a good job of young articulation? The following points are key, especially the last one!

How to do a good job of young articulation? The following points are key, especially the last one!

1. Literacy is important!

If the child's literacy level does not go up, the final exam will not read the questions, and the exam will inevitably suffer losses. Although the first- and second-grade invigilators can now read the questions, the correct rate of children listening to the questions is much lower than the correct rate of their own repeated reading of the questions to understand the meaning of the questions! And usually reading in class will also seem to be difficult, can not keep up with the progress of other students!

2. Phonics is important!

Pinyin is the basis for learning Chinese characters, is to help literacy, orthography tools, the first major obstacle to learning Pinyin is Phonics, if the Phonics is not good, it will cause difficulties to further literacy!

3. The most important thing I think is to learn to listen to lectures!

Primary schools have high requirements for classroom discipline, so parents should help change the habit of loose and free in kindergartens and teach children to learn to listen, otherwise even smart children will stop moving!

How to do a good job of young articulation? The following points are key, especially the last one!

How can we help our children as parents?

1. Help your child become literate

We can teach children to recognize any word they encounter in life. For example, the name of the supermarket at the door, the name of the restaurant downstairs, the Chinese characters on the food packaging, the bank passing by, waiting for the train at the station, etc., we have too much time to teach children to recognize words. The key is for parents to stick to it!

I will also buy some literacy cards for my children, one side is a word, the other side is a drawing, to help children better literacy! The child's age stage has a great sense of specific drawing, so drawing-assisted literacy is as fun as a little game for children! From now on, insist on knowing three or four words a day, and by September, children's literacy will definitely not be a problem.

2. Use children's songs to memorize pinyin

In the previous article, I shared the vowel nursery rhyme, so that the nursery rhyme contains the pronunciation of the vowel, which can effectively help the child remember the vowel, and will continue to share the rhyme mother's song and the overall recognition of the syllable nursery rhyme for everyone in the future!

3. Train your child's attention.

Five- and six-year-olds generally have a attention span of 10-15 minutes, and parents can ask their children to draw a picture and see how long the child is engrossed. You can also play more "I say you listen" games, that is, you say a word and let the child repeat it. This can effectively exercise your child's ability to listen!

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