
Four "subtractions" and four "increases" in the design of sports games for young children

"Several Opinions on Further Strengthening School Physical Education Work" put forward: Physical exercise is an effective way to improve the health quality of students, and has an irreplaceable role in the formation of young people's ideological character, intellectual development, aesthetic literacy and healthy lifestyle. Strengthening school sports and enhancing students' physical fitness are of great strategic significance for improving students' comprehensive quality, realizing the modernization of education, building a strong country in human resources, and cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intellect, body, and beauty.

Four "subtractions" and four "increases" in the design of sports games for young children

The basic motor development of children aged 3-6 years depends on sports. Exercise allows children to have a healthy physique and promote their brain development. Therefore, the health education of young children plays an important role in early childhood education. Mr. Chen Heqin, a well-known children's educator in the mainland, believes that "play is the life of children." Children's sports games are not only an important part of children's physical activities, but also an important organizational form of children's physical activities.

Children's sports games are generally composed of roles, plots, gameplay and rules, it is to practice one or more kinds of body movements (such as running, jumping, drilling, throwing, etc.), the development of related physical qualities as the main goal, through multiple game processes, children's body movements are practiced, and the related physical functions and physical qualities are also exercised and improved. At the same time, it is rich and interesting in content, lively and diverse in form, easy to stimulate children's interest and desire to actively participate in sports activities, and has great attraction for young children. However, teachers will also have some problems when designing children's sports games, such as: too much mechanical practice or passive waiting time is too long, resulting in insufficient fun, children's participation is reduced; or excessive pursuit of fun, resulting in exercise intensity, sports density is not enough, sports effectiveness is reduced; in or the game material is not deeply excavated, less creative use, the comprehensiveness of sports education is not enough, and so on. Therefore, when designing sports games, teachers should do a good job of "addition and subtraction" to consider four key points, which can achieve the effect of doubling the results with half the effort:

"Subtract" blindly, "increase" educationality

Admittedly, the main way young children learn in the preschool stage is through play. However, it is not uncommon to be played and played for the sake of games. Teachers often equate young children's sports with child development, and the sports game design goals are not clear, thus "blind" play. Children's sports is the education of physical exercises as a means, both to reflect fitness, but also to reflect education, education in sports activities, is an important concept that must be considered when designing sports games. Educationality consists of two parts: learning exercise and exercise learning.

Four "subtractions" and four "increases" in the design of sports games for young children

Among them, learning exercise also includes posture, physical fitness and sports safety. Teachers should pay attention to the posture of young children and help them form the correct posture. For example, in the game of "body play and play", young children practice a variety of abilities such as jumping, continuous jumping of both feet, creeping and climbing in the game, and improve the strength and endurance of children's physical fitness in the directional goal. For example, in the game of practicing throwing, young children often have the wrong angle of the shot, the shot will be too early to have a height without distance, and the late shot will cause the throw to land directly. Teachers can design throwing games for this problem, such as hanging plastic circles in the air, and children should throw throw objects before touching the circle to correct the child's throwing posture. Carry out the game of "dodging fireballs", explore the methods of rolling balls and dodging balls, and improve children's ability to dodge quickly. It can also be combined with the content of the game to educate young children on safety, focusing on cultivating children's self-protection ability in the game. For example, check the dress code with the toddler before the game, wear sneakers and appropriate clothing, and do not have hard objects in the pockets.

Exercise learning refers to the fact that young children get a good education and influence in many aspects of sports games. Teachers should regard children's physical activity as a means and process of comprehensive education for young children, support the acquisition of children's experience and knowledge in other fields, and strive to make children exercise their bodies in the process of physical activity, but also increase their knowledge and talents. For example: the traditional sports game "Lotus Lotus When to Bloom", young children develop language expression ability and understand the time when the lotus blossoms bloom through rap nursery rhymes, through the adaptation of children's songs, such as roses and roses, let young children understand that roses bloom in April, cultivating children's cognitive ability; in the game of "body play and play", through the exploration of the body, to achieve the purpose of exercise, experience the joy of cooperation; in the "I am a little athlete" game, through the cycle of numbers, let the children find the arrangement of numbers, And try to create new permutations. Therefore, before designing the game, we must consider the educational significance of the game.

Four "subtractions" and four "increases" in the design of sports games for young children

"Minus" is boring, "increases" is interesting

Children's sports games are not mechanical training, but to improve children's interest in physical exercise, so that children can master a variety of basic movement skills and skills in the game, so as to achieve the purpose of comprehensively developing children's body and mind and promoting the development of children's physical health. When playing a game about leg strength, the first thing that comes to mind is running. But simple running is not fun, and young children often do not run as hard as they can. Even if you play in small groups, you will have less interest in the game because the wait time is too long. Croissant is one of toddlers' favorite toys, and it exercises toddlers' leg strength and balance. We can set up a scenario to use a croissant to carry out the game of "dragon ball picking": the toddler has a hornball per person, surrounded by a large circle, and the center of the circle is placed "dragon ball" (sandbag). Toddlers ride on "dragon boat" croissants and grab the horns. Follow the password to start, jump to the "treasure place" to collect 1 "Dragon Ball", and immediately jump back to the original position and put it in the "home"; after familiarity, you can compare who picks more "Dragon Balls". This game can be participated in by all young children at the same time, avoiding the need to reduce interest in the game because of waiting. Through the way of competition, the children's sense of competition was fully mobilized. During the game, the toddler will show a state of excitement due to the tense atmosphere of the game, pay attention to the game, and will be happy and proud of the success of the "Dragon Ball". It not only allows young children to feel the joy of sports games in interesting game activities, but also gradually cultivates children's interest in physical exercise.

Four "subtractions" and four "increases" in the design of sports games for young children

"Subtract" and raise, "increase" feasibility

In the design of children's sports games to consider the feasibility principles, such as children's songs are catchy, easy to understand, usually used by teachers as a good way to teach the rules of the game, how to play, but if singing nursery rhymes affects the actual movement of young children, it is necessary to consider whether it is appropriate to join children's songs. When designing sports game activities, the principle of step-by-step and according to ability should also be observed. The action requirements, the degree of difficulty, the size of the body load, etc., must not only meet the characteristics of the child's age, actual physical fitness, and movement level, but also start from the reality, so that every child in the class can be developed and improved on the basis of the original. For example, when designing games about balls, taking throwing and catching balls as an example, the action requirements of kindergarten children are to throw and catch balls with both hands, and games such as "throwing balls into the box" can be designed; the action requirements of middle class children are to throw balls with both hands, and games such as "bouncing and catching balls" or "you throw me to catch" can be designed; the action requirements of kindergarten children are one-handed throwing and catching balls, and games such as "small balls catching big balls" can be designed. In addition, teachers should also take into account the impact of the environment on the game, seize the opportunity, seize the season, and create conditions to improve the adaptability of the child's body to changes in the natural environment. For example, on snow and ice days, children can be organized to snowball, snowball fights, foot stamps and other games; qualified kindergartens can organize children to skate or ski. On rainy days, young children can be organized to play outdoor wading with umbrellas or raincoats. On a sunny day, you can organize games such as "I am friends with shadow". Therefore, when designing children's sports games, teachers should organically combine the actual situation of the local area and the kindergarten with the actual level of the children.

Four "subtractions" and four "increases" in the design of sports games for young children

"Subtract" is a rule, "increase" is changeable

Rules are not set in stone, and the game itself is a variable, imaginative activity. For example, the ancient "Keju game" evolved into the football sport that is popular in the world today. Through adaptation or creation, inappropriate games are transformed into game content that stimulates children's initiative and creativity. At the same time, for existing games, teachers can extend or adapt the gameplay to revitalize the game.

Four "subtractions" and four "increases" in the design of sports games for young children

The traditional way of playing in the sports game "Rat Cage" is to have most toddlers hold hands in a large circle as a rat cage, and the rest of the toddlers play mice. Exercise the skill of drilling in young children in rats snatching grain (sandbags) from cages. Although teachers can let young children take turns to play "mice", children who pull circles outside will still have the problem of waiting for too long to play. Therefore, we can create gameplay based on the original game content:

Variant 1: Let the "rat cage" move, you can turn clockwise, and the little mice must quickly drill back and forth in the rat cage to "steal food" when saying nursery rhymes. The adapted game is more engaging for the "rat cage" than the original game, and for the "mouse cage", the difficulty has also increased, thus challenging the sensitivity and coordination of the young child's body.

Variant 2: Most young children hold hands in a large circle as a rat cage, and the rest of the toddlers freely play rats in groups, and each group of rats has a fixed "rat nest". The teacher stands in the circle with a soft stick in his hand. At the beginning of the game, the toddlers who pull the circle outside the circle say nursery rhymes, while the little mice in the circle quickly drill back and forth in the rat cage to steal food. The teacher will hold a soft stick to stop it, and when the soft stick hits the mouse, the little mouse will put the grain in his hand and leave the circle empty-handed, and then wait for the next opportunity. Mice that are not hit by a soft rod are quickly transported home. At the end of the game, you get more food than the group. This adaptation increases the interaction between teachers and children, and cultivates the ability of young children to dodge. At the same time, it is more important to emphasize the rules awareness of young children, and the rats that are hit must be empty-handed.

Four "subtractions" and four "increases" in the design of sports games for young children

In short, scientific design is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of activities. Only by grasping the four key points of education, fun, feasibility and variability can we design scientific and effective sports games. Teachers should organize scientifically and pay attention to all aspects in order to better play the actual functions of children's sports games in enhancing children's physique, enhancing their self-confidence and sense of efficacy, and promoting children's health.

The article was written by Li Jiaqi of Zhangzhen Center Kindergarten in Shunyi District, Beijing, and guided by Qi Jing of Preschool Training Room of Shunyi District, Beijing, Gu Changwei of Capital Normal University, and Xu Xiyao of Zhangzhen Center Kindergarten of Shunyi District, Beijing, which is a phased result of "Research on the Theory and Practice of Kindergarten Exercise Curriculum under the Perspective of "Guide".

Four "subtractions" and four "increases" in the design of sports games for young children

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