
A person who has suffered a lot will carry these 3 personality traits

A person who has suffered a lot will carry these 3 personality traits

Wen | West Window

Communicate with you with words, convey emotional life, pay attention to me, and grow together.

In a lifetime, what kind of road people will take and what kind of things they will experience, in fact, there is a fixed number in the dark.

Just as the so-called "disaster cannot be avoided", there is always a stage in life, as if no matter how hard you try, something will go wrong. Career failures, financial constraints, and marital problems, these things are piled up and can really make people unable to find their way.

Life goes to the end of the mountains and rivers, you will find that there are very few people who can help you, and all the suffering and tiredness can only be carried hard by yourself.

At that point, you will find that you are neither qualified to be arrogant nor able to escape, and when life forces you, you can't be negative, you have to think of various ways to get through it.

Looking at people's faces, looking for people to borrow money, being ridiculed, being ostracized by people, these things you have experienced, naturally you will have your own feelings in your heart.

A person who has suffered a lot will carry these 3 personality traits

The most bitter and difficult years, but also the years when you can't lift your head, now you have survived, but your personality has also completely changed.

In the past, you lived a naïve and spontaneous life, pouring out your heart and lungs for everyone, and also trusting your relatives and friends.

Later, after a tired cry, helpless, struggling, you start to become less "outgoing". You no longer like to deal with people, nor do you like to win relationships, you know that people can only rely on themselves in their lives, so you are more willing to be alone and make money.

A person, who has suffered a lot, will have these 3 personality traits: not talkative, not very social, and trying to save money.

Look down on everything that has nothing to do with yourself, deal with everything you have to go through with a strong heart, and strive to make yourself live a life, and the rest doesn't matter.

A person who has suffered a lot will carry these 3 personality traits


I don't like to talk, and I don't need others to know more about myself

Man, when you really go down the lows, you will find that there will always be more people who look at your jokes than people who understand you.

When your career is not going well, you are in a mess all the time, and as a result, the people around you are either sarcastic and sarcastic to your face, or they laugh at you and expose your shortcomings behind your back.

You have a problem in your marriage, no one will take your position and imagine your situation, people will only blame you for not being good enough, saying that you deserve to end up where you are now.

In the past, you may still expect to be supported and helped, but after experiencing these things, you will understand that some people do not understand you, but they have bad hearts and like to do things that fall into the well.

You explain yourself to them again, they can also pick out your faults, your poverty, your downfall is the biggest fault, they will not sympathize with you, let alone speak for you.

Being criticized and ostracized by others will make you miserable, but then you will want to look down on it.

Whether others recognize you or not, in fact, it does not matter at all, they will only evaluate you, but they will not be responsible for your life.

You are the master of your own life, you know yourself, it doesn't matter what others say about you, you just have to go your own way.

A person who has suffered a lot will carry these 3 personality traits


Not very gregarious and doesn't like to get too close to others

People who have suffered greatly will become incompatible with the people around them.

Reason one: the poor and destitute life in the past made you inferior, you did not have the courage to integrate into other people's circles, and when you were with others, you could not interject at all, and you could not learn to show off;

Reason two: You have survived many difficult moments alone, and those days have gradually learned to be independent, and now you can face any kind of encounter in life, and you no longer need someone to stand behind you and support you.

Based on these two points, you will find yourself becoming more and more unsociable and a little reluctant to deal with others.

People complain to you about his life, you can say that you have no interest at all, you even feel that it is a waste of your time.

The stories and experiences that happened to you, you don't want to tell others, these years of ups and downs, you have long been accustomed to bearing everything alone.

Now you are a little difficult to approach, and let others not understand, this is probably the change brought to you by suffering, so that you are not willing to easily contact others, especially people you do not understand.

A person who has suffered a lot will carry these 3 personality traits


Work hard to save money, and only when you have money in your pocket will you feel at ease

There is a lot of suffering in life, which is actually linked to money.

There are many difficult obstacles to overcome, not because of how big the things you encountered, but because you couldn't come up with money and couldn't solve them at that time.

In the middle-aged world, no money means humility, looking at people's faces everywhere to find someone to borrow money, counting on others to pity themselves, and afterwards they will feel cold when they think of their own appearance.

After suffering from no money, you will understand that people must not be extravagant when they have money, don't invite this fox friend to dinner today, and receive so-called relatives and friends tomorrow, so that no matter how much money you have, you will be ruined.

When there is no money in the pocket, food and clothing are all problems, and when you live to that point, you will look down on yourself.

Later, you, once you seized the opportunity, worked hard to earn money, and you knew that people had no money and could not move, so they gradually changed the bad habit of being extravagant.

Eat and dress, try to pick up cheap, you want to save every money you earn, and you will be at ease with the money in your pocket.

There are deposits, only dare to imagine that after, can you really care about your family, you learned to cut the door, which is actually a good thing.

A person who has suffered a lot will carry these 3 personality traits

There has never been a life in this world without hardship, and only by relying on a strong self can we slowly get out of the trough.

People who have suffered a lot have experienced more heartache and hardship than ordinary people, a person struggles out of the mud, and people become stronger and more vicissitudes.

This road is turbulent and displaced, and at the end of the day, it is lonely, perhaps deserted, but it has long been used to.


Author: West Window, a post-90s girl who loves to write, if you like my article, welcome to interact with me in the comment area.

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