
Sudden fire at home, man single-faced fire to protect his girlfriend, why are netizens pessimistic?

A recent incident occurred, on March 13, in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, while people were still asleep, a fire broke the silence of the night.

Because the place where the fire broke out was on the third floor, and the fire came too suddenly and the fire was so large, the couple did not escape immediately, and finally the couple could only hide on the balcony.

In order not to let his wife be burned, the husband let his wife stand outside the balcony, and he himself stood inside the balcony, carrying the fire on his back and clutching his wife with his hands.

Sudden fire at home, man single-faced fire to protect his girlfriend, why are netizens pessimistic?

One might say, why not let both people climb out of the balcony?

It is true that two people seem to be able to stand up, but inside is the big fire hand grasping the balcony may be burned, and standing on the outside wall of such a narrow balcony, standing for a long time may be dizzy, must be supported by hand, but the fire may be baked may let go and then lead to a fall.

It can be said that the man chose to face the fire himself, which is the best protection for his wife, the inside is a raging fire, the weather outside is still a little cold, and the man also put on a dress for his wife.

A very beautiful thing, many people shout every day where the beautiful love is, this person who would rather be burned by fire himself, but also to protect his wife tightly, is not it the unswerving love until death?

They stand at the highest point of love, looking down on this innocent calamity on earth.

It is said that after being rescued, my wife has been saying to save my husband first, saying that there is no love in this era of fast everything, isn't it very good?

However, turning over the comment area, there are actually 70% or 80% of netizens who hold a pessimistic attitude, which is supposed to be the case, but why should everyone worry?

Sudden fire at home, man single-faced fire to protect his girlfriend, why are netizens pessimistic?

I thought that seeing similar negative comments, such as the expensive girl and her husband married in the countryside, many people said that the girl would have a very bad life in the future, which is simply a bad life for herself, and then think of others as such.

But this time I saw so many pessimistic comments, and even many netizens said that this woman will dump the man in the future, because the other party is a drag.

It is hard to imagine that the first reaction of a large number of people to see this matter is not to be moved, but to worry about this man being abandoned, is it rare that they can't see others well?

I think not, so why are netizens so pessimistic?

In fact, it is very simple, because some things have happened that netizens dare not have any good expectations in the future, and the so-called greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Sudden fire at home, man single-faced fire to protect his girlfriend, why are netizens pessimistic?

For example, the little brother who ran a takeaway to send his girlfriend to college, and finally the girlfriend actually hated that the little brother was not worthy of himself, and he could not afford to buy a house and give himself the life he wanted.

There was also a girl who went online to ask questions, my boyfriend offered me college, and now I feel like two people are not one world people, can I break up?

It's like Qin Xianglian offering Chen Shimei a meritorious name, and then Chen Shimei asks everyone, can I not want Qin Xianglian? It is true that two people are no longer people of the same world, but can not have today's achievements are not all because of each other's sacrifices?

There was also the boy who borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars to treat his girlfriend's illness, and as a result, the girlfriend kicked him away when he was well, and the boy directly had mental problems.

There was also the man who had a car accident on the highway and the man who desperately shouted to save my daughter-in-law in front of the camera, and was also kicked away later.

Looking at the way Lee Sentinel looks now, many people may already have the answer in their hearts.

Sudden fire at home, man single-faced fire to protect his girlfriend, why are netizens pessimistic?

Too many disappointments make people dare not hope for love anymore, and even begin to doubt that love itself is not love is simply an illusory lie.

Instead of holding out so much hope, lower our expectations a little, prepare for the worst, and maybe life will surprise us.

Some people may say that you are moral kidnapping, love has nothing to do with material, not to love is not to love, can not be because the other party has been good to themselves, you have to bend the truth.

To tell the truth, the people who say this are white-eyed wolves, who will never understand what true love is for the rest of their lives, and they only like others to be nice to him.

Sudden fire at home, man single-faced fire to protect his girlfriend, why are netizens pessimistic?

It is precisely because of the many disappointments that people are so pessimistic now, but this is also a good thing, if we believe too much in the good, the reality is scarred.

Just like many people can't see the reality now, 1,000 people cross the canoe bridge, only one person walks over, they all feel that they can pass, never thought about what to do after failure.

But some people also say that believing in the beauty of love is not what it should be?

Yes, it was supposed to be, and people have always done this, but now people's lives are better and their education level is higher, but many people have become exquisite egoists.

What was supposed to be taken for granted has also become the beauty that people dream of, the sacrifice of the dead love, and we all look forward to the beautiful love.

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