
Olive Branch Good Pregnancy Science Popularization: IVF repeated failures, have these factors been checked?

In recent years, the infertility rate in the mainland has risen, the second child has opened, and ivory infant technology has gradually become hot, as the dawn of infertility and the "life-saving straw", IVF technology is under tremendous pressure.

Some patients have done IVF many times, but in the end they all ended in failure, and their confidence was hit, so what are the reasons for the failure of IVF? Today I will take you to understand the common reasons for IVF failure.

First, the stage of sperm retrieval and egg retrieval - egg retrieval is difficult.

Olive Branch Good Pregnancy Science Popularization: IVF repeated failures, have these factors been checked?

The most common problem at this stage is difficulty in egg retrieval, and the main reason for egg retrieval is that the patient's ovaries are not functioning well, do not respond to stimulation of ovulation-stimulating drugs, or respond so poorly that the ovaries cannot produce a sufficient number of mature eggs. Factors that affect a woman's ovarian function are related to differences between individuals in addition to age. In addition, ovarian surgeries such as ovarian cyst removal and ovarian electrocoagulation can seriously damage the ovarian structure and damage the function of the ovaries.

To avoid these surgeries that affect ovarian function as much as possible, it is really necessary to preserve as much ovarian tissue as possible and avoid ovarian resection. For patients with poor ovarian function, they can be treated by choosing a targeted ovulation promotion program to treat eggs scientifically.

Second, the stage of embryogenesis - fertilization failure, can not form a good embryo

Olive Branch Good Pregnancy Science Popularization: IVF repeated failures, have these factors been checked?

When doing IVF, about 20% of patients experience fertilization failure. There are roughly two reasons for fertilization failure: First, sperm cannot enter the egg, which affects the normal union of sperm and egg, resulting in fertilization failure. Second, when the sperm enters the oocyte, the activation of the oocyte fails, resulting in the inability of the fertilized egg to divide. Excellent embryos are an important condition for success, and embryo transfer cannot be completed without fertilization or fertilization without cracking eggs, which also causes the failure of IVF.

Due to the inability to successfully fertilize due to poor sperm quality, sperm can now be directly injected into the cytoplasm of oocytes through single sperm injection (second-generation IVF technology) to achieve the purpose of fertilization, which can reduce the chance of surgical failure caused by the embryogenesis stage.

Third, the embryo transfer stage - the implantation of the implanted embryo fails

Olive Branch Good Pregnancy Science Popularization: IVF repeated failures, have these factors been checked?

1. The ability of the endometrium to accept embryos decreases, such as abnormal uterine structure, thin endometrium, continuous accumulation of water in the uterine cavity, poor quality or insufficient amount of adhesive protein secreted by endometrial cells or too much or too little amount of certain cytokines in the uterine cavity, autoimmune diseases or thrombotic constitutions and habitual abortion, etc., which will affect the success of embryo implantation.

2. The embryo implanted in the uterus is itself defective. If there are abnormalities in the chromosomes of both husband and wife or unilaterally, or the chromosomes are normal and the genes are abnormal, it will affect the development of the embryo, so that the embryo will stop growing at a certain stage; The zona pellucida surrounding the egg thickens and hardens; Poor culture environment in vitro, including poor culture broth, improper temperature, or poor handling techniques, can damage the embryo and cause implantation failure.

4. Other reasons

Olive Branch Good Pregnancy Science Popularization: IVF repeated failures, have these factors been checked?

1. Age factor

There are many factors that affect the success rate of IVF, but the most important factor is the age factor. Women's fertility begins to decline gradually after the age of 35, mainly manifested by a decrease in the number of follicles and poor egg quality, and the decline becomes more pronounced after the age of 40.

Only 3 out of every 10 eggs released by women after the age of 38 will be normal, not only will the chance of pregnancy be greatly reduced, but the probability of miscarriage after pregnancy will become high. Women have the highest success rate of IVF between the ages of 20 and 35, reaching 50% to 60%, and then gradually decrease. The success rate after the age of 40 is only 20%, and the hope after menopause is extremely slim.

In general, it is recommended that the woman's age is not more than 42 years old and the man's age is not more than 55 years old, and advanced age is the biggest obstacle to ivy ivy infant success.

2. Mentality and living environment

According to foreign relevant survey data, women with excessive psychological pressure will be affected by their endocrine, and their blood vessels will be in a state of contraction for a long time, affecting the blood flow of the uterus and ovaries; Nervous system tension will cause some nerve mediators to release abnormally, resulting in uterine and fallopian tube muscle contraction disorders, resulting in the inability of the embryo to implant and lead to test tube failure.

Therefore, in the process of receiving IVF surgery, patients should try to maintain a peaceful attitude, and family and friends should also try their best to create a good living environment, cooperate with the patient's treatment throughout the process, and avoid the failure of transplant surgery due to the influence of psychological factors of patients.

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