
Behind the popularity of the yuejie industry: the practitioners are mixed, and the industry needs to be standardized

The supply of "gold medal" sisters-in-law with a monthly salary of 20,000 or 30,000 yuan is in short supply, and appointments often need to be made at least half a year in advance. Last year, Ms. Zhang chose the highest level of sister-in-law 7 months in advance, and the cost of 42 days was as high as 35,000 yuan, "but this top sister-in-law only took over the baby for 13 days, but she let the baby suffer one after another, which made my mother who had just experienced childbirth heartbroken and caused irreparable harm to my family." ”

Behind the popularity of the yuejie industry: the practitioners are mixed, and the industry needs to be standardized

As market demand has increased, salaries in the maternal and child care industry have also risen. According to CCTV financial reports, young childcare sisters-in-law and sister-in-law with higher education have been increasing in demand in recent years, and salaries have also been rising. The average monthly salary of the sister-in-law and the child-rearing sister-in-law is about 15,000 yuan and 7,000 yuan respectively. Behind the high-priced concubine is the shortage of professional talents. According to the Ministry of Commerce, there are 30 million domestic service employees in the mainland, and about 90% of the personnel are from rural areas. Although the volume is growing every year, the gap is still huge. Ai Media Consulting speculated that the industry personnel gap is about 30 million people, showing a serious state of short supply.

At present, maternal and child care is in a stage of imbalance between supply and demand, with huge market development potential, and more meticulous management is urgently needed. What is the current status of this profession that takes care of two vulnerable groups?

The gold content of the "Gold Medal Sister-in-law" is worrying

Finance and Economics Network Technology consulted the monthly service fee of the Internet housekeeping company, and found that the higher the level of the monthly wife, the higher the salary. In the market, due to different levels, the monthly salary ranges from 9,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan. Many "gold medal" sisters-in-law with a monthly salary of 20,000 or 30,000 are in short supply, and appointments often need to be made at least half a year in advance.

Behind the popularity of the yuejie industry: the practitioners are mixed, and the industry needs to be standardized

Last year, Ms. Zhang purchased the highest-priced sister-in-law service on an Internet housekeeping platform, with a 42-day service of up to 35,000 yuan. She said, "As a new parent, we naturally want to give the best to our children, so we did not hesitate to choose the first class plus (highest level) sister-in-law 7 months in advance." ”

According to the platform's publicity, this sister-in-law has experience with more than 100 children. However, 13 days after the "gold medal sister-in-law" took over the baby, the baby had one illness after another, and was eventually admitted to the Pediatric Research Institute due to severe illness.

According to Ms. Zhang, in early June last year, the umbilical cord fell off more than ten days after the child was born. At first, the child's navel oozed a pale yellow liquid, and for this case, the sister-in-law explained that this was a normal phenomenon. For the increase in the child's body temperature the next morning, the sister-in-law also did not think so, "This is the child's trouble, hugged a night." At the same time, the data reported to the company by the sister-in-law is still a normal body temperature of 37 degrees, not the child's real body temperature, 38.5 degrees.

Ms. Zhang said, "At that time, the situation was not right, and we quickly sent the child to the hospital. At that time, the doctor clearly told the child that the fever was caused by an umbilical cord infection caused by inadequate care. On the night of the child's hospitalization, the sister-in-law personally admitted that the child's weight loss was caused by his failure to do a good job, and it was also her dereliction of duty to be hospitalized due to inflammation caused by the child's navel loss. ”

Ms. Zhang believes that the actual ability of the "gold medal sister-in-law" who claims to have brought 100 children is inconsistent with the description of the platform, and the aunt who has not yet brought ten children is experienced. "With 100 children, it takes ten years to start the industry, but she can't even see the hunger signal of the children."

According to Ms. Zhang, the top sister-in-law also said, "The people who trained them are a bunch of little girls, and they haven't even given birth to children, they know anything, and they give us training, they are all just going through the motions, who really learns from them." ”

The sister-in-law and nanny who was cut leeks

Like the above-mentioned "gold medal sister-in-law" who does not have a high gold content, how was it cultivated?

Wang Ling, who used to be a customer service staff on the Internet housekeeping service platform, told us: "The company not only cuts the leeks of customers, but also cuts the leeks of these aunts. Pay a few hundred yuan, the certificate will come out, some aunts even write their own names unfavorable, they are recommended by the platform to the user's home to serve. ”

Before entering a domestic service platform, Aunt Xu from Hubei province got the senior nursery qualification certificate. After Aunt Xu entered the platform, she found that the sister-in-law with a certificate can immediately arrange work, and if there is no certificate, the qualification certificate issued by the company will be obtained after ten days of training.

After Paying a training fee of 498 yuan and a deposit of 300 yuan, Aunt Xu did not receive any training and was recommended to work in the user's home.

When Aunt Xu and the user have a conflict, Aunt Xu hopes that the platform can provide help, but the platform comes up with a contract at this time, claiming that the platform is an intermediary, and the real employment relationship is between the user and the sister-in-law, and let the sister-in-law solve the contradiction with the customer by herself. In the end, Aunt Xu did not receive any training from the platform, and the platform did not refund her training fee.

Something more serious happened to Aunt Tian, who had never worked in any nanny-related work before going to Xiamen to work. After coming to Xiamen, without training, she was packaged by the platform as an experienced nanny and sent to Mr. Sun's home to take care of a six-year-old child.

Mr. Sun mentioned that in the early screening of nannies, in fact, at the beginning of the selection of another nanny, but the company commented on nanny Aunt Tian: "Rich and methodical work experience, high overall quality, excellent performance in company training, solid basic theoretical knowledge." He had just officially signed a contract with Aunt Tian.

According to Mr. Sun's description, more than ten days after the nanny joined the job, the nanny Aunt Tian took the child to the nearby underground mall, and when the nanny visited the shoe store, the child got lost in the mall. This incident has left a deep psychological shadow on the child, and the state has been bad. Afterwards, Aunt Tian also admitted that the company's customer service instigated the nanny's information to be fake.

According to the recording at the time, Aunt Tian said: "At that time, they asked us to write a resume, originally we had no training, nor did we do (nanny), they asked us to write for a year or two, so it is easier to find a job." We paid for it, we didn't give us training, we didn't train on our phones, and we weren't called for exams. It's okay if you can't pass the exam, we will help you pass the exam and package you to pass the exam. ”

What are national standards? The "gold medal" sister-in-law decided that the platform could not decide

As early as 2016, the "Specification for the Quality of Maternal and Infant Life Care Services" issued by the National Standards Commission was officially implemented. It is stipulated that the age of the sister-in-law should be 18 to 55 years old, and women with junior high school education or above have service skills appropriate to the level. The quality standards of nursing service divide maternal and infant life care services into one, two, three, four, five-star and gold grades, with one star being the lowest level and gold level being the highest level.

Note that this "gold medal" is not another "gold medal". According to the above normative documents, the qualification certification of the gold medal-level sister-in-law indicates that "the qualification certificate of senior domestic servant, senior nursery teacher and nutrition caterer qualification certificate has been obtained." After passing the assessment, he can be promoted from five-star to gold-level maternal and infant life care worker. ”

The nursery teacher vocational qualification certificate is certified by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China, and the nursery personnel are divided into 3 levels, namely the nurseryman (national vocational qualification level 5), the nursery teacher (national vocational qualification level 4), and the senior nursery teacher (national vocational qualification level 3).

According to CCTV, the company's certification of the level of the sister-in-law is more arbitrary. Ms. Gao introduced that the sister-in-law is generally divided into primary, intermediate, advanced, there are also gold medal sister-in-law, and some senior sister-in-law will hold a mother-infant nurse certificate or a nursery teacher qualification certificate. The higher the level of the sister-in-law, the higher the salary. In the market, due to different levels, the monthly salary ranges from 10,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan. As for the evaluation criteria of the "gold medal sister-in-law", most domestic companies mainly evaluate the level of the sister-in-law according to the number of babies she has brought and the length of time she has been engaged, which means that its "certification is more arbitrary".

Ms. Gao said that the method of judging the experience of a sister-in-law based on the number of babies she herself has brought is actually not advisable. Some sisters-in-law were dismissed early because the quality of service was not good, and they also had a child. If a sister-in-law is dismissed three or five times, then her "experience" is also "rich".

In the black cat complaint, there are more than 300 complaints, involving many Internet mothers and babies such as good pregnant mothers, Emma Happy Mother and Baby Service Center, Swan To Home, Silly Big Sister Housekeeping and so on.

In 2021, there were a total of 510 complaints involving "nannies" and "sisters-in-law", of which 351 were related to the arrival of swans, accounting for nearly 70%, and the top three complaints included good pregnant mothers and e-city e-families.

The reasons for the complaint are mainly concentrated in the following three aspects: "the platform is falsely publicized and cannot provide promised services", "the intermediary fee is unreasonable, it is difficult to refund the refund", "the quality of the nanny is worrying, and the quality of the service is low".

It can be seen that the chaos of the industry such as "unqualified concubines and child-rearing sisters-in-law" and "maternal and infant housekeeping service agencies and platform management are not in place" has caused many families to suffer from them. Mothers and newborns need high-quality maternal and infant housekeeping services, as well as supporting strict regulatory mechanisms, which need to be improved.

"With the liberalization of the second and third children, the demand for confinement and child-rearing sisters-in-law in the family has also risen sharply, and about 50% of urban residents have a demand for maternal and infant domestic services," Zhao Huiping, director of the Maternal and Infant Committee of the China Family Service Association, said in an interview with the media.

In August 2021, the State Council issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for Employment Promotion", which proposes to focus on industrial transformation and upgrading and consumption upgrading, and fully release the advantages of large employment capacity in the service industry. Due to the current skills training in the service industry, the skill level of workers is not enough to match the job demand, the level and standard of skills training are uneven, and the flow of employees is large, resulting in the coexistence of "difficulty in employment" and "difficulty in recruiting" in the service industry.

"This industry is too lacking in supervision, intermediaries deliberately inflate prices, help aunts resumes and physical examinations to falsify, causing the industry to rise, paying for our next generation, is our future hope." The victim, Ms. Zhang, said.

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