
Housework during the day and accompanying at night - nannies serving the elderly, those hidden secrets behind them

author:Seeing the world with the eyes of the law 111

With the development of economy and social progress, the problem of population aging is becoming increasingly prominent, and more and more elderly people are beginning to live alone.

In order to take care of their daily life, many families choose to hire nannies, however, in the process of rapid development of this industry, there are also many discordant phenomena, and even breed some special services "bed nannies".

Housework during the day and accompanying at night - nannies serving the elderly, those hidden secrets behind them

Through Uncle Wang's story, we are able to get a glimpse into the hidden secrets behind this industry, revealing the challenges and risks that families face when caring for the elderly, as well as the various issues that need to be paid attention to when choosing a nanny.

Uncle Wang's solitary life

With the development of the economy and the progress of society, the problem of population aging has gradually become a social phenomenon that cannot be ignored, and the development of the economy has improved people's living standards, improved medical conditions, and extended life expectancy.

However, along with these positive changes, the demographic structure has also changed significantly, with the proportion of the elderly population increasing, and the problem is becoming more serious in many countries and regions, forcing all sectors of society to find ways to deal with it.

In a quiet neighborhood of the city, there lives an old man named Uncle Wang, who is in his seventies this year, and his wife died a few years ago, leaving him to live alone.

The children have already started a family, each has their own family and work, and cannot always be by his side, despite this, Uncle Wang has always been healthy, energetic, and has a strong ability to take care of himself.

Housework during the day and accompanying at night - nannies serving the elderly, those hidden secrets behind them

Every morning, he would always wake up early and stand on the balcony to stretch and welcome the start of the day.

Uncle Wang's home is located in an old-fashioned community, surrounded by greenery and a quiet environment. Most of the residents of the community are old people of the same age as him, who know each other well and often chat and play cards in the garden of the community.

Uncle Wang likes to run in the morning, and every morning he will wear sportswear, run a few laps around the community, and then rest on the garden bench and chat with other elderly people. Such a life is calm and fulfilling, and he feels satisfied.

But as time went by, Uncle Wang gradually felt that something was wrong in his body, at first it was just a slight backache, he thought it was a normal body reaction when he was older, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

However, the pain gradually intensified, and later, he couldn't even straighten his waist, and Uncle Wang began to realize the seriousness of the problem, but he still held on and did not go to the hospital for examination in time.

Housework during the day and accompanying at night - nannies serving the elderly, those hidden secrets behind them

Early one morning, Uncle Wang was ready to get up and run as usual, however, when he tried to stand up, he found that he had severe pain in his lower back and could not move. He hurriedly sat down slowly on the edge of the bed, cold sweat flowing.

This sudden pain made him panic, and in desperation, he dialed his son's phone, and after the son received the call, he hurried over, and saw that his father was in pain and couldn't straighten his waist, so he immediately called an ambulance and sent him to the hospital.

In the hospital, after a detailed examination, the doctor diagnosed Uncle Wang with a severe lumbar disc herniation, which must be treated surgically as soon as possible.

The doctor explained that because Uncle Wang had endured pain for a long time and did not check and treat it in time, his condition worsened, and now surgery was the only solution, and both Uncle Wang and the children were shocked and worried when they heard the news.

On the day of the operation, Uncle Wang was lying on the operating table, surrounded by busy doctors and nurses, he quietly closed his eyes, listened to the sound of various instruments in the operating room, and felt a little nervous.

Housework during the day and accompanying at night - nannies serving the elderly, those hidden secrets behind them

The procedure went smoothly, the doctors were skilled, and after several hours of hard work, the operation was finally completed successfully. When Uncle Wang was pushed back to the ward, the children gathered around him tightly, watching his father gradually wake up, with a reassuring smile on his face.

After the operation, the doctor told Uncle Wang to pay more attention to rest, avoid overwork, and maintain good living habits.

Since Uncle Wang's children have their own families and jobs and cannot be by his side all the time, they decided to hire an experienced nanny for Uncle Wang to take care of his daily life.

This decision was approved by Uncle Wang, who didn't want to cause trouble to the children and hoped that someone could help him with some housework.

The children began to look for suitable nannies in various domestic companies, and they selected several companies with good reputations, and conducted consultations and interviews one by one.

Find a hard-working nanny who is highly rated

In the process, they met many nannies, some young but inexperienced, some older but with limited mobility, and after repeated comparisons and trade-offs, they finally chose the 53-year-old Sister Hu.

Housework during the day and accompanying at night - nannies serving the elderly, those hidden secrets behind them

Sister Hu is from rural Hebei Province, and chose to come to the city to work as a housekeeper more than 10 years ago because of her family's financial difficulties. She is hardworking and simple, quick with hands and feet, cooks good dishes, and is a well-known "star nanny" in the housekeeping company.

Sister Hu is in good health, cheerful and conscientious in her work, and is well received by customers, although she charges more than other nannies, the children think that her ability and experience are worth the price.

After Sister Hu received the job, she immediately came to Uncle Wang's house, and as soon as she entered the door, she began to get busy, tidying up the house, sorting out things, and cleaning Uncle Wang's home.

Uncle Wang looked at the new home, he was in a good mood, and his first impression of Sister Hu was very good, Sister Hu was not only capable, but also very talkative, she took the initiative to chat with Uncle Wang to understand his living habits and dietary preferences.

At lunchtime, Sister Hu showed her cooking skills, she steamed rice and stir-fried vegetables at the same time, and her movements were skillful and in one go.

After a while, the dining table was full of colorful, fragrant and fragrant meals, Uncle Wang and the children tasted a bite, they were full of praise, Uncle Wang was even more appetizing, eating two large bowls of rice, which made him feel a lot less discomfort for many days.

Housework during the day and accompanying at night - nannies serving the elderly, those hidden secrets behind them

After eating, Sister Hu helped Uncle Wang to rest on the sofa, peeled the fruit and put it in front of him, turned on the TV, and let him relax.

Subsequently, she cleaned up the table, cleaned the dishes and chopsticks, and put everything in order, Uncle Wang looked at all this, and felt very satisfied, he felt that he had found a competent and good nanny, his life was guaranteed, and the children no longer had to worry about him.

With the passage of time, Sister Hu and Uncle Wang got along more and more harmoniously, she got up early every day to prepare breakfast for Uncle Wang, and then accompanied him to do rehabilitation exercises, and according to the doctor's advice, she would formulate a scientific diet and life schedule for Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang's body gradually recovered under her care, and life returned to its normal rhythm.

In addition to taking care of housework and taking care of Uncle Wang's diet and daily life, Sister Hu will also find time to walk with him, and the old people in the community also have a high evaluation of Sister Hu, thinking that she is a competent nanny.

Sister Hu maintained good communication with Uncle Wang's children, and whenever they called to inquire about their father's situation, Sister Hu always reported in detail to make them feel at ease.

Housework during the day and accompanying at night - nannies serving the elderly, those hidden secrets behind them

It's actually a "bed nanny"!

However, as time went on, Sister Hu's behavior began to become a little strange, and she began to spend more and more time with Uncle Wang at night, and even went to Uncle Wang's room to chat with him late at night.

At first, Uncle Wang didn't think much about it, thinking that Sister Hu was just concerned about his sleep and health, however, one night, Sister Hu suddenly offered to sleep with Uncle Wang.

That night, Uncle Wang was just about to go to bed, when Sister Hu pushed the door in and said, "Uncle, I don't think it's safe for you to sleep alone, let me talk with you." ”

After speaking, she sat down on the edge of Uncle Wang's bed. Uncle Wang felt a little uncomfortable, but thinking that Sister Hu usually took care of her, she didn't refuse.

Sister Hu began to chat with Uncle Wang about some daily trivial matters, and the topic gradually turned to Uncle Wang's solitary life.

She asked, "Uncle, do you feel lonely after living alone for so many years?" Uncle Wang smiled and said, "Sometimes, but I'm used to it." ”

Housework during the day and accompanying at night - nannies serving the elderly, those hidden secrets behind them

Sister Hu continued: "What would you think if there was someone who could accompany you every day, take care of you, and help you solve some of your physical needs?" ”

When Uncle Wang heard this, he was stunned for a moment, a little at a loss.

He hurriedly changed the topic, saying that he was a little sleepy and wanted to rest, however, Sister Hu did not leave, she continued to approach Uncle Wang, leaning slightly towards him, and said: "Uncle, you don't have to be embarrassed, I am a professional 'bed nanny', these are my job content." ”

Sister Hu's words made Uncle Wang feel very embarrassed and uncomfortable, and he could only excuse himself and ask Sister Hu to take medicine to relieve him.

Sister Hu got up and left Uncle Wang's room, but her behavior left a deep shadow in Uncle Wang's heart.

In the days that followed, Sister Hu often made excuses to go to Uncle Wang's room at night, trying to get close to him on the grounds of "companionship", and she kept hinting that Uncle Wang could pay more money to enjoy special services.

Housework during the day and accompanying at night - nannies serving the elderly, those hidden secrets behind them

Whenever she approached, Uncle Wang always found all kinds of reasons to avoid it, or pretended to be asleep, or bluntly said that he didn't need these services.

Uncle Wang's children didn't know what these things were happening, they thought that Sister Hu took good care of her and trusted her very much, and once, Uncle Wang's youngest son came to visit his father, and when he saw Sister Hu taking care of her, he was even more satisfied with her.

He said to his father: "Dad, with Sister Hu here, we are all very relieved, if you need anything, just tell us." ”

Uncle Wang listened to his son's words, hesitated for a moment, and finally didn't say the troubles in his heart, he didn't want the children to worry, and he also felt that it was a little difficult to say this.

But Sister Hu's behavior became more and more excessive, and Uncle Wang's patience reached the limit.

One night, when Sister Hu proposed "special services" again, Uncle Wang couldn't bear it anymore, he raised his voice and said to Sister Hu, "What are you doing here?" I'm asking you to take care of me, not to do these things! ”

Housework during the day and accompanying at night - nannies serving the elderly, those hidden secrets behind them

Seeing this, Sister Hu knew that Uncle Wang was really angry, so she stopped her actions.

Early the next morning, Uncle Wang called the children and asked them to come over immediately, they heard the eagerness in their father's voice, and hurried over, and when they learned of Sister Hu's behavior, they were all shocked and angry.

They immediately decided to dismiss Sister Hu and complained about her behavior to the housekeeping company, which was subsequently dismissed.

Uncle Wang's experience reminds us that hiring a nanny is not a complete substitute for family members' care for the elderly, and although nannies can provide care for the elderly in daily life, true filial piety and care come from the companionship and support of family members.

When choosing a nanny, we should not only look at the other party's work ability, but also pay attention to conduct and professional ethics, and family members should take more time to care for and accompany the elderly, so that they can feel warmth and love in their later life.

Uncle Wang's story provides us with valuable lessons and reminds us how to better balance work and family responsibilities in the face of an ageing society, and work together to create a warm and harmonious family environment.

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