
The mother and daughter were wandering the streets, the children were shivering with cold, and the kind boss provided them with food

I always hear someone lamenting, what does marriage really give to a woman? Whether it is the increasingly fat figure, or the life of chai rice oil and salt, or the romance of the wind and snow, these all depend on the man that the woman chooses.

If the man is a responsible man and can spoil his wife and children in ordinary days, then a woman's life can be said to be a storm; if the man is unreliable and irresponsible, then the woman's life can only fall to the bottom.

The mother and daughter were wandering the streets, the children were shivering with cold, and the kind boss provided them with food

So it's important for a woman to choose a good man who can decide a woman's future state. Whether it is living the life of a rich wife at home, or wandering the streets with children, it comes down to the man.

On March 7, in Harbin, Heilongjiang, the weather was still very cold, and a woman with a child was wandering in front of a hotel, the child was seven years old, and the owner of the hotel found that his face was frozen red.

The mother and daughter were wandering the streets, the children were shivering with cold, and the kind boss provided them with food

I don't know what happened to this woman, why this woman was wandering the streets with her children, such cold weather, why she didn't stay at home, where her husband went, why the child's father didn't look for them, I don't know.

The woman is very beautiful, can see that she is a beautiful woman, and I don't know what kind of man is willing to let such a beautiful woman wander the streets with her child.

The boss was very sad when he found them, and when he saw that they were wandering people, he immediately invited them into the restaurant and ordered the waiter to make a hot meal for the two women.

The mother and daughter were wandering the streets, the children were shivering with cold, and the kind boss provided them with food

Although the women are wandering with their children, the children are very polite, know how to wash their hands before eating in the restaurant, and the children know how to say thank you when the restaurant owner provides them with food.

It can be seen that the woman has educated her children very well, but she does not know why she is wandering outside with her children, and what happened to her?

When asked what happened to the woman, the woman did not speak, and then the boss contacted the woman's family through a series of methods, only to learn that there was only one brother left in the woman's family, and her parents had died.

The mother and daughter were wandering the streets, the children were shivering with cold, and the kind boss provided them with food

The woman's brother said that the woman's spirit was not good, which was caused by the trapping of love. The brother told the boss that the woman would not stay at home for long and would come out with the child to wander, and no one else could take care of her.

Her mental condition was mixed and bad, but even in that case, she educated her children well. If there had been no mental problems with her, the child would have been smarter than she is now.

The mother and daughter were wandering the streets, the children were shivering with cold, and the kind boss provided them with food

Just pity this child, at the age of seven, everyone else is in school, but she can only follow her mother outside. The woman only has one family member, her brother, but her brother's health is not good enough to help the woman.

The well-meaning boss learned of the woman's experience, felt very sad, and gave the woman money, but the woman and the child refused. The owner told the woman that she could come to the restaurant for dinner at any time, but the woman did not respond and left after eating.

The mother and daughter were wandering the streets, the children were shivering with cold, and the kind boss provided them with food

At present, it is not known where the woman went with the child, it is said that her name is Zhang Tiantian, and if someone meets her on the street, she hopes to help her.

Seeing what happened to this woman, Kotani really felt very sad, what did marriage bring to women? An otherwise normal woman is still insane because of a man, and where has the man gone.

I don't understand why he is so cruel, abandoning such a beautiful wife and such a lovely daughter, and advising the current girls to keep their eyes open and find a responsible person when choosing a partner.

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