
Children's reading, the most confusing 8 major problems for parents, Zhu Yongxin came to support the | the two sessions night talk

This article is transferred from: China Education News

In reading with children, many parents will encounter such confusion: how to take children to read when the reading level is not high? Children love to read picture books, what should I do? How to create a good family atmosphere for children...

In the live broadcast program of China Education News's "Night Talks on the Two Sessions, Double Subtraction", Zhu Yongxin, member of the Standing Committee and deputy secretary general of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Central Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy, answered questions for parents!

Question 1: What should I do if my child loves to read comic books and extracurricular storybooks?

Zhu Yongxin: Loving to read comic books and storybooks is not a bad thing, even adults often read them. I often recommend excellent picture books on my Weibo and headlines.

Picture book experts once said that people have three opportunities to read picture books in their lives, once in childhood, once after becoming a parent, and once after becoming an elderly person. These three stages are inseparable from picture books.

So, excellent picture books are suitable for people of any age to read. For children in the second and third grades, it is necessary to gradually transition from picture books and comic books to books with relatively more words, which requires parental guidance.

Question 2: How do parents with low reading level take their children to read?

Zhu Yongxin: Parents with low reading level can grow up with their children, reading is improved in reading, and you will never improve if you don't read. Many people open relatively late, even after what we usually call the golden age, but it is never too late to read.

At this time, parents must first encourage their children to read, and then try to catch up with their children, even if they can't catch up.

Two days ago, I also saw an old grandmother in her 60s, who was illiterate at first and then began to write books. She has such a motivation to grow, I think it can be.

Question 3: Do first-graders read intensively or extensively?

Zhu Yongxin: I think first-grade children can't talk about intensive reading and extensive reading, because at this time they don't know a lot of words, and they may still be picture books and story books.

These children may still like to read a book repeatedly, and then deepen their understanding of it in the process of constantly talking to you, and some good book children may constantly look back and read it.

It is good for the child to accept more books and read more books to him, because he will look for himself in the process of reading.

Reading is a good path of self-discovery, and children will go through a process of constantly finding themselves in the process of reading.

I think of course it's best to have a few books that are intensively read. At the same time, the combination of intensive reading and extensive reading is the best way to read.

Question 4: How is the balance between parent-child reading and children's independent reading?

Zhu Yongxin: In fact, the two are not contradictory.

I've always thought that parent-child reading is as early as possible in the early days of children's reading. Because, when the child's interest in reading has not yet been cultivated, and the reading ability has not yet been improved to the point where he can read independently, it is necessary to take him to read together with his parents.

When parents bring their children to a world of books, he already loves to read, and this is the time for parents to let go.

Nor does letting go mean not reading particularly good books with your child. Parents can recommend him, children are particularly interested in the book, parents can also take it, after reading it with their children to discuss.

So I don't think there's a contradiction between family guidance and children's independent thinking.

Question 5: How to create a good family reading atmosphere for children?

Zhu Yongxin: I think first of all, let the family become a family with a bookish atmosphere, and the family must have a study, at least a bookshelf. A parent's bookshelf determines a child's future.

Many parents can also put some good books, books that they want to read to their children, in the places where children often go, toilets, dining tables, beds... Making it easy to pick up good books so that children can flip through them is a good atmosphere.

Of course, the more important thing is that the behavior of parents is the best atmosphere. Parents should not spend a lot of time chasing dramas, watching mobile phones, playing poker, playing mahjong... These are undoubtedly difficult to bring children to the world of reading.

Therefore, the most important thing about the family atmosphere is that parents should become a real reader, take their children to read together, and set a good example for their children to read.

Put some bookshelves in the family as much as possible, have some good atmosphere, so that children can better read.

Question 6: Does your child love to listen to the radio and need encouragement?

Zhu Yongxin: Now not only children love to listen to the radio, but also adults listen, which is also a kind of ear learning. Listening to the radio isn't a bad thing, and I listen to it a lot when I'm running because fragmented time has to be used.

But you can't just listen to the radio, reading books and listening to books are still different, and the perception system is also different for the overall learning efficiency. When you look at the text, you will have a sense of picture, and when you listen, you will also transform the text into an image, but the path is different.

It is good that children love to listen, if you especially like to listen to some books, you can buy a text version and let him read it again.

Question 7: Now that children's attention is easily impacted by the Internet, which greatly affects children's reading, what are the best ways to improve?

Zhu Yongxin: I am advocating that children can have a few days in a week to be "no network mode".

What is "no-network mode"? For example, 1 day, 2 days or 3 days a week, 4 days without internet access, without a mobile phone. This allows you to maintain a sense of concentration, to be able to read, do homework, learn, experiment, and explore continuously.

Of course, if you can't do it, you can also do things at a certain time of the day, without a mobile phone, without internet access, without watching TV, and concentrate on doing things, which is very important!

Question 8: Nowadays, many people promote the Four Books and Five Classics, is it really so good to read the Bible?

Zhu Yongxin: First, in fact, there are quite a few contents of the Four Books and Five Classics now, which are no longer suitable for contemporary society, whether it is values, outlook on life and world outlook, in fact, it is a social product of two thousand years ago, and there is already a big gap between it and some ideas in modern society.

Second, its way of expression, the way of language presentation, is not the way of modern language.

Therefore, I advocate that it is enough to be able to recite it properly, not necessarily memorizing the whole book. Because in the most critical golden time for children's growth, it is still necessary to be as nutritious and complete as possible, and to respect children's physical and mental laws.

(China Education News reporter Du Jinghong)

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