
Yue Reading | 8 creative reading games to make children fall in love with reading


I am the protagonist

After reading a book, ask the child, do you like the protagonist of the story? If the child says he likes it, then this time, change the name of the protagonist of the story to the child's name. You can also add the names of your child's toys, friends, etc. to the story.

Thus, a story drama with children as the protagonist was staged.

Parents should pay attention when reading, as long as they meet the protagonist of the story, they must read the child's name. The child naturally walks into the story, becomes the protagonist, and goes to the story world to experience it.

Also, remember that after reading it, be sure to ask your child how you feel? Like reading it that way?


Invite the protagonist of the story to the banquet

After reading a story, such as the book "The Hungry Caterpillar", think about what kind of invitation letter we should write if we invite the caterpillar to our house for a banquet.

Dear Mr. Caterpillar,

Are you full? I have prepared a lot of good food for you, there are... I have specially invited you to my house for a meal. Before (after) eating, we were ok... If you can participate...

How about, after reading a book, writing an invitation with your child, can't be dry, you have to be graphic and textual.


Draw a timeline of how the story takes place

Just as when we study history, we draw a timeline of historical development. After reading a storybook, you can also draw a timeline of the occurrence, development and end of the story with your child.

For example, after reading "The Story of the Three Little Pigs", you can draw it in the form of a timeline: what happened to the three little pigs at the beginning, then what happened, and then, and then, and then...

Clarifying this storyline is very helpful for children. Because this story is mainly based on painting, with some oral expression, the child will be very engaged and like it.

Remind parents that it doesn't matter if the child draws well, as long as the order of the front and back is clear, the purpose of this activity will be achieved. If you stick to it for a long time, your child's logical thinking ability and induction ability will also be well developed.


I'm a small journalist

After reading a book with the child, parents and children can take turns playing the protagonist and reporter of the story, and let the reporter interview the protagonist of the story.

If your child is a journalist, he needs to come up with 5 questions related to the protagonist of the story to ask.

If the parents are journalists, they should ask the children about some of the plots in the story, how they happened and developed, as interview questions.

In this way, the question and answer is repeated in another form, fully mobilizing the child's brain and allowing the child to think actively.

For example, after reading The Story of the Three Little Pigs, the parents dressed up as big bad wolves, and the children came to interview:

Mr. Bad Wolf, how did you meet the three little pigs? Why do you always follow these three little pigs? Where did you go after you came out of the chimney? Wait, isn't that fun and fun?


Draw a map of the story

Some simple picture books, simple storylines, you can also come to a simple map.

After reading a book, ask your child to draw a map of the place where the story takes place according to the storyline.

If the story takes place indoors, draw a floor plan of the interior, and if the story takes place in many places, you can ask your child to draw a large map.

Think about it, didn't someone build the Grand View Garden according to the description in the book "Dream of the Red Chamber"?

Draw a picture with your child and don't forget to color it.


Prequel and sequel to the story

After reading a certain story, think about it, what story happened before this story happened?

Similarly, after reading it, you can also think about what will happen after this story.

For example, after reading "The Story of the Three Little Pigs", who did you learn the skills of the three little pigs to build a house? What's the story here? Will the three little pigs be able to live happily in their brick house after that, and what interesting stories will happen? Will the big bad wolf give up?


Read the story from a different perspective

The story of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf is basically from the standpoint of the three little pigs to depict this story.

How would the story be different from the perspective of the Big Bad Wolf? So, let's take the big bad wolf as the protagonist and tell the story from his point of view!

As a result, there are several versions of the story.


Design covers and illustrations for storybooks

If the story itself is a picture book, the project will be more difficult to implement. If it's a chapter book with more text, you can do this project.

Based on the story content of the book, draw a few illustrations of the book to design a cover and back cover, and write a synopsis of the story of the book on the back cover.

Such activities do not need to be much, as long as the child has done one, they will pay attention to the cover and back cover design of other books when they come to the book.

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