
Firefly! Fireflies look a lot like fireflies, but they don't emit light. They eat aphids, caterpillars, etc. in the garden, and their body colors are colorful, ranging from red and black to yellow and black, blue and black

author:Moderate ecological photography

Firefly! Fireflies look a lot like fireflies, but they don't emit light. They eat aphids, caterpillars, etc. in the garden, and their body colors are colorful, ranging from red and black to yellow and black, blue and black. Some of the adult worms are standard carnivores. But there are also some fireflies that feed on pollen and nectar like bees! #野生动物零距离 #人与自然和谐共处 #摄影 #萤火虫计划 #观察昆虫

Firefly! Fireflies look a lot like fireflies, but they don't emit light. They eat aphids, caterpillars, etc. in the garden, and their body colors are colorful, ranging from red and black to yellow and black, blue and black
Firefly! Fireflies look a lot like fireflies, but they don't emit light. They eat aphids, caterpillars, etc. in the garden, and their body colors are colorful, ranging from red and black to yellow and black, blue and black
Firefly! Fireflies look a lot like fireflies, but they don't emit light. They eat aphids, caterpillars, etc. in the garden, and their body colors are colorful, ranging from red and black to yellow and black, blue and black

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