
The cultivation of kumquats has obvious characteristics and advantages, but farmers need to strengthen management and scientific fertilization in the planting process to ensure high-quality fruit output. At the same time, the high economy of kumquats

author:Micro Jian Sannong


The cultivation of kumquats has obvious characteristics and advantages, but farmers need to strengthen management and scientific fertilization during the planting process to ensure high-quality fruit output.

At the same time, the high economic value of kumquat also provides farmers with the opportunity to become rich, and it is a very promising agricultural industry.

However, because many growers do not know about kumquat cultivation, the yield of fruit trees decreases or even dies.

This article will analyze the characteristics of kumquats, how to cultivate kumquats, the daily management of kumquats, the harvesting and preservation of kumquats, and the precautions of kumquats.

First, the characteristics of kumquat

1. Adaptable: Kumquats prefer warm, humid climates but are able to adapt to a variety of conditions and grow in different types of soils. It can tolerate drought and some pests and diseases.

2. Fast growth: Kumquat trees grow quickly and usually bear fruit within 3-4 years. At the same time, kumquat trees also have a relatively long lifespan, which can exceed 50 years.

3. Need plenty of sunlight: Kumquat trees need to receive plenty of sunlight in order to grow and bear fruit. It also requires regular fertilization and watering to ensure fruit yield and quality.

4. Strong disease resistance: Kumquat trees have strong disease resistance, but need to remove diseased leaves and branches in time to maintain health. At the same time, it also requires regular pesticide spraying to prevent and treat pests and diseases.

5. Large harvest: Kumquats can produce a large amount of fruit every year, and each tree can produce tens of kilograms of fruit during the harvest season. Among them, in autumn and winter, kumquat production is more abundant.

Second, cultivation of kumquats

1. Planting location

Choose a sun-sold, well-drained place to grow kumquats.

Kumquat trees need plenty of sunlight and moisture to thrive, while avoiding too wet land or rain accumulating.

Loose soils rich in organic matter can be selected. At the same time, choose a location with less shade so that you can collect plenty of sunlight.

2. Planting method

(1) Select high-quality kumquat seeds. You can buy kumquat seeds from the market or pick the preserved kumquat fruits yourself to extract the seeds.

(2) Prepare the soil. Kumquats are suitable for growing on deep, fertile, well-drained soils with a pH between 5.5-6.5. You can add the right amount of rotted compost, chicken manure and other organic fertilizers to the soil.

(3) Plant kumquat seeds. After washing the removed seeds, immerse them in warm water for about 12 hours to help germinate. Bury the seeds on the surface of the soil and bury them shallowly for about 1-2 cm.

After transplanting kumquat seedlings into the soil, keep the soil moist, but not too wet so as not to rot the roots. In the early stages of kumquat growth, a small amount of fertilizer can be applied to promote its growth.

(4) Watering. After planting, the soil surface needs to be evenly watered with an appropriate amount of water to keep the soil moist.

(5) Other breeding methods. The propagation methods of kumquat mainly include grafting and cutting.

Grafting is the grafting of young shoots of kumquats onto the root systems of other citrus trees to make them grown.

Cuttings are inserted into fertile soil by inserting kumquat branches into fertile soil and germinating to grow new plants.

3. Daily management

1. Water regularly. Kumquat trees need regular watering, especially in dry weather, but avoid overwatering.

2. Fertilization. Kumquat trees need to be fertilized to ensure growth and fruit yield, and it is recommended to apply organic fertilizers such as rotten compost or chicken manure once in spring and autumn.

3. Pruning. Timely pruning of branches and leaves can help promote the growth of kumquat trees, improve canopy ventilation and illuminance, and also help reduce pest and disease infestation. Weed regularly and loosen the soil. At the same time, it is necessary to remove diseased leaves and branches in time.

4. Insect control. Kumquat trees are susceptible to some pests and diseases, such as anthrax, aphids, powdery mildew, etc., and when pests and diseases are found, pesticide spraying or other control methods can be used to control them.

4. Harvesting and preservation

Kumquats are the best time to harvest from autumn to winter. Wait for the kumquats to be fully ripe before picking them and store them in a well-ventilated, dry place to prevent the kumquats from getting wet or moldy.

V. Precautions

1. Kumquats like plenty of sunlight, but avoid exposure to the sun, especially in hot summer weather, you can shade the kumquat trees in the hot sun.

2. Kumquats need to be watered frequently, but excessive watering can lead to root rot and poor growth, so water regularly according to the climate and soil moisture.

3. It is recommended to apply fertilizer in spring and autumn, excessive fertilization can lead to abnormal plant growth and may also cause yellowing and wilting of leaves.

4. When pruning, pay attention to protect the roots and do not cut them, otherwise it may affect the growth of kumquats and fruit yield.

5. When controlling pests and diseases, appropriate pesticides and methods should be selected for control, and pesticides should not be overused.

6. The process of planting kumquats requires patience and care, and it is necessary to frequently observe the growth of kumquat trees and find and deal with problems in time.

7. Air circulation: Kumquats need adequate air circulation to keep trees healthy and prevent pests and diseases.

8. Prevent diseases: Kumquats are vulnerable to anthrax, fruit rot and other diseases. It is necessary to regularly inspect trees and fruits, detect diseases in time and take corresponding measures.

9. Control pests: In addition to the whiteflies and planthoppers mentioned above, there are also aphids, cockchafers and other pests that can harm kumquats. Yellow pasteboards or manual capture can be used to reduce the number of pests.

10. Avoid man-made damage: Be careful when pruning and picking to avoid damage to trees and fruits.

11. Pay attention to irrigation: kumquats do not like too humid environments, so pay attention to control the amount of watering, and avoid flooding, stagnant water and other situations.


Managing kumquats requires patience and care, but with the right skills, growing kumquats is not difficult.

With proper fertilization, adequate watering, pruning, prevention of pests and diseases, and careful picking, it is easy to grow healthy and good quality kumquats.

During the growth of trees, it is also necessary to constantly observe, adjust and improve management strategies to ensure the healthy growth of oranges and achieve a richer harvest.

#夏日生活打卡季 #

The cultivation of kumquats has obvious characteristics and advantages, but farmers need to strengthen management and scientific fertilization in the planting process to ensure high-quality fruit output. At the same time, the high economy of kumquats
The cultivation of kumquats has obvious characteristics and advantages, but farmers need to strengthen management and scientific fertilization in the planting process to ensure high-quality fruit output. At the same time, the high economy of kumquats
The cultivation of kumquats has obvious characteristics and advantages, but farmers need to strengthen management and scientific fertilization in the planting process to ensure high-quality fruit output. At the same time, the high economy of kumquats
The cultivation of kumquats has obvious characteristics and advantages, but farmers need to strengthen management and scientific fertilization in the planting process to ensure high-quality fruit output. At the same time, the high economy of kumquats
The cultivation of kumquats has obvious characteristics and advantages, but farmers need to strengthen management and scientific fertilization in the planting process to ensure high-quality fruit output. At the same time, the high economy of kumquats
The cultivation of kumquats has obvious characteristics and advantages, but farmers need to strengthen management and scientific fertilization in the planting process to ensure high-quality fruit output. At the same time, the high economy of kumquats

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