
After winter, friends whose skin and throat are so dry that they can't drink it!

author:Traveler A Xiaofeng

Kumquat and pear white fungus soup

After winter, friends whose skin and throat are so dry that they can't drink it!

I drank it for a few days!

For those of you who have dry skin and throat in winter, I have an excellent suggestion!

That's to drink a bowl of kumquat and pear white fungus soup!

This soup is not only full of gelatinous and moisturizing water, but it also moisturizes the skin and brings you a beautiful color that is moisturized and healthy!

Especially drink it 2-3 times a week, and your little face will be rosy and moist!

After winter, friends whose skin and throat are so dry that they can't drink it!

The ingredients of this kumquat and pear white fungus soup include:

- 1 pear

- 5 kumquats

- Tremella fuciformis to taste

- Yellow rock sugar


- 枸杞

After winter, friends whose skin and throat are so dry that they can't drink it!

Here's how to make it:

After winter, friends whose skin and throat are so dry that they can't drink it!

1. First of all, chop the white fungus and add it to an appropriate amount of water, bring it to a boil and continue to cook for 20 minutes to ensure that the white fungus is fully cooked.

2. Next, pour in the pear cubes, continue to boil and cook for 5 minutes to allow the moisture of the pear to incorporate into the soup.

3. Then, add the kumquats, continue to boil and cook for 5 minutes to release the aroma and nutrients of the kumquats.

4. Finally, add wolfberries, yellow rock sugar, and red dates, and simmer for a while to make the soup more flavorful.

After winter, friends whose skin and throat are so dry that they can't drink it!

With the above steps, you can easily make a delicious bowl of kumquat and pear white fungus soup.

The benefits of this soup are not only that it is rich, gelatinous and moisturizing, but also that kumquat and pear are rich in vitamins and minerals that help boost immunity and keep the skin hydrated.

In particular, white fungus is rich in gelatin, which can moisturize the skin and make your little face rosy and moisturized!

Therefore, I really recommend girls to enjoy this delicious bowl of kumquat and pear white fungus soup in winter!

Not only does it moisturize the body, but it also gives you hydrated skin and healthy-looking beautiful color!

Give it a try!

Drink it a few times a week to keep your skin hydrated and refreshed!

It's really moisturizing!

This kumquat and pear white fungus soup has the following benefits:

After winter, friends whose skin and throat are so dry that they can't drink it!

1. Emollient and Complex: Kumquat is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help to improve the elasticity and brightness of the skin, and reduce skin dryness and wrinkles. Rich in moisture and vitamin C, Sydney pears moisturize and brighten the skin. Tremella, on the other hand, is rich in gelatin, which can keep the skin hydrated and make the skin smoother and more refined.

2. Health care: Kumquat is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help improve immunity and prevent colds and other diseases. Sydney pears are rich in dietary fiber and B vitamins, which help to promote digestion and enhance good health. Tremella is rich in dietary fiber and trace elements, which help to improve intestinal health and enhance immunity.

3. Nutrition: Kumquat, Sydney, and white fungus are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin B, potassium, and magnesium, which can provide the body with rich nutrients. These nutrients help maintain the normal function of the body, promote metabolism and cell regeneration.

4. Clearing heat and detoxifying: Both kumquat and pear have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, which can help remove toxins and heat from the body, and help maintain the internal and external balance of the body.

After winter, friends whose skin and throat are so dry that they can't drink it!

In short, this kumquat pear white fungus soup is not only rich in taste, full of gelatin, and moisturizing, but also has the benefits of moisturizing and nourishing the skin, health care and supplementing nutrition.

In particular, the nutrients of kumquat, pear and white fungus complement each other to help improve immunity, keep the skin hydrated, and promote good health.

Therefore, I really recommend girls to enjoy this delicious bowl of kumquat and pear white fungus soup in winter to keep your skin hydrated and nourished!

Drink it a few times a week to make your body healthier!

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