
Sydney, lily, yam..."Five white" ingredients help the lungs "become stronger", you can't miss it in the cold season!

author:Sharp eyes on the world

01 The moment when the lungs are delicate

The 39 days of winter are the time when the lungs are delicate. Consuming "five whites" has become an effective means recommended by TCM doctors. Through the scientific combination of ingredients, we can regulate the state of the lungs, consolidate the righteous qi, and ensure that the health of the body is not affected by cold weather.

The lungs are known in traditional Chinese medicine theory, and they have the important function of promoting and guarding qi and circulating the body surface. However, it is precisely because of this delicate nature that the lungs are more susceptible to external evil attacks in a cold and dry environment. Humidity and chill in cold air often act as triggers for respiratory diseases. Therefore, it is especially important to keep your lungs healthy during the winter months.

Sydney, lily, yam..."Five white" ingredients help the lungs "become stronger", you can't miss it in the cold season!

In order to resist the cold, we need to take care of our lungs and strengthen our healthy qi. The concept of "five whites" proposed by traditional Chinese medicine is precisely to provide effective lung protection in winter. The five white ingredients are yam, white fungus, lily, pear, and white radish. Each of them has unique medicinal properties, which can regulate the state of the lungs, enhance immunity, and prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases.

In winter, by eating these five white ingredients, we can inject the concept of eating practices into our diet to achieve the effect of nourishing and protecting the lungs. Yam can dissipate cold and replenish lung qi, white fungus lily can moisten lung dryness, and pear white radish can clear lung heat, these effects will provide all-round care for our lungs.

With the right diet, we can better protect our bodies and lungs from the cold during the winter months. This not only helps to prevent respiratory diseases such as colds and rhinitis, but also injects warmth and strength into the body. Consuming "Five Whites" allows us to maintain a healthy and strong body in the cold season. Next, let's talk about the efficacy and cooking methods of each "white" ingredient to help you better understand how to nourish your lungs through dietary therapy. Let's explore the mystery of lung protection by eating "five whites" in winter, so that colds no longer come to your door easily.

02What is the "five whites"?

In order to maintain health, we can use five kinds of white ingredients to nourish the lungs and improve immunity through the form of eating practices.

Efficacy: Dispel cold and replenish lung qi, improve resistance. Yam has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing the lungs, and is suitable for the manifestations of lung qi deficiency such as cold hands and feet, itchy nose and nasal congestion, cold and warmth.

Eating method: fried yam, lily, dendrobium. This edible recipe can not only strengthen the spleen and lungs, but also dispel dampness and invigorate qi. The cooking process is simple, and when all three are stir-fried, they can be used as a delicious and healthy meal.

Sydney, lily, yam..."Five white" ingredients help the lungs "become stronger", you can't miss it in the cold season!

Efficacy: Moisturize the lungs and improve the lack of fluid in the lungs. White fungus is boiled together with lily, lotus seeds, and japonica rice, which has the effect of moistening the lungs and rejuvenating the lungs, laxative, and removing annoyance. It is suitable for symptoms of dry lungs such as dry nose and dry throat.

Eating method: Put white fungus, lily, lotus seeds, and japonica rice in the pot together, and then eat after boiling. This edible method is not only delicious, but also has the effect of moistening the lungs and laxative, which is suitable for people in the remission period of chronic pharyngitis and constipation.

Efficacy: It also moisturizes the lungs and helps to improve discomfort such as dry nose and throat. It can be boiled and eaten with white fungus to moisten the respiratory tract and be suitable for dry lungs.

Eating method: Lily and white fungus are boiled together, which is a delicious and healthy eating method. It not only has the effect of moisturizing the respiratory tract, but also improves the symptoms of lung discomfort.

Efficacy: Clears lung heat, suitable for people with heavy breath and cold drinks. It is steamed with Sichuan fritillary powder, pear and rock sugar, which has the effect of moistening the lungs and dissolving phlegm, clearing heat and clearing the body.

Eating method: Sichuan fritillary powder, pear, rock sugar mixed steaming, both delicious and has a good eating practice effect. It is suitable for symptoms such as dry mouth, cough, and heat.

Efficacy: Clears away heat and moisturizes dryness, suitable for people with lung fever. Cooking with carrots, white radish, celery, seaweed, ginger and other ingredients can help clear away wind and clear heat.

Eating method: The eating method of cooking the above ingredients can not only clear heat and moisten dryness, but also relieve wind and relieve the surface. It is suitable for symptoms such as dry mouth and nosebleeds caused by lung fever.

By eating these five "five white" ingredients, we can effectively nourish and protect the lungs in winter, improve the body's resistance, and stay away from respiratory diseases such as colds. At the same time, the form of consumption practice makes the health regimen more delicious and delicious, and escorts the health of the body.

Sydney, lily, yam..."Five white" ingredients help the lungs "become stronger", you can't miss it in the cold season!

03 Precautions when eating "five whites".

Suitable for:

People with weak lung qi: Yam has the effect of dissipating cold and replenishing lung qi, which is suitable for people with weak lung qi and poor resistance.

People with cold hands and feet: For people with cold hands and feet, and who are afraid of cold and warm, yam helps to improve the feeling of warmth in the body.


People with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold: Yam is cold in nature and is not suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, so as not to aggravate the cold air.

Foods that cannot be eaten together:

Foods high in vitamin C: Yams contain amylase, which can be consumed with foods high in vitamin C and may destroy the amylase and affect absorption.

Suitable for:

Patients with insufficient lung fluid: Tremella fungus moistens the lungs, which is suitable for people who are deficient in lung fluid and are prone to symptoms such as dry nose and dry throat.

Patients with dry rhinitis: For people with dry rhinitis, white fungus can help improve symptoms.


People with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold: Tremella fungus is cold in nature, and it is not suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold to eat more, so as not to hurt the spleen and stomach yang.

Foods that cannot be eaten together:

High-iodine foods: Tremella fuciformis is rich in iodine, and consuming it with high-iodine foods may lead to excessive iodine intake.

Sydney, lily, yam..."Five white" ingredients help the lungs "become stronger", you can't miss it in the cold season!

Suitable for:

Insufficient lung fluid: Lily has the effect of moistening the lungs and rejuvenating the lungs, which is suitable for people with insufficient lung fluid.

Dry nose and throat: For people with uncomfortable symptoms such as dry nose and dry throat, lily has a soothing effect.


Those with spleen deficiency and dampness: Lilies are sweet and cold in nature, and those with spleen deficiency and dampness should eat with caution so as not to aggravate dampness.

Foods that cannot be eaten together:

High-salt foods: Lilies have a light and elegant taste, and eating them with high-salt foods may affect their light taste.

Suitable for:

People with heavy breath: Sydney clears the lungs, which is suitable for people with heavy breath and cold drinks.

Cough and itchy throat: For people with symptoms such as cough and itchy throat, Sydney pear has the effect of moistening the lungs and dissolving phlegm.


Those with cold stomach: Sydney is cold, and it is advisable for those with cold stomach to eat less, so as not to hurt the function of the spleen and stomach.

Foods that cannot be eaten together:

Oysters, sea cucumbers and other seafood: Eating pears with seafood may cause discomfort such as diarrhea.

Sydney, lily, yam..."Five white" ingredients help the lungs "become stronger", you can't miss it in the cold season!

Suitable for:

People with lung fever: Radish is hot and moisturizing, suitable for people with lung heat, such as people with heavy breath and those who like cold drinks.

People with symptoms of dry heat: For people with dry mouth and dry stools, radish has a certain conditioning effect.


Those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold: radish is cold, and those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold eat less, so as not to hurt the spleen and stomach function.

Foods that cannot be eaten together:

High-sulphur foods: Radishes contain a lot of sulphur, which may cause a pungent smell when eaten with high-sulphur foods.

Tips: By understanding the suitable people, contraindicated groups and foods that cannot be eaten together, we can match ingredients more scientifically and rationally to achieve better health effects. Remember, dietary conditioning should be carried out according to the individual's physique and actual situation, and avoid blindly following.

04Keep your lungs healthy and stay away from colds

Winter is the season when colds are frequent, and the lungs, as the core organ of the respiratory system, are more susceptible to external evils. By consuming "Five Whites" to regulate the lungs, we can improve the resistance of the lungs, reduce the occurrence of colds, and make the body stronger.

Sydney, lily, yam..."Five white" ingredients help the lungs "become stronger", you can't miss it in the cold season!

We hope that you will be able to flexibly use these suggestions in your daily life according to your personal physical condition and develop a health and wellness plan that suits you. Through a reasonable diet, breathing exercises, etc., to maintain lung health and stay away from colds.

Ultimately, let's work together to focus not only on lung health, but also on overall physical health. In the process, we are better able to enjoy life and embrace the happiness and vitality of each day. May everyone have a healthy and happy life in the cold winter.

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