
Kumquat is boiled with it, which is equivalent to a natural "cough prescription", moistens the lungs and relieves cough, and is less sick in the next year


Kumquat pear sugar cane soup preparation

In the cold winter, it has become common for a dry throat to catch a cold and cough easily. As a natural cough soup, kumquat and pear sugarcane soup has a good effect on alleviating these problems. Kumquat is said to be known as the "king of cough suppressants", so this recipe has a certain cough suppressant effect. So, how to make kumquat and pear sugarcane soup? Let's follow the editor to learn Xi.

First of all, we need to prepare some ingredients, including a few sections of sugar cane, a pear, about 150 grams of kumquat, an appropriate amount of salt, a little cold water, about 30 grams of dried lilies, a few red dates, and a little rock sugar. Here's how:

Kumquat is boiled with it, which is equivalent to a natural "cough prescription", moistens the lungs and relieves cough, and is less sick in the next year

1. First of all, peel off the sugarcane, remove the sugarcane knots, and then cut the sections of the same length and set aside.

2. Next, wash the skin of the pear, apply some salt, rub it evenly with your hands, then soak it in salt water, wash it and cut it into pieces.

Kumquat is boiled with it, which is equivalent to a natural "cough prescription", moistens the lungs and relieves cough, and is less sick in the next year

3. Soak kumquat in salted water for a while, then rinse it with clean water, and cut some crosses on the surface so that it can be cooked for more nutrients.

4. Soak the dried lilies in warm water, tear off a transparent film, and then remove the core of the dates and wash them.

Kumquat is boiled with it, which is equivalent to a natural "cough prescription", moistens the lungs and relieves cough, and is less sick in the next year

5. Prepare the pot for stewed soup, put the pear cubes, sugar cane cubes, kumquats, some lilies and red dates in it, and add the appropriate amount of purified water. Reduce heat to high and simmer, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes.

6. Finally, add a little rock sugar and wait for all the ingredients to cook before bringing the soup to room temperature. Kumquat and pear sugarcane soup is ready to eat.

Kumquat is boiled with it, which is equivalent to a natural "cough prescription", moistens the lungs and relieves cough, and is less sick in the next year

This kumquat pear sugarcane soup is simple to make, sweet in taste, nutritious and easy to digest and absorb. It not only moistens the lungs and relieves cough, but also improves immunity, making it suitable for people of all ages.

The efficacy and role of the ingredients

1. Sugarcane: Sugarcane is a very sweet fruit, rich in sugar and vitamin C, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and quenching thirst. When making soup, sugar cane provides energy and keeps people energized.

Kumquat is boiled with it, which is equivalent to a natural "cough prescription", moistens the lungs and relieves cough, and is less sick in the next year

2. Sydney: Sydney pear has the effect of moisturizing dryness, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, especially suitable for eating in dry winter. Sydney pears are also rich in vitamins and minerals, which are good for protecting the throat and respiratory tract.

3. Kumquat: Known as the "king of cough suppressants", kumquat has a sweet and sour flesh that is rich in vitamin C and minerals. Kumquat can irritate the throat area, promote cough discharge, and has a good effect on relieving coughs and colds.

Kumquat is boiled with it, which is equivalent to a natural "cough prescription", moistens the lungs and relieves cough, and is less sick in the next year

4. Dried lily: Dried lily has the effect of clearing heat and moistening the lungs, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, which can relieve the symptoms of cough and make breathing smoother.

5. Red dates: In traditional Chinese medicine, red dates are regarded as nourishing ingredients, which have the functions of nourishing qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach. Adding red dates to kumquat and pear sugarcane soup not only adds sweetness, but also provides more nutrients to the body.

Kumquat is boiled with it, which is equivalent to a natural "cough prescription", moistens the lungs and relieves cough, and is less sick in the next year

The efficacy and health value of kumquat pear sugarcane soup

1. Cough and lungs: Kumquat and Sydney pear both have the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough. Kumquat is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can suppress inflammation and relieve cough and sore throat. Sydney, on the other hand, is rich in dietary fiber and mucus, which can lubricate the throat and relieve symptoms of dry cough and phlegm.

2. Improve immunity: Kumquat, Sydney pear and red dates are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can enhance immunity, improve resistance, and prevent the occurrence of colds and other respiratory diseases.

Kumquat is boiled with it, which is equivalent to a natural "cough prescription", moistens the lungs and relieves cough, and is less sick in the next year

3. Replenish energy: Sugarcane and jujube are rich in sugar and other organic substances, which can provide energy to the body and increase physical strength and resistance.

4. Strengthen the spleen and stomach: The red dates in kumquat and pear sugarcane soup have the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, promoting digestion and regulating gastrointestinal function.

Kumquat is boiled with it, which is equivalent to a natural "cough prescription", moistens the lungs and relieves cough, and is less sick in the next year

Editor's summary

Kumquat and pear cane soup is a simple but effective dietary remedy. It not only has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, but also improves immunity, replenishes energy, strengthens the spleen and stomach. Especially during the cold winter months, this soup can not only help relieve symptoms such as coughs and colds, but also promote healthier health.

I personally have also tried to make kumquat and pear sugarcane soup, and it does have a certain relief effect on cough. Drinking a glass a day not only makes your throat feel more comfortable, but it is also effective in improving sleep quality. However, when drinking soup, you should still choose according to your actual situation and physical condition, and if the symptoms worsen, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time.

Kumquat is boiled with it, which is equivalent to a natural "cough prescription", moistens the lungs and relieves cough, and is less sick in the next year

Overall, kumquat and pear sugarcane soup is a therapeutic recipe worth trying in winter. In addition to providing the nutrients the body needs, it also improves symptoms such as coughs and colds. I hope everyone can stay healthy and welcome the New Year in the cold winter.

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