
Why more and more children are going to depression, in fact, the culprit comes from the birth parents

Why more and more children are going to depression, in fact, the culprit comes from the birth parents.

Why more and more children are going to depression, in fact, the culprit comes from the birth parents

On the bus, a little boy was forced by his mother to start writing homework on the bus, he was writing and looking at the picture to talk, the picture was painted with a bird, the little boy wrote the bird as a sparrow, the mother had to say that the child wrote wrong, thinking that the child was not out, how can it not be an eagle.

The child also recognizes the principle of death, and thinks that such a small one is a small sparrow.

Then the mother used her own "obscene authority", coupled with a little force, and the child wiped away the sparrow he had written while crying.

Why more and more children are going to depression, in fact, the culprit comes from the birth parents

This is really just the tip of the iceberg for parents to educate their children, maybe even this corner can not be talked about, as if what parents say and do is right, children are not allowed to have their own cognition, not allowed to have their own imagination, not allowed to be out of the control of parents.

Don't talk about children, even I, an adult, feel depressed to watch the fire from the other side.

Why more and more children are going to depression, in fact, the culprit comes from the birth parents

And it is this desire of control of parents that makes one child after another be forced into depression, and parents also have to flaunt their grievances in the name of "all for your own good".

Just like Tian Yulan in last year's TV series "Little Shed", children are not allowed to play football, children are not allowed to waste time in the physics they like, and they force children to go east and west every day to learn the Olympic Mathematics, never asking children whether they accept it, only thinking about their own efforts and not easy.

Why more and more children are going to depression, in fact, the culprit comes from the birth parents

We have all learned the idiom of pulling seedlings to promote growth, but parents have returned it to the teacher, but they require the child to be a genius.

Learning is important, but so is the child's inner world.

Why more and more children are going to depression, in fact, the culprit comes from the birth parents

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Author: Sister Qing, a pseudo-90s girl who likes to walk in her heart.

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