
Internationally recognized as one of the top 10 best sports for children

Many parents have encountered confusion when choosing physical exercise for their children: what does the child like? How to choose a large number of sports? How to balance the time spent on school with physical exercise, etc.

Internationally recognized as one of the top 10 best sports for children

There are dozens of projects that we can reach on a daily basis. In recent years, many popular foreign projects have gradually been introduced into China, and more or less more than 100 projects can be selected, and the differences are different. From the child's point of view, interest is the first element; from the point of view of physical development, comprehensive development is crucial.

There are a lot of active children, usually in school exercise has been very large, and after class also need to continue to learn sports projects, resulting in excessive muscle fatigue, affecting the recovery and development of the body, should be appropriately staggered or combined with some of the intensity of the exercise, then what are the international recommended children's sports?


Climbing exercises

A good kindergarten will be equipped with climbing devices, including slide rope nets, crossing suspension bridges and other exercises of the body's balance ability. Climbing activities require children to mobilize all parts of the body to coordinate operation, and require the comprehensive cooperation of hands, feet, eyes and body.

Internationally recognized as one of the top 10 best sports for children

The child's skill of climbing and climbing can promote the coordination of the child's body, making them more flexible and responsive. Whenever a child climbs to a new place, due to the change of distance and height, it brings new feelings and experiences to the child's vision, which not only helps to cultivate the child's concept of space, but also helps the child to observe the environment from a new perspective.


Run outdoors

Internationally recognized as one of the top 10 best sports for children
Internationally recognized as one of the top 10 best sports for children

Outdoor running, pay attention not to long-distance running, children are not suitable for long-distance running training. Children are only suitable for free and playful running, such as grabbing games are better, and time also needs to be controlled.


Ball sports

Whether it's kicking, dribbling, throwing balls, dodging balls... Both are very good for children's general development. However, note that young children are not suitable for practicing tennis and other racket sports, which is not good for muscle growth.

Internationally recognized as one of the top 10 best sports for children

After the child is 5 years old, the body motor function really begins to mature, this development is fast and some people are slow, so generally we think that after the age of 6, it is the right time to carry out certain exercises, and some children may need to be ready until the age of 7 or 8.


Obstacle play

Obstacle courses, or some "adventure" games, are a comprehensive type of project, including running in the woods to avoid trees (of course, the sparser woods) and such as walking canoe bridges, tumbling, dodging, and so on.


Fine movements

Internationally recognized as one of the top 10 best sports for children

The development of the delicate movements of the child's hands follows the developmental law from cloudy to differentiated, from unconscious.

Manipulating blocks and grabbing small balls are conducive to the development of children's two-handed coordination ability.


Aerobics and dancing

Internationally recognized as one of the top 10 best sports for children

Proper dance training is helpful for the physical development of children who are in a period of rapid growth and development, and dance requires the cooperation of all parts of the body.

Through the harmonious movement of music and dance movements to achieve the training of motor coordination, it also helps to exercise the flexibility and flexibility of the limbs, cultivate aesthetic emotions, and improve physical fitness.


Team rules game

Through play, children understand the world around them, cultivate the ability to actively get along with others in play, and effectively cultivate children's sense of order.

Through play, children learn to pay attention to others in an appropriate way, develop children's innate curiosity in play, exercise their problem-solving skills, and cultivate autonomy.


Toddler swimming

Internationally recognized as one of the top 10 best sports for children

Early childhood contact with swimming can effectively stimulate the development of the nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system and muscular and skeletal system, promote the development of children's brain, bones and muscles, and stimulate the early potential of young children.



Growing up in the world of paddling sports is one of the best times for all children! Recreational kayaking can also be taken without swimming, but professional kayaking training is almost non-existent if you want to succeed quickly.

Children will grow into healthy and happy paddlers by practicing kayaking and listening to their instructors.



Internationally recognized as one of the top 10 best sports for children
Internationally recognized as one of the top 10 best sports for children


The OP class is the smallest in the sailing class, designed in 1947 by the well-known designer Clark Mills, is a small single-player sailboat, originally designed for children to learn sailing.


OP sailing can exercise children's independent hands-on ability, improve children's balance, coordination, improve judgment and emergency handling ability, as well as the ability to adapt to and control the environment; it can also cultivate children a new way of life and exercise, feel the happiness brought by sports, and cultivate a good optimistic and positive attitude.

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