
In #Human World Essay, Zhou Zhigang is a very important character. There are many good qualities in him that are worth learning, but because of his personal ideas, he has also done some wrong things.

author:Film and television word-of-mouth list

In #Human World Essay, Zhou Zhigang is a very important character. There are many good qualities in him that are worth learning, but because of his personal concepts, he has also done some wrong things, causing some harm to the children, especially to the youngest son Zhou Bingkun. In his attitude toward Bingkun, he hides many mistakes that parents often make mistakes but never admit. #影视杂谈 #

For the eldest son Zhou Bingyi, Zhou Zhigang is the most important, seeing him as the "face" of the Zhou family, thinking that he can support the glory of the Zhou family. Later, even if his son was in a high position, he never thought of letting his son do anything for his family, but only let him put his work first and the interests of the country and the masses first.

For his daughter Zhou Rong, Zhou Zhigang can be said to be the most beloved, the beginning of the episode, in the choice of letting his daughter or his younger son go to the countryside, he chose to let his younger son go, afraid that his daughter would suffer. It's just that the daughter did not obey his arrangement for her love and went to Guizhou herself.

He was very angry about his daughter's rebellion and did not forgive her for several years. However, in the end, because he loved his daughter, he still chose to forgive his daughter and recognize his son-in-law. After Feng Huacheng and Zhou Rong proposed a divorce, he disregarded his old age and personally knocked on the door to teach Feng Huacheng a lesson and give his daughter a blow.

Among the three children, Bingkun was very unpopular with his father, and Father Zhou said that it was because Bingkun was too sharp, and people with clear eyes could see where Bingkun was, and it was obvious that his father did not want to see him.

When the second and second elders were busy for their own affairs, only Bingkun and Zheng Juan silently took on all the responsibilities of the family, without complaining or prevaricating. Mom and Dad are the parents of three children, but only one child bears all the parents' responsibilities.

As a netizen left a message saying, the children who have appeared have flown, and those who have stayed to perform filial piety are those children whose parents feel that they have not appeared. Put down those so-called scenery, after people are old, what they need most is someone to accompany and someone to take care of it, a thousand words of beautiful words, such as pouring him a glass of water in front of his parents' hospital bed and feeding him a mouthful of porridge? After watching this drama, many parents may have more feelings about the word filial piety. #Film and television word-of-mouth list #"In the world" Zhou father passed away, his last words revealed the truth that many parents refused to admit

In #Human World Essay, Zhou Zhigang is a very important character. There are many good qualities in him that are worth learning, but because of his personal ideas, he has also done some wrong things.
In #Human World Essay, Zhou Zhigang is a very important character. There are many good qualities in him that are worth learning, but because of his personal ideas, he has also done some wrong things.
In #Human World Essay, Zhou Zhigang is a very important character. There are many good qualities in him that are worth learning, but because of his personal ideas, he has also done some wrong things.
In #Human World Essay, Zhou Zhigang is a very important character. There are many good qualities in him that are worth learning, but because of his personal ideas, he has also done some wrong things.
In #Human World Essay, Zhou Zhigang is a very important character. There are many good qualities in him that are worth learning, but because of his personal ideas, he has also done some wrong things.
In #Human World Essay, Zhou Zhigang is a very important character. There are many good qualities in him that are worth learning, but because of his personal ideas, he has also done some wrong things.
In #Human World Essay, Zhou Zhigang is a very important character. There are many good qualities in him that are worth learning, but because of his personal ideas, he has also done some wrong things.
In #Human World Essay, Zhou Zhigang is a very important character. There are many good qualities in him that are worth learning, but because of his personal ideas, he has also done some wrong things.

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