
Before dying, a Jew said to his grandson, "I'll tell you a way to make money, first go to the factory and customize 100,000 umbrellas." The grandson was very confused after listening to it, and did not understand what grandpa was playing

author:Green whale little seven

Before dying, a Jew said to his grandson, "I'll tell you a way to make money, first go to the factory and customize 100,000 umbrellas." The grandson was very confused after listening to it, and did not understand what kind of calculation grandpa was making, but he still did as he wanted. Later, he did not have a penny, and with 100,000 umbrellas, he successfully earned 300,000.

Old John was originally a well-known local rich man, but the family suffered misfortune after misfortune, and his wife, son, and daughter-in-law died one after another, leaving only his only grandson, Leite.

The disease is ruthless, so that old John's health is not as good as a day, although his legacy is enough for LTECH to spend half a lifetime, but old John does not want to see his grandson sitting on the empty mountain, so he taught LTECH a money-making skill.

When Ltech heard about Grandpa's method, he did not agree, but he could not disobey and did so, but the result surprised Lett.

LTECH came to the umbrella factory according to his grandfather's instructions, and at the first sight of LTECH, the boss thought: It seems that this time it will make a profit.

"How many umbrellas are you going to make?" The boss asked while pouring tea, and Lett said, "100,000." ”

The boss listened, a shock in his heart, LTECH did not ink with the boss, directly asked the price, the boss said: "5 yuan a handful." ”

LTECH said: "The boss is cool, what is the lowest price?" The boss hesitated for a moment and said, "Minimum 4 yuan." ”

LETT heard that he wanted to leave, and said that I went to the other shop to see it, and the ducks to the mouth did not eat white, and the boss endured the heartache and said: "3 yuan, no matter how low I will lose money." "Deal!" LTECH said.

After that, LTECH signed a contract with the boss and said that he would pay the deposit after 3 days.

Before long, LTECH appeared at an educational institution and called himself a propagandist.

At first, LTECH was directly rejected by the head of the educational institution, because the person in charge had tried many propaganda methods without much success.

LRIGHT said: "We use umbrellas for publicity, and we go to do it for you, you can only pay a part of the deposit, and all of them will be refunded to you in the later stage without effect." ”

After Aret's words, the person in charge was moved and said, "Good. ”

After that, LTECH took the deposit and the advertisement of the educational institution to the umbrella factory.

Then LTECH came to a large shopping mall and asked to see the manager.

"The mall has to do publicity every once in a while, I have 100,000 umbrellas here, I think you need it." Lett said straight to the point.

The manager asked curiously, "Why do you think I need it?" ”

"Umbrellas are a necessity for everyone, not only is my price something you can't buy anywhere else, but I'll give you a solution," LTECH said. ”

Under the manager's inquiry, LTECH said: "Spending 100 in the supermarket and getting a boutique umbrella worth 30 can not only increase the customer's desire to buy, but also attract many new customers." ”

The manager agreed after listening to it, but everything was ready to blow only the east wind.

As the business of shopping malls becomes more and more popular, many people are wearing umbrellas with advertisements for educational institutions, and the flow of people in educational institutions is also increasing.

Excited, the educational institution gave the rest of the money to LTECH.

Finally, LTECH brushed it up from the beginning to the end, how could he not have imagined that he had actually earned 300,000 yuan in the tossing hand, and many people would wonder where this money came from?

In fact, the simple point is the publicity fee of the educational institution, the consumption of 300,000 yuan in the umbrella field and the mall earned 300,000 yuan offset, and the educational institution does not want the physical object but the publicity effect, LTECH with the help of the mall's hand to achieve, so the 300,000 yuan of the educational institution also came.

Through this experience, LTECH learned a lot from it, he understood the importance of thinking better, after the old John left, LTECH relied on different business skills to do a bigger business.

The above story comes from the Talmud, which is practiced by Jewish families, and there are many stories of making money in business in this book, and each story will tell us a business mindset and truth.

It is well known that although there is no fixed residence, they have hooked up with the rich elite, such as Einstein, Rockefeller, Picasso and other well-known people, and the Jews have been given the title of "the world's richest businessman".

But is the reason why the Jews are so intelligent, is it innate? No!

Einstein gave the answer: "The wisdom of mankind is in the minds of the Jews, and the wisdom of the Jews is in the Talmud. ”

It follows from this that the success of the Jews is inseparable from the Talmud, and as long as the child in the family has just become literate, his father will give him a copy of the Talmud, let him read it every day, and then tell him that no matter what, he cannot sell the book.

Because the book condenses the wisdom and painstaking efforts of more than 2,000 Jewish scholars, it is known as the jewish business wisdom and the bible of life.

There is a saying in the Talmud: "Different ideas create different ways out, and the way we think is not only horizontal thinking, but also reverse thinking." ”

Just as there are not too many rules and regulations in the Jewish mind, they can think of what others dare not think and what people fail to do.

Faced with a problem that seems difficult for ordinary people to solve, Jews can always open a door to success on the road to wealth with their creative and leaping thinking.

The Talmud brings together hundreds of business cases, from which you can experience the wisdom of wealth management and cultivate the habit of managing wealth.

Learn from the Talmud and let yourself move towards wisdom and success. Rockefeller, the American oil magnate, once said, "Fundamentally, it was the Talmud who changed my view of wealth, and I think he changed my life."

Like Buffett, who is also a Jew, he once said: "When I was a child, I loved to watch small stories that made money, and the Talmud always inspired me."

If you are feeling confused and anxious, you may wish to read the Talmud, learn the way to make money in the book, and over time, you will gain something, get an improvement in the level of cognition, grow up faster, reverse fate, and embark on the peak of life.

Read with your child, you can also improve together, benefit for life, click on the link below to buy!

The Talmud Encyclopedia of Jewish Wisdom

Before dying, a Jew said to his grandson, "I'll tell you a way to make money, first go to the factory and customize 100,000 umbrellas." The grandson was very confused after listening to it, and did not understand what grandpa was playing
Before dying, a Jew said to his grandson, "I'll tell you a way to make money, first go to the factory and customize 100,000 umbrellas." The grandson was very confused after listening to it, and did not understand what grandpa was playing
Before dying, a Jew said to his grandson, "I'll tell you a way to make money, first go to the factory and customize 100,000 umbrellas." The grandson was very confused after listening to it, and did not understand what grandpa was playing
Before dying, a Jew said to his grandson, "I'll tell you a way to make money, first go to the factory and customize 100,000 umbrellas." The grandson was very confused after listening to it, and did not understand what grandpa was playing
Before dying, a Jew said to his grandson, "I'll tell you a way to make money, first go to the factory and customize 100,000 umbrellas." The grandson was very confused after listening to it, and did not understand what grandpa was playing
Before dying, a Jew said to his grandson, "I'll tell you a way to make money, first go to the factory and customize 100,000 umbrellas." The grandson was very confused after listening to it, and did not understand what grandpa was playing

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