
The kindergarten chose to open on Valentine's Day, and parents protested: What is the matter with children on Valentine's Day?

Introduction: In the mainland, many young people are very respectful of February 14 Valentine's Day, on this day, young couples exchange gifts, dinner together, and send each other heartfelt.

The kindergarten chose to open on Valentine's Day, and parents protested: What is the matter with children on Valentine's Day?

Although Valentine's Day on February 14 is a veritable "foreign festival", it does not affect the love of young people on the mainland for this festival. In fact, in foreign countries, Valentine's Day is not only for couples and lovers to celebrate, people define this holiday as a "festival of love", thinking that on this day, anyone can express love to others.

Therefore, from this point of view, Valentine's Day is not an exclusive holiday for parents and adults, and children who have great interest in the festival can also participate in it appropriately. Do you think so?

01, the kindergarten chose to start on Valentine's Day, and parents protested

Two days ago, the neighbor Li Jie received a notice from the kindergarten teacher, "The kindergarten is scheduled to open on February 14, Valentine's Day, when the teachers will arrange interesting holiday activities for the children, I hope that parents can cooperate with the teacher, try to put on pink or red celebration clothes for the children, so that the children can know more about love in such a love festival." ”

The kindergarten chose to open on Valentine's Day, and parents protested: What is the matter with children on Valentine's Day?

When chatting with the neighbors, Sister Li complained with some "little understanding", "Now the kindergarten really has any festival, except for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and even Valentine's Day!" As soon as Sister Li said this, the neighbors who are Bao Mom expressed their views one after another.

Bao Ma Ai Ling echoed and said, "That is, I also received a notice from the kindergarten for Valentine's Day, do children understand what Valentine's Day is?" Today's young teachers are really a little confused, what does Valentine's Day have to do with children? I think it's just bullshit! ”

The kindergarten chose to open on Valentine's Day, and parents protested: What is the matter with children on Valentine's Day?

However, Bao Ma Lishan held a different opinion on this, "The situation you are talking about, my child's kindergarten also has it!" However, I still agree with the explanation given by the teacher. ”

The kindergarten chose to open on Valentine's Day, and parents protested: What is the matter with children on Valentine's Day?

The teacher said that children abroad can also celebrate Valentine's Day, and on this day, they will participate in a lot of love education activities. The reason why the Chinese people have turned Valentine's Day into a festival between couples is actually a relatively narrow interpretation of the festival. ”

02, in foreign countries, people call Valentine's Day a "holiday of love"

Valentine's Day on February 14 is also known as St. Valentine's Day. In Western countries, children are the most active participants in Valentine's Day. In North America, for example, on February 14, the local library will organize a special celebration, and even arrange for children to participate in the baking of love.

The kindergarten chose to open on Valentine's Day, and parents protested: What is the matter with children on Valentine's Day?

People think of Valentine's Day as a day to express love, and children can express their love to their partners, friends, parents, and family members around them. If children can bravely express their love to others, then this will not only make them more happy, but also make them more aware of the true meaning of love.

In the eyes of foreigners, this "festival of love" is a very good way for families to educate their children in love, willing to express love and say love to children, so that they can have a better chance to harvest love and enjoy love.

03, in the "festival of love" to learn to express love

Many times, Chinese parents have an "instinctive" sense of shame when faced with expressions of love. For example, parents rarely say "I love you" to their children, and parents rarely let their children see the act of loving each other intimately. But in fact, family life is indispensable to the expression of love, whether it is between parents and children, or between parents and each other, too shy love expression, is not conducive to the child's inner love perception, and even the formation of family concepts.

The kindergarten chose to open on Valentine's Day, and parents protested: What is the matter with children on Valentine's Day?

When children have the opportunity to participate in the love festival with their parents and witness the expression of love with their parents, the love they feel is more meaningful. When children see the expressions of love made by their parents, they can learn and feel about it.

The kindergarten chose to open on Valentine's Day, and parents protested: What is the matter with children on Valentine's Day?

Some people say that the best love education that parents give their children is to let him see that his father loves his mother. Obviously, from this point of view, allowing children to participate in the festival of love together can make them better feel the expression of love emotions between parents, and this will also make them feel more secure inside. When children realize that they have grown up in a loving family atmosphere, their growth will be protected by love and guaranteed by love.

Romantic Valentine's Day, because of the participation of children will add more family warmth. Instead of limiting this festival to the festival of expressing love between couples, you may wish to try to encourage children to participate in it, so that the little ones can know more about loving and being loved in the expression of love.


In addition to its own existence, the value of the festival also has a certain derivative value. How to make the holidays more meaningful? It also depends on the mentality of the parents to cope with. Spending time on a festival is a manifestation of the importance that parents attach to the rituals of life, and at the same time, it will also become an opportunity to educate their children about love. Individuals who do not know how to perceive love, express love, and give back to love are very sad, and the love education of parents to their children is always worth it.

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