
2022 Car-making New Forces Ranking

The new force of car manufacturing began in 2018, and in just a few years, the market has flown, from the initial decline of everyone to a new outlet for Internet entrepreneurship and entity transformation and development, but it has only been a short period of more than 3 years. In the past 3 years, from the initial Weilai family to the rise of later shows such as ideals and Nezha, the new forces of car manufacturing have gradually become more and more powerful.

2022 Car-making New Forces Ranking

The first three are still those three, Weilai, Xiaopeng and Ideal, but the ranking of the three has changed many times in a year. The real surprise is that it is followed by Nezha Automobile, which has developed rapidly in the past 2021, with the technical advantages of deep cultivation and cross-border linkage channel innovation and out-of-the-loop marketing, its sales exceeded WM's fourth place in one fell swoop, and it sat firmly in the first place of the second echelon of the new domestic car-making forces. It is conceivable that in the current 2022, Nezha Automobile will have a certain impact on the top three cars of "Wei Xiaoli" in the case of a reasonable operation, and even the rotation of the ranking is not impossible.

Different positioning leads to uneven rankings

From the perspective of positioning, Weilai Automobile, as the early big brother of the new car-making forces, has matured both technology and marketing experience, and its ambitions are obvious, positioning the high-end field of domestic new energy vehicles, calling Tesla, and the competition with Tesla is becoming increasingly fierce. While concentrating on the competitive field of high-end new energy vehicles, it is impossible to take into account the competition of other gears of new energy vehicles, after all, resources are limited. On the other hand, Nezha automobile is more abundant than the product architecture, in addition to the early Nezha V, Nezha U Rro, in 2022 Nezha will launch a new Nezha S series, so that Nezha "family barrel" is officially formed, the model covers coupes, car and SUVs, the price range is the popular price range throughout the domestic new energy vehicle market - 150,000 yuan to 400,000 yuan. In this way, the differentiated competition in positioning and product layout will bring new opportunities for the development of Nezha Automobile in 2022.

2022 Nezha Automobile is the birth of Another force as S

2022 Car-making New Forces Ranking

Nezha S is a car model based on the Shanhai platform launched by Nezha, which includes two power types: hybrid and pure electric. Similar to the overall style of the design of the family's previous cars, the streamlined body design, with sharp headlights as the finishing touch, caters to the demands of young people on the design of the car, and the paving is a strong visual impact effect, which is unforgettable for a long time.

Benchmarking weima M7, Nezha S is also more complete in function, equipped with lidar, further enhance the level of intelligent assisted driving, and will have a more outstanding performance in parking and remote summoning. Compared with the previous work, the battery life of Nezha S has also been improved again, and it is estimated that the battery life will be between 800 kilometers and 1100 kilometers, which will better meet the commuting needs of users in the city and surrounding areas.

The improvement of the ranking of new car-making forces is not only related to the overall market positioning and brand marketing strategy of car companies, but also related to the advantages of their flagship models launched in the new year. It is conceivable that in 2022, Nezha Automobile will provide a satisfactory answer sheet for people who pay attention to the new forces of car manufacturing in China.

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