
Today is my birthday, although there is no shortage of food and drink now, I still miss the first birthday I remember, and I still remember it vividly, and I went to my grandmother's house to play after eating

author:SiheShan Cai Jie

Today is my birthday, although now there is no shortage of food and drink, or very very much miss the first birthday I remember, until now I still remember vividly, which day I finished eating to go to my grandmother's house to play, my grandmother said, silly girl, today your birthday back to let your mother boil eggs for you, I was still young did not know what birthday is, only know that I can eat eggs, go back to my mother and make a fuss about eating eggs, at that time poor eggs are not willing to eat, eggs for salt two do not look for money, to the evening my mother secretly boiled an egg for me, Secretly gave me to let me hide behind the pot to eat, just peeled the egg was seen by my second brother, and finally the five sisters ate an egg together, from where I know that my birthday is today's day, an egg will always be remembered, rural people are basically not birthdays, but all the same, and finally wish themselves a happy birthday. #我的家乡我的年 #

Today is my birthday, although there is no shortage of food and drink now, I still miss the first birthday I remember, and I still remember it vividly, and I went to my grandmother's house to play after eating
Today is my birthday, although there is no shortage of food and drink now, I still miss the first birthday I remember, and I still remember it vividly, and I went to my grandmother's house to play after eating
Today is my birthday, although there is no shortage of food and drink now, I still miss the first birthday I remember, and I still remember it vividly, and I went to my grandmother's house to play after eating

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