
Old Chinese medicine commonly used in Chinese medicine 10 kinds of "immortal collocation", collection for backup! 1, ginseng + lotus seeds - tonic qi - often used for spleen deficiency diarrhea, belt down, sperm retention, palpitations insomnia. 2. Liters

author:Funny flower cat aH

Old Chinese medicine commonly used in Chinese medicine 10 kinds of "immortal collocation", collection for backup!

1, ginseng + lotus seeds - tonic qi - often used for spleen deficiency diarrhea, belt down, sperm retention, palpitations insomnia.

2, cohosh + chai hu - lift yang qi - for cold fever, cold and heat exchanges, malaria, liver depression stagnation, chest rib swelling pain, prolapse, uterine prolapse, menstrual irregularities.

3, Mai Dong + yam - yi qi tonic spleen - nourish yin sheng jin, moisturize the lungs and cough: used for lung and stomach yin deficiency of jin less thirst, dry cough and hemoptysis; heart and yin deficiency palpitations are easy to frighten and heat injury jin liquid in the later stage of fever and other evidence

4, gypsum + zhimu - clear heat and diarrhea, in addition to annoyance and thirst - suitable for fever, sweating, irritability, thirst, pulse flood and other real heat evidence, the main clear lung and stomach two real heat, such as white tiger soup.

5. Chai Hu + Sichuan Root - Liver Thinning and Depressive Relief - Suitable for blood stasis and blocking various diseases; it can treat head wind headache, rheumatic paralysis and other symptoms

6, summer dry grass + goji berries - clear liver and eyes - can clear the fire and eyes, can cure the redness of the eyes, swelling pain, headache and other effects. It is a "holy medicine" for liver cleansing and liver protection. Specialized in the treatment of night pain and dizziness of the head

7. Divine Comedy + Hawthorn - Digestion appetizer - has the effect of lowering blood lipids, blood pressure, strengthening the heart, anti-arrhythmia, etc., and is also a good medicine for strengthening the spleen and appetizing, digesting stagnation, and activating blood and dissolving phlegm

8, sour jujube kernel + lily - regulate sleep - has the effect of nourishing the heart and tonifying the liver, calming the mind, absorbing sweat, and rejuvenating. It is often used for sleeplessness, palpitations and dreams, weakness and sweating, and thirst for wounds.

9, Qiang huo + solo live - rheumatism, anti-paralysis pain, solution table - treatment of cold and wet cold, symptoms of cold fever, headache strong, limb aches, no sweat. As well as wind chills and wet paralysis, shoulder and arm pain, etc.

10, astragalus + angelica - tonify qi and blood - for qi deficiency, long diarrhea and prolapse, self-sweating, edema, uterine prolapse, chronic nephritis proteinuria, diabetes, sores for a long time.

Old Chinese medicine commonly used in Chinese medicine 10 kinds of "immortal collocation", collection for backup! 1, ginseng + lotus seeds - tonic qi - often used for spleen deficiency diarrhea, belt down, sperm retention, palpitations insomnia. 2. Liters

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