
People who are often dry and thirsty should beware of these diseases


Did you drink water well today? Do you feel dry mouth?

But sometimes, even if you drink a lot of water, you still feel dry and thirsty, why is this, and what should you do?

1. Eat too salty

A heavy salt and spicy hot pot and boiled fish on weekends, snacks such as strange beans, potato chips, and nine-made plum meat eaten at work, and watercress sauce and chili sauce for bibimbap are all high-sodium foods that make us dry and thirsty[1].

People who are often dry and thirsty should beware of these diseases

2. Do not drink water in time after strenuous exercise

Sweating profusely after a long period of strenuous exercise or heavy physical labor, but it is easy to thirst without timely replenishment.

3. Fever, diarrhea

When you have a fever or diarrhea, you lose water and you may become thirsty.

4. Take medication

Long-term use of some drugs, such as antidepressants amitriptyline, propmizine, etc., antihypertensive drugs clonidine, piperazin, etc., will also appear dry mouth and thirst symptoms [2].

People who are often dry and thirsty should beware of these diseases

5. Suffering from oral diseases

For example, mumps or oral gland stones may also induce symptoms of dry mouth and thirst.

In addition, if the middle-aged and elderly people are often thirsty, it may be because with the degradation of physical functions, the salivary glands atrophy and the amount of saliva secretion becomes less, so dry mouth occurs; dry mouth in pregnant women is also common.

In the above cases of dry mouth, as long as you pay attention to drinking more water [3], or prescribe the right medicine, after the disease is cured or relieved, the thirst will basically disappear.

(Those who are sure that they have been "shot" can pull down to the last part and check the drinking strategy made for you by Zhimei).

However, if dry mouth is not related to all of these reasons, it may be a signal of some systemic disease!

1. Diabetes

If you find that you are often thirsty, and that your urinary output increases for no reason, your weight is lost for no reason, and your fatigue is not relieved, you must check to rule out diabetes [4].

People who are often dry and thirsty should beware of these diseases

2. Sjogren's syndrome

The disease is due to the attack of immune cells to destroy their own secretory glands, resulting in atrophy of the glands and a decrease in secretory function, resulting in various symptoms of dryness in the body.

If it lasts for more than 3 months, every day feel dry mouth, dry eyes (even there is a repeated "sand" blowing into the eyes of the scrub), dry and itchy skin, usually need to drink frequently, parotid glands repeated or persistent enlargement, rampant caries (about 50% of patients with Sjögren syndrome will have multiple caries that are difficult to control the development of caries, manifested as teeth gradually blackened, and then small pieces of peeling off, and finally only residual roots), etc., you should pay attention to this disease [5].

People who are often dry and thirsty should beware of these diseases

3. Diseases of the blood system

Megaloblastic anemia due to iron deficiency, pernicious anemia, or vitamin B deficiency may result in atrophic glossitis and symptoms such as decreased saliva secretion [6,8].

4. Mental illness

Some people with depression and anxiety disorders, because of long-term medication or psychological factors, can lead to conscious dry mouth (in fact, there is no dry mouth, but because of the hints of psychological factors, they always feel dry mouth), and even when eating, they will feel that they need to drink some water to swallow [7].

In addition to these factors, diabetes insipidus, benign lymphoepithelial lesions, primary biliary cirrhosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, candidiasis, and sleep apnea may cause dry mouth.

In addition, some cancers may also have symptoms of dry mouth, but you don't have to panic too much, and you don't have to give yourself a conclusion because of dry mouth, because cancer is usually accompanied by other symptoms (such as lumps, weight loss, unexplained fever, etc.), and also need to pass a series of tests to confirm the diagnosis.

1. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water

Thirst is already a sign of obvious lack of water in the body, so in daily life, we must drink water at any time, do not wait until thirsty to drink water [1].

2. Drink enough water

Healthy adults should drink 1500-1700 ml per day (about 7 to 8 cups of disposable paper cups), and in the case of heavy sweating, drink more appropriately [1].

People who are often dry and thirsty should beware of these diseases

(Source: soogif)

3. Drink these waters to quench your thirst

The best option to drink water is boiled water, if you don't like tasteless water, you can also drink:

Light tea

Adults can use light tea (such as green tea, white tea, black tea) instead of some boiled water, but pay attention to drink less strong tea.

Mixed grains, miscellaneous beans soaked in water

Barley soaking water, buckwheat soaking water, boiling mung bean soup is also a good choice for "people who don't like to drink white water", remember not to put or put less sugar!

Soak the fruit in water

Kumquats, lemons, and limes are washed and cut into thin slices and soaked in water (without or without sugar) are also very delicious.

People who are often dry and thirsty should beware of these diseases

Also, don't drink carbonated drinks or other sweet drinks when you're thirsty! They cause the body to lose more water and even become more thirsty the more you drink.

Drinking water may seem like a small thing in a busy life, but it is actually a big thing that is closely related to our health.

Develop a good drinking habit to get away from the small problem of frequent thirst and live a healthier life.

Pick up the glass and drink the water


Lin Chen | a dietitian in the Department of Clinical Nutrition, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Affiliated to Capital Medical University

Zhang Lin | Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Endocrinology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University


Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016 Edition).People's Medical Publishing House.

[2] Tan ECK, Lexomboon D, Sandborgh-Englund G, Haasum Y, Johnell K. Medications That Cause Dry Mouth As an Adverse Effect in Older People: A Systematic Review and Metaanalysis. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2018 Jan;66(1):76-84.

[3] Pedersen AML, S rensen CE, Proctor GB, Carpenter GH, Ekstr m J. Salivary secretion in health and disease. J Oral Rehabil. 2018 Sep;45(9):730-746.

[4] Fran ois H, Mariette X. Renal involvement in primary Sj gren syndrome. Nat Rev Nephrol. 2016 Feb;12(2):82-93.

[5] Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Sjögren's syndrome [J] . Chinese Journal of Rheumatology,2010,14( 11 ): 766-768. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1007-7480.2010.11.011

[6] Yamamoto K, Kurihara M, Matsusue Y, Komatsu Y, Tsuyuki M, Fujimoto T, Nakamura S, Kirita T. Atrophic change of tongue papilla in 44 patients with Sj gren syndrome. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009 Jun;107(6):801-5.

[7] Cappetta K, Beyer C, Johnson JA, Bloch MH. Meta-analysis: Risk of dry mouth with second generation antidepressants. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2018 Jun 8;84(Pt A):282-293.

Ge Junbo,Xu Yongjian,Wang Chen. Internal Medicine (9th Edition)[M].People's Medical Publishing House, 2018.

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