
Cirrhosis, I do not recommend the discharge of abdominal effusion through surgery, I can not forget, Teacher Ni Haixia once angrily rebuked Western medicine: you are all rice buckets. After 40 years of clinical practice, I am often asked: Chinese medicine again

author:Transcript of TCM Gold Fang

Cirrhosis, I do not recommend the discharge of abdominal effusion through surgery, I can not forget, Teacher Ni Haixia once angrily rebuked Western medicine: you are all rice buckets.

After 40 years of clinical treatment, people often ask me: Chinese medicine is bitter and tired, and it is not profitable, why can you do it for a lifetime?

I said: Some people think that I have cured a lifetime of diseases and done a lot for patients, but I don't think so, I just step on the footprints of many predecessors and do the same thing as them, which is also what a Chinese medicine practitioner should do.

In this world, quacks are strange, but the real good doctors are all the same, that is, to consider patients wholeheartedly.

My teacher, who had been working clinically all his life, finally fell on the way to the hospital, never got up again, and died at the age of 84.

The 30 masters of chinese medicine recognized by the Ministry of Health, many of whom are 90 years old, and even a hundred years old, still insist on treating diseases, this is Chinese medicine, these predecessors, with a lifetime to set an example for us, I as a descendant, if you only want those flies to make a small profit, snail horns and false names, it is too shameful.

Our topic today, cirrhosis, is explained by modern medicine as follows: due to the necrosis of a large number of liver cells and the formation of false lobules, there are fewer working liver cells, resulting in smaller and harder livers.

Causes of ascites formation: portal hypertension, increased pressure in the superior and inferior veins of the mesentery, impaired return of tissue fluid, and leakage into the abdominal cavity.

Solution: Surgical discharge of intraperitoneal effusion or meridian shunting.

Such a treatment method is like scooping water from the river with a scoop, as long as it is Chinese, they all know a sentence: the source of living water scooping is inexhaustible, no wonder Teacher Ni Haixia once reprimanded Western medicine and said: You are all rice buckets!

Last year, there was a patient in the outpatient clinic, cirrhosis for three years, mild ascites, took Western medicine for 3 years, no use, the doctor let him do the operation, he was a little disbelief, he planned to find a Chinese medicine to try, in the introduction of friends to find me.

I looked closely at his condition, bloated, dry mouth, reddish complexion, thin body, red tongue, thin moss, and a slight number of fine veins.

Formula: Angelica, white peony, dendrobium, jade bamboo, large cover, verbena, corn whiskers, winter sunflower, black ugly.

As a result, the patient used half a month, the symptoms were alleviated, the ascites was reduced, the original formula went to the black ugly, added yam, yellow essence, more than a month later, the original bloating, edema was gone, I let him continue to use, consolidate for a period of time.

Ascites understood by Chinese medicine as cirrhosis is not as complicated as Western medicine, and in my opinion, it is very simple:

In the early stage of cirrhosis, there is generally no ascites, and only need to supplement the liver, nourish the liver, and soften the liver.

But for a long time, the liver wood reverses the spleen soil, the temper is beaten, the soil does not make water, there will be ascites, if it continues to be serious, it will lead to kidney qi loss, ascites will be more and more, because the kidney main drainage.

Therefore, cirrhosis of the liver and ascites are essentially a problem of the liver, spleen and kidneys.

In this formula, I first used angelica, white peony, angelica tonic liver blood, white peony to nourish the liver soft liver.

Then the use of dendrobium, jade bamboo to nourish the yin, the reason why do not use goji berries, raw land and other greasy things, so the drug hinders wetness, is not conducive to the fading of ascites.

Finally, with a large cover, verbena, corn whiskers, winter sunflower seeds, black ugly to try to revitalize the blood and spleen and water, because the black ugly is cloudy and diarrhea, but it should not be used for a long time to prevent injury, so I removed it when the second diagnosis.

The addition of yam and yellow essence is mainly used to supplement the kidney and solidify the sperm, and when the kidney is good, the wastewater in the body will be discharged out of the body through the lower coke.

People often say: Fifty know the Mandate of Heaven, sixty flowers, seventy ancient rarity, in the blink of an eye, I am already 65 years old, at this age, those names and benefits in the eyes of young people have already become a smoke cloud for me.

In the rest of my life, I can treat a few more patients and contribute a little more to Chinese medicine, I am satisfied, even if that day falls, it is not a vain walk in this world.

Cirrhosis, I do not recommend the discharge of abdominal effusion through surgery, I can not forget, Teacher Ni Haixia once angrily rebuked Western medicine: you are all rice buckets. After 40 years of clinical practice, I am often asked: Chinese medicine again

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