
Ni Haixia, a chinese medicine master, once said: "People who think that drinking medicine can nourish the liver, please don't come to me, I don't accept stupid people like you." "At first I thought he was just talking casually, but I didn't expect that afterwards I would put it in."

author:Dr. Zhang's small class

Ni Haixia, a chinese medicine master, once said: "People who think that drinking medicine can nourish the liver, please don't come to me, I don't accept stupid people like you." "At first, I thought he was just talking casually, but I didn't expect that afterwards I would think of it as a golden lump."

Chinese medicine Ni Haixia can be described as a strange person who is proficient in fate, phase, bu, mountain, and medicine, and it is precisely because he has spread the medicine of the motherland to the other side of the ocean.

He established the HanTang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Florida, usa, and the review and issuance of medical licenses at that time was decided by Ni Shi alone.

At a private exchange meeting, I had the privilege of meeting Master Ni, who also predicted that he would have a big limit when he was 59 years old, and we just listened to it, did not pay attention to it, and did not think that it finally became true, whether it was a coincidence or something else, the truth was indeed true.

At that time, someone privately consulted Master Ni: "How to raise a liver?" ”

Master Ni said, "Then how do you raise your liver?" ”

He said: "It is the usual soup medicine, and sometimes it is supplemented by liver nourishing tablets to nourish the liver." ”

Master Ni said, "If you are raised like this, your liver will not be better in your lifetime." ”

The liver is the largest detoxification organ of the human body, but he is also a dumb organ, and he will not feel pain when he is injured, and Chinese medicine says: "The liver is the root of the extreme, the soul is also the residence; the officer of the general, plotting out; the liver hides blood." ”

There is a saying in the "Su Qing Linglan Secret Code": The general, the inside and the soldiers, the outside and the conquest, the strategizing, and the decisive victory is thousands of miles away. It can be seen that the liver is to calm down civil strife and eliminate evils. Chinese medicine heals people, Judah governs the country, there are civilian ministers, there are military generals, civilian ministers find undesirable phenomena, and the military generals will eliminate the rebellion and punish evil and promote good.

In addition, the liver hides blood, and the blood in various parts of the human body often changes its blood flow with different physiological conditions. When a person is resting and sleeping, the blood returns to the liver, and when exercising and awake, the blood flows out of the liver.

Therefore, the "Su Qing And Five Visceral Generations" says: "A person who lies in the blood belongs to the liver, whose eyes are able to see by the blood, who can walk with the blood, who can hold with the blood in his palms, and who can take pictures by the blood." If the liver has enough blood, the heart has a master. The heart qi promotes the blood to run, but also depends on the liver qi to reach, the blood in and out of the smooth.

The liver is like a blood dispenser, when the human body needs blood, how much it needs is up to it, when the liver is damaged, the blood allocation problem, the human body will naturally appear abnormal pathology.

Therefore, people with poor liver daily life often have one or more of the following characteristics:

1, easy to feel fatigue

People with poor liver function are very easy to feel fatigue, and a little strenuous exercise will feel shortness of breath and lack of breath, which is the most common in people who often stay up late and work overtime.

2, the amount of alcohol declined

I believe that everyone is very clear, the liver is the body's anti-alcohol organ, if the liver has a problem, then the person's alcohol consumption will decline, very easy to get drunk, if a person used to drink very well, now three glasses of two under the stomach drunk, then it may be a liver problem.

3, the face is gray

Dark face and easy acne are also common symptoms of poor liver function, which is mainly caused by the loss of iron in liver cells.

4. Menstrual disorders

Female friends with poor liver function are prone to menstrual disorders, this is because the liver function is impaired, the body's blood circulation will be affected, for women, insufficient blood gas is easy to lead to menstrual disorders.

Afterwards, Master Ni said a trick he had for nourishing his liver: cassia seeds, gardenias, dandelions, osmanthus flowers, chrysanthemums, goji berries, eucommia flowers, bergamots, etc. soaked in water according to the proportions.

Some people said: "Aren't these also medicines, what is the difference?" ”

In fact, these are the same source of medicine and food ingredients, the so-called medicine three points of poison, when the drug after boiling side effects will become larger, liver problems and the spleen soil connected to it is naturally not much better, so this time to take medicine to nourish the liver is both to hurt the spleen and hurt the liver.

The Shennong Materia Medica records: "Shennong tasted a hundred herbs, encountered seventy-two poisons in one day, and got tea to solve it." "It can be seen that the nourishing power of tea soup cannot be underestimated.

Now I also think of it as a golden lump, and many people who have used it have responded well. Cassia seeds here have a good ability to clear heat and eyes, moisten the intestines and laxatives, especially for modern people's dietary inconsistencies caused by phlegm heat deficiency fire has a good regulatory effect, especially for people with liver fire, has a good role in nourishing the liver and regulating the liver.

The rest of the rest is also based on liver and kidney supplementation, medicinal and food homologous ingredients are suitable for long-term drinking, and there are no side effects on the human body. From the collocation point of view, it is to nourish the liver as the main body, taking into account the maintenance of the heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys, at the same time, together, the attack force in it is also canceled out by each other, and it will not hurt the yin.

From the collocation point of view, it is to nourish the liver as the main body, taking into account the maintenance of the heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys, at the same time, together, the attack force in it is also canceled out by each other, and it will not hurt the yin.

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Chun Zi Tang eighteen flavor liver tea soup

Ni Haixia, a chinese medicine master, once said: "People who think that drinking medicine can nourish the liver, please don't come to me, I don't accept stupid people like you." "At first I thought he was just talking casually, but I didn't expect that afterwards I would put it in."

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