
Meta-hypnotic orange listening – which three sentences parents say when their children are bullied hurt the most?

If you were a parent, would you want to know how to deal with bullying?

School is back (for many) and your kids are being placed next to "which" kids again — mean kids, kids who are petty, kids who decide how the year will be spent.

Children know who they are, and so do parents.

We talk about it because we really don't know how to help our kids fight bullies.

Meta-hypnosis deals extensively with children with different social skills—those known as bullies or overbearing children, those who always look like victims, those who have learned to turn a blind eye.

Meet some rude, unthinking children who, after years of suffering, have learned to take the initiative and let other children suffer first. The victim felt trapped and helpless. The same is true of other children who see hurtful behavior but remain silent.

Meta-hypnotic orange listening – which three sentences parents say when their children are bullied hurt the most?

These three words spoken by parents will hurt children who are bullied

1, children are children" "All children will be very mean

This ignores the fact that some people resort to a distinctly different level of cruelty and are hurtful.

2, we should wait and see...

You wait to talk to the teacher, the school, or the parents of the child who treats others that way, hoping that time will solve the problem.

Meta-hypnotic orange listening – which three sentences parents say when their children are bullied hurt the most?

3) Children need to solve this problem. What can parents do?

All of this is untrue. The idea that children will solve problems on their own – and they need to do so – has a long, tragic and misguided history.

When you believe that there is nothing you can do, you leave the burden to the children. They need your help.

Every child needs to believe that change is possible – they need social skills to do it.

Bullying, ganging and exclusivity don't come from a few kids, it's not just a fact of life.

This is the result of children being bullied themselves, children suffering from low self-esteem, children lacking empathy, or children lacking the emotional management skills they need to manage their feelings and impulses.

Children are not born bullies, victims, or indifferent bystanders. Problematic social behavior indicates that the child needs help rather than harsh judgments.

Adults can teach children to develop empathy and manage their emotions in situations that make them feel helpless, scared, or defensive.

Stronger social skills allow them to have healthier coping strategies in social situations and generate a sense of agency when choosing how to interact with others. As long as someone is willing to take the time to teach, social and friendly skills can be taught.

This year, don't wait for social unrest or disaster to start a conversation with your child, other parents, and schools to guide important social skills. Walk in and stand up again!

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