
Tangerine, orange, grapefruit, which has little effect on blood sugar? The results were unexpected!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Dr. Lu Jun

Tangerine, mandarin, orange, and grapefruit are all members of the citrus family, and they are loved by people for their sweet, sour, juicy, and easy to eat.

In general, citrus fruits are not high in glycemic index, and are rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, so it is beneficial for sugar friends to eat in moderation between meals.

However, what many people don't know is that different citrus varieties do not have exactly the same effect on blood sugar.

"China Food Composition List (Standard Edition) 2018" has made scientific nutritional determination of the food commonly eaten by Chinese, which is a relatively authoritative data source. Today, we're going to take a look at 4 different citrus fruits, each of which has a big impact on blood sugar.

Tangerine, orange, grapefruit, which has little effect on blood sugar? The results were unexpected!

1, Yuzu

Grapefruit is the largest, but it has the lowest glycemic index (GI) of the entire citrus family – a GI of 25, making it a low-GI fruit. In terms of the effect on blood sugar, it is the most suitable for sugar friends.

However, everyone should pay attention: there is one kind of grapefruit that cannot be eaten casually, and it is grapefruit, also called grapefruit.

Grapefruit (grapefruit) is also known as the "enemy of the drug", which can increase the adverse effects of many drugs.

This is because grapefruit contains a substance - furanocoumarin, which can inhibit the metabolism of drugs by the liver, so that the drugs accumulate in the body and enhance adverse reactions. There are many commonly used drugs that are affected, such as hypolipidemic drugs, antihypertensive drugs, anticancer drugs, sleeping pills, immunosuppressive drugs, etc.

For example, drinking grapefruit juice while taking some lipid-lowering statins can increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis; Drinking grapefruit juice while taking some antihypertensive drugs (such as nifedipine) may cause a rapid drop in blood pressure and even induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Remember: Don't eat grapefruit while taking these medications.

Tangerine, orange, grapefruit, which has little effect on blood sugar? The results were unexpected!

2. Mandarin oranges and oranges

In terms of "appearance", mandarins and tangerines look more similar, but in terms of their effect on blood sugar, mandarins and oranges are the same family: they both have a glycemic index of 43, which is a medium GI fruit, and has a similar effect on blood sugar.

Oranges and mandarins are rich in vitamin C and minerals, which are beneficial to the body. Therefore, sugar lovers can choose them as a snack food, but they need to be consumed in moderation.

Tangerine, orange, grapefruit, which has little effect on blood sugar? The results were unexpected!

3, Tachibana

Different varieties of oranges have a large difference in sugar content.

The sugar content of ordinary oranges is about 10%, and the calorie content of an orange of about 200g is about 50g of steamed bread.

Sugar oranges are the smallest, but they are the sugar champions of the entire citrus family, with a sugar content of about 13.7%, which is 30%-40% higher than ordinary oranges.

1 ordinary-sized sugar orange weighs about 30 grams, and the calories of 3 sugar oranges are equivalent to 50g of steamed buns, so sugar lovers must control the amount of inconspicuous sugar oranges when eating.

However, even sugar oranges with the highest sugar content are only at a medium level compared to high-sugar fruits such as jujubes and lychees, and the sugar content is about the same as that of apples, watermelons, and pears.

Moreover, oranges are rich in vitamin C and β-carotene, which are beneficial to health, and sugar friends can choose with confidence, but they need to control the amount of consumption.

Tangerine, orange, grapefruit, which has little effect on blood sugar? The results were unexpected!

2 things to keep in mind when eating citrus foods

1. Do not discard the white mesh

The white reticulated silk in the orange is called "tangerine", and although it tastes bitter, it is a good thing because it contains "rutin".

Rutin, also known as vitamin P or rutin, has great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It has a variety of effects such as protecting blood vessels, improving blood circulation, lowering cholesterol and relieving arthritis symptoms, and is an important ingredient in many medicines.

If you really can't accept its bitter taste, you can also use it to soak in water and drink.

2. Don't eat in large quantities

Eating too many oranges will "catch fire", which is the experience of many old people. In fact, from the perspective of Western medicine, "fire" is a very vague concept, and it is not a specific symptom corresponding to a certain disease.

However, eating too many oranges can cause a lot of discomfort, and the real reason is due to the large amount of fruit acids contained in oranges. These fruit acids can irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, and if ingested in large amounts, the mouth and throat will be dry and sticky.


Among the citrus fruits, the largest grapefruit has the least effect on blood sugar; The smallest sugar orange has the greatest effect on blood sugar. If fasting and postprandial blood sugar are reached, it can be consumed in moderation between meals.

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