
When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, butcher shop owner: Don't believe it, this is the connoisseur

As the old saying goes: I'd rather eat fat and thin than thin and fat! What does that mean? When buying pork, I would rather buy pork with lean meat in the fat than pork with fat in the lean meat, because the former has a fragrant taste but not firewood, and the latter Although there is more lean meat, the mouth is not as mellow and delicious as the former!

When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert

Nowadays, as the living conditions of every family are getting better and better, many friends often like to choose lean meat when buying pork. Not only that, but when we go to buy pork in daily life, as the owner of the butcher shop, he will also smile and say: Hello, this piece is all lean meat, do you think it is good? Packed up for you?

When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert

Seeing this, do you think it's normal? Brother Qiang used to think so too. However, when I went to the vegetable market to buy meat two days ago, the aunt next to me picked out the pork that was not lean to buy, and I was wondering? I thought, if you don't buy lean meat, you can buy fat meat, and the key price is more expensive! I saw the owner of the butcher shop say to me: This is the real expert! Will eat, will buy!

When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert

When I heard the boss's words, I was instantly stunned! Hurry up and ask what's going on, after listening to the boss's explanation, I realized that different parts of pork have different tastes and different cooking methods. Therefore, today Brother Qiang will tell you in detail which parts of pork are commonly used in our daily cooking, and what cooking methods are suitable for these pork, let's take a look together!

Hind elbow

When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert

Pork elbow, also called pork hind leg meat, generally speaking, most friends go to the pork store to buy pork pork is this piece of pork, why? Because the pork elbow is almost entirely lean, only a thin layer of fat is wrapped on the outside. However, because the hind leg of the pig is only used for support every day, the amount of exercise is not large, so don't look at the lean meat, but it is the hardest and most woody taste in pork.

When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert

Secondly, the pork elbow also has pig lymph nodes, plus the taste is average, so its price is cheap! So, what dishes are pork elbows suitable for? Due to the hard taste of pork elbow, it is suitable for making meatballs or marinating and stewing, so as to resolve the problem of its hard taste.

Inozen elbow

When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert

Pork elbow, that is, pork front leg meat, this part of the meat is three points fat and seven points lean, and the lean meat has a trace of fat, plus the pig's daily exercise is concentrated on the front legs, so the meat in this part is soft and tender, with the characteristics of long-term frying without firewood! Therefore, it is clear that the front elbow of the pig has more fat, but the price is more expensive than the back elbow, which is the main reason. Pork elbow is suitable for stir-frying, or for making minced meat.

Pig loin

When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert

Pig has the outer loin and the inner loin, although the outer loin is also lean meat, but with a layer of fascia, and the taste is hard, and the inner loin is the softest part of the pig's body, whether it is used for frying and cooking, or even barbecue is very good! Of course, because the pork loin has the best meat quality and the least quantity, it is also one of the most expensive parts of the pig.

Boar shoulder meat

When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert

Pig shoulder blade, also known as plum blossom meat, is located on the shoulder blade of the back of the pig's neck, and a pig can generally only produce about three or five catties of shoulder blade. The biggest feature of this meat is that it still has a soft and tender taste and rich juicy after being fried and roasted for a long time after being stewed for a long time. Therefore, if there are elderly and children at home, this piece of meat is most suitable and easy to chew.

When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert

Note that many butcher shop owners will use pork neck meat instead of pork shoulder blade meat. As we all know, pork neck meat is the meat with the most lymphatic parts, and when slaughtered, blood flows out from here, so pork neck meat is also called bloody neck meat. Not only that, but pork neck meat is very similar to shoulder blade meat in terms of appearance, and the price is cheap, so it is often used to "pass" plum meat! Brother Qiang, my solution is to buy the shoulder blades together, eat the meat, and use the bones to stew in soup.

Pork belly

When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert

Friends who like to eat braised pork basically know that the most suitable is pork belly. Generally speaking, pork belly is divided into ordinary pork belly and fine pork belly. What's the difference? Ordinary pork belly is with a little pork loin, because the taste of pork loin is hard and woody, while the boutique pork belly is close to the pork ribs, fat and thin, fat and fragrant but not greasy, lean meat soft and tender but not firewood.


When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert

The last thing to talk about is pork tendon meat! This piece of meat is the muscle on the pork leg (pig calf) before and after the pig, which is wrapped in a meat membrane and contains tendons, and the most suitable cooking method is sauce and marinade. If you like to eat meat in a big mouthful and drink wine in a big bowl, this piece of meat is the most suitable, after the sauce is ready, cut into slices, a mouthful of meat and a mouthful of wine, it is really free!

When buying pork, the aunt next to me picks the non-skinny one to buy, the owner of the butcher shop: Don't believe it, this is an expert