
Why was the "satellite pot" disabled, and what did it see? Find out the reason behind the strict prohibition

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Super Bunny Data Recovery

Twenty years ago, at that time, most families were still using the old-fashioned TV, the very large one, and the picture quality was far worse than today's LCD TV.

How do you close the cable TV? This has to mention the "satellite pot", which looks like a big pot, so everyone affectionately calls it "satellite pot". This cauldron is amazing, it can receive signals from satellites, and let us watch all kinds of TV programs.

At that time, this satellite pot was installed on the roof of every house.

Why was the "satellite pot" disabled, and what did it see? Find out the reason behind the strict prohibition

Now TV technology is very advanced, with large screens, touch screens, etc., but back then, the warm feeling of the whole family sitting in front of the TV and watching the program together is irreplaceable.

You know, our country is vast and rich. As far as twenty or thirty years ago, it was a huge project to lay TV signal cables by taking into account various factors such as terrain and environment.

With the satellite pot, whether it is a mountainous area, a rural area or a remote area, you can receive a clear TV signal.

As long as you find a suitable spot, put the satellite pot on it, and adjust the direction a little, you're done! And the price is not expensive.

Why was the "satellite pot" disabled, and what did it see? Find out the reason behind the strict prohibition

It's a pity that now the satellite pot has been disabled.

Some people say it's a security issue, but what does it see? Or is there another reason?

Satellite pot is banned behind the ban

Putting up the satellite pot is basically a one-and-done job, unlike cable TV, where you have to pay for it every month.

However, commercial satellite TV may be in a hurry.

Think about it, if everyone uses satellite pots to watch TV, how can TV stations make money? Hundreds of programs can be watched for free, but cable TV can't do it now, right?

So, I guess the satellite pot must be red-eyed.

Why was the "satellite pot" disabled, and what did it see? Find out the reason behind the strict prohibition

However, why it was banned, the official side is "security issues".

Satellite pots are installed on the roof and have to withstand the wind and sun all year round. In order to cope with the challenges of the weather, satellite pots are generally made of special materials.

In the heat of summer, even the air becomes hot. If some unscrupulous manufacturers use inferior materials in order to reduce costs, it is easy to cause fires in hot weather.

And in the city, high-rise buildings are generally equipped with lightning rods, which are lightning protection artifacts. But in rural areas, the situation is different, and most of the roofs in rural areas do not have lightning rods.

Why was the "satellite pot" disabled, and what did it see? Find out the reason behind the strict prohibition

Equipped with a satellite pot, there are many exposed metal parts, when the rainstorm comes, lightning and thunder, it is easy to attract thunder, which becomes a "lightning guide", especially the cauldron.

The benefits of the satellite pot are indeed not to be ignored, and it is indeed very good to use in sunny weather. But the safety issue should not be taken lightly, so it was slowly banned later.

What did the satellite pot see?

Watching TV with a "satellite pot" can actually receive a lot of channels, and even some programs that we don't know at all. Their content is very different from the domestic programs we usually watch, and it is very different from the culture that our country wants to spread.

For growing children, they don't have enough discernment and are easily influenced by bad influences.

Why was the "satellite pot" disabled, and what did it see? Find out the reason behind the strict prohibition

In addition, foreign TV programs are not subject to the supervision of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of the mainland, and sometimes there may be some "colored" content that is not suitable for viewing.

Not only is this content not suitable for children, but even adults may find it uncomfortable to watch.

After the satellite pot was banned, the TV set-top box replaced it, and now, the set-top box seems to be running out, because everyone doesn't like to watch TV anymore.

So, when can all kinds of members on TV be canceled?