
The introduction of professional institutions Shitai to do a new chapter of "public construction and private management" for the elderly

author:Market Star

62-year-old Chen Wenwu lives in Dayan Township, Shitai County, Chizhou City, and is an old man. On May 15, he suddenly fell ill and was sent to Shitai County Hospital for treatment by the nursing staff of Anhui Wanjia Xinde Pension Shitai Company through the medical green channel, and his body was quickly and effectively treated; At noon on May 17, as soon as he saw reporters, he said repeatedly: "I am in good health now. Thanks to the government! Thank you Xinde for the elderly! There is no need to register, no need to queue, no need to find a doctor, and no need to worry about taking care of nursing problems in the hospital, the nursing staff of Xinde Pension have done it for me......" Because of the problem of the local voice, the old man told these things intermittently.

The introduction of professional institutions Shitai to do a new chapter of "public construction and private management" for the elderly

The reporter learned that the case of Chen Wenwu being carefully cared for by the elderly care staff is just a small example of the changes in the county's nursing homes since the Shitai County Civil Affairs Bureau implemented the new measures of "public construction and private management". From May 17th to 18th, the reporter deeply felt in the interview with the public and private nursing homes in Shitai County for two consecutive days that since the beginning of April this year, the county civil affairs bureau introduced Anhui Wanjia Xinde Pension Company to implement "public construction and private management" of the county's nursing homes, and Wanjia Xinde Pension invested 10.806 million yuan at one time to transform and upgrade the hardware infrastructure of the county's nursing homes, and simultaneously dispatched management personnel, professionally and scientifically operated the county's township nursing homes, and fully took over the Shitai County nursing homes. Let the elderly in rural areas enjoy the old-age treatment of the elderly in cities. The township nursing homes in Shitai County are undergoing "great changes" that are visible to the naked eye!

Professional caregivers move in The elderly with dementia and disability have a warm home

Chen Guiping, director of the Shitai County Civil Affairs Bureau, gave reporters a detailed introduction to the county's innovation of "public construction and private management" of nursing homes. Director Chen said, "In order to fundamentally solve the problem of rural old-age care, so that the elderly can have support, dependence, and a happy life in their old age, we will completely change the difficulties and pain points of the past nursing homes that are unwilling to admit the elderly in society, the shortage of elderly care personnel, the older staff, the low enthusiasm for work, and the unbalanced nutrition of the elderly." The county party committee and the county government attach great importance to the pilot work of public and private reform of township nursing homes into the key work of the county party committee and county government, and vigorously promote the introduction of the "Shitai County Township Nursing Home Public and Private Reform Plan" and the "Shitai County Township Nursing Home Public and Private Reform Rules". Through online bidding, the county civil affairs bureau has introduced professional large-scale (Wanjia Xinde pension) pension institutions, introduced social capital, set up systems, recommended mistakes, and listed goals, and comprehensively supported professional pension institutions to boldly promote the upgrading and quality improvement of the county's nursing homes and operate the county's nursing homes. From the beginning of April to the present in just over a month, the county's nursing home environmental sanitation, the elderly's diet, nursing staff recruitment, staff work status have seen positive and profound changes, the county's 551 extremely poor elderly happily old-aged, 18 social old-age workers happily live in the nursing home. ”

The relevant person in charge of Wanjia Xinde Pension Institution said, "The average occupancy rate of the county's nursing homes is about 50%, after our operation, the vacant nursing beds will be opened to the society to serve the elderly in Shitai, and there are currently 18 new social elderly people, and there are nearly 20 elderly people who are being registered one after another." ”

There are 25 disabled and extremely poor elderly people in Shitai County Care Center, and Wanjia Xinde Pension Shitai Company has dispatched 5 professional nursing staff and arranged a full-time dean to be in charge of the center. The reporter learned that in order to change the service here in the shortest possible time, the full-time dean himself sleeps in the same room with the disabled elderly every night and cares for the elderly 24 hours a day. At 3:00 p.m. on the 17th, as soon as the reporter entered the center, he saw Dean Zheng Ce cutting the hair of a disabled old man, and the old man had a happy smile on his face.

Long Liangyou, the person in charge of Wanjia Xinde Pension Stone Company, told reporters that the disabled elderly also have a scale in their hearts, and an old man with aphasia kept greeting me when he saw me in the past two days, and his eyes were full of gratitude. It is for this reason that we in the faith have the responsibility to build a warm home for these old people.

Set up a green channel for medical care and elderly treatment "zero time and zero distance"

Director Chen Guiping told reporters that for the county's nursing homes built privately, Wanjia Xinde's management is practical and new, the company has a small population in Shitai and a large county area, scientifically carries out medical care, and the county hospital has negotiated to reach a green channel for the elderly to seek medical treatment, and the company has sent 6 nursing staff to the hospital throughout the year, 24-hour duty system, anytime and anywhere to care for the elderly who are sent from the nursing home for treatment.

The reporter saw on the third floor of Shitai County Hospital that the company booked 6 wards throughout the year, with a team leader and 6 nursing staff on duty here, and 5 elderly people were treated in the ward that day. Hu Faqin, the head of the shift, told reporters that he was working in the second nursing home in Renli Town, and he was engaged in pension work for more than 10 years, and the company found that he was diligent and careful, and was immediately sent to the hospital by the company as a nursing team leader. Hu Faqin introduced, "Once the elderly in the nursing home are sick, the hospital will tell me the basic information of the patient as soon as possible, and I will register and handle all the procedures for the patient's admission as soon as possible, and the patient can be admitted to the hospital with 'zero procedures' as soon as he enters the hospital." After the patient is admitted to the hospital, we arrange for nursing staff to accompany the patient according to the patient's condition. In addition, for the sudden increase in patients, we have also reached an agreement with the hospital: the ward on the third floor of the entire hospital area will give priority to the elderly in the nursing home, so as to ensure that the elderly we serve can seek medical treatment at any time. In addition, we also provide toilets for each sick elderly person to facilitate their daily life. ”

82-year-old Cha Zhenrun, an old man from Xiaohe Town, said, "I am very happy, the first time I was hospitalized so conveniently, and I only took my ID card and five guarantees to see a doctor." ”

It is understood that in the near future, the green channel of Xinde elderly care will be open to the elderly in the county to facilitate the elderly to seek medical care.

Benchmarking urban nursing homes and township nursing homes "become" small hotels

The staff of the Shitai County Civil Affairs Bureau told reporters that the changes brought about by the "public construction and private operation" are real, and the living environment of the elderly has been fundamentally changed. In the interview, the reporter learned that before the county's nursing homes were not built and privately built, the elderly generally had meat dishes three times a week, and now there are meat dishes in Chinese food every day and the meat and vegetable mix is reasonable, so that the elderly can have balanced nutrition. Synchronous implementation of the county's township nursing home renovation and upgrading project: the room is equipped with wardrobes, curtains, nursing beds, tables and chairs and other furniture, TV, air conditioning, etc.; Implement aging circuit modification; Renovation and upgrading of toilets, baths, laundry rooms, kitchens, self-service kitchenettes, activity rooms, offices, storage rooms, etc. in nursing homes; Repair damaged areas; Carry out age-appropriate renovation and greening in the hospital, and increase the emergency call system, so that the elderly can live in a warm and livable place. At present, the renovation of Dayan Township Nursing Home and Jitan Township Nursing Home is about to end, and after the elderly are satisfied, the remaining 13 nursing homes can be renovated simultaneously. ”

Liu Kuaijin, the new director of the Dingxiang Town Nursing Home, 54, is a former postman, he said, "Since the new management and nursing staff came here, we have strictly followed the management process to serve every elderly person, implemented refrigerated management of vegetables and food, and cleaned the canteen and dormitory many times a day. We publicly promise that as long as the elderly find that there is a peculiar smell in the room and call to report it is true, we will reward the elderly with 200 yuan in phone bills to ensure that the elderly live in a beautiful and clean environment. ”

An old man told reporters that now the nursing home in Dingxiang Town is really like a small hotel, and we want to thank the party and the government for their concern for us!

Director Chen Guiping said, "Now the reform results of the operation of the county's pension institutions have established our confidence in continuing to do a good job in the county's pension industry." In the next step, our county will actively build a '2+8+N' pension service full coverage network system, build '2 regional pension centers', '8 rural social nursing homes' and 'N rural nursing homes', and actively carry out multi-functional, migratory bird, and bottom-up pension; Implement the assessment system of county and township level assessment of pension services to ensure the high quality of pension services. At the same time, our county will continue to innovate and develop the county's pension business and pension industry, deeply cultivate Shitai's green resources, actively develop sojourn and pension, and contribute to the goal of Dahuangshan as a world-class leisure and health tourism destination. (Yang Zhi)

According to the Market Star