
Stealing oranges was discovered by the owner of the orchard, and my female colleague and I hid in the small haystack close together, which was thrilling and exciting

author:Fortune Strawberry 3V5

The afternoon sun gently shone through the orchards, and the golden oranges stood out against the green leaves. Zhou Guihua picked one lightly, couldn't help but lean to her nose and sniffed it, and took a bite with anticipation. The sweet juice exploded on the tip of her tongue, and she couldn't help but let out a soft sigh of satisfaction. A familiar voice suddenly came from behind the delicious bar, which startled Zhou Guihua. She turned around and saw her colleague Chen Mingyu looking at her with a smile. You, why are you here Zhou Guihua put the oranges back in a panic, and quickly explained that I just, I just want to taste the fresh oranges.

Stealing oranges was discovered by the owner of the orchard, and my female colleague and I hid in the small haystack close together, which was thrilling and exciting

Chen Mingyu took two steps closer, reached out to pick an orange, and also came to his nose to smell it. I also like the oranges here, they taste really good. He looked around, lowered his voice, and said that it was better for us not to be discovered by the owner, for he did not like it very much for someone to steal his fruit.

Zhou Guihua hurriedly nodded yes, I know. Let's get out of here. With that, she prepared to leave quickly. Hey, don't be in such a hurry. Chen Mingyu grabbed her arm, we can taste it slowly and enjoy the scenery here.

Zhou Guihua felt the temperature from Chen Mingyu's hand, and couldn't help but have hot cheeks. The relationship between the two of them has always been ambiguous, but it seems to have become more intimate recently. She secretly glanced at Chen Mingyu and found that he was also looking at her, with a hint of naughtiness and expectation reflected in his eyes.

The two of them quickly hid in a small thick haystack, clinging to each other, holding their breath for fear of being discovered. Zhou Guihua could feel Chen Mingyu's body temperature, and could even hear his rapid heartbeat. Her hand unconsciously clenched his.

Stealing oranges was discovered by the owner of the orchard, and my female colleague and I hid in the small haystack close together, which was thrilling and exciting

The footsteps of the owner of the garden were getting closer and closer, and Zhou Guihua bit her lower lip nervously, for fear of making any sound. Suddenly, she felt Chen Mingyu's hand gently rubbing against hers, and a sensation like electricity spread from her arm to her whole body. She involuntarily leaned her head on Chen Mingyu's shoulder, feeling his warm breath.

In the nervous waiting, the breathing of the two gradually stabilized. Zhou Guihua could feel Chen Mingyu's body relax slightly, and his heartbeat became more even. She glanced up quietly and saw that he was gazing at her with gentle eyes. It seems that the owner of the garden is gone. Chen Mingyu said softly, but let's wait a little longer so as not to be discovered.

Stealing oranges was discovered by the owner of the orchard, and my female colleague and I hid in the small haystack close together, which was thrilling and exciting

Zhou Guihua nodded, secretly glad that she could hide here with Chen Mingyu. Although the space is small, feeling his warmth and sense of security makes her feel unusually calm. Zhou Guihua, I was a little impulsive just now. Chen Mingyu suddenly said I just want to be alone with you too much, so I will hold your hand. I hope you don't mind.

Zhou Guihua felt that her cheeks began to burn again. No, it's okay, I'm happy to be with you. She whispered.

Looking at the shy smile on Zhou Guihua's face, Chen Mingyu couldn't help but hug her into his arms. The two clung to each other, feeling each other's body temperature and heartbeat. We need to make good use of this opportunity. Chen Mingyu whispered that although our encounter was somewhat strange, I hope our story can continue forever.

Zhou Guihua nodded and rested her head on Chen Mingyu's shoulder. She never thought that a thrilling experience of stealing oranges would allow her to establish a relationship with the man she had liked for a long time.

Stealing oranges was discovered by the owner of the orchard, and my female colleague and I hid in the small haystack close together, which was thrilling and exciting

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the distance. The two of them raised their heads vigilantly, for fear that the owner of the garden had returned. However, what catches my eye is a group of curious children, who are probing their brains here. Hey, what are you two doing, one of the kids asked curiously.

Zhou Guihua and Chen Mingyu looked at each other and hurriedly separated their bodies. We didn't do anything, just take a break here. Chen Mingyu explained.

The children were clearly not convinced and snickered. Wow, you two are hiding here, and you don't look like you're resting. Another kid teased.

When the children heard this, they immediately became interested, jumped into the haystack, and played with the two. Zhou Guihua couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, glad that the matter had not been discovered.

Stealing oranges was discovered by the owner of the orchard, and my female colleague and I hid in the small haystack close together, which was thrilling and exciting

Before you know it, it's getting dark. The children left one after another, leaving only Zhou Guihua and Chen Mingyu. The two sat quietly in the haystack and sighed at the experience of this day. Osmanthus, today is really unforgettable. Chen Mingyu gently took Zhou Guihua's hand, although we started by stealing oranges, we gained each other's hearts.

Stealing oranges was discovered by the owner of the orchard, and my female colleague and I hid in the small haystack close together, which was thrilling and exciting

Zhou Guihua smiled softly Yes, there is a new beginning between us. As she approached Chen Mingyu, their fingers naturally intertwined. I hope that in the future we can come here often and enjoy the beauty of the orange groves. Chen Mingyu said, but this time, don't be discovered by the owner.

Zhou Guihua chuckled, I think as long as you are here, no matter what happens, you will not be afraid.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and a warm feeling welled up in their hearts. This experience of stealing oranges seems to have brought their relationship to a whole new stage.

Since that day, the relationship between Zhou Guihua and Chen Mingyu has become more and more stable, and the two often sneak into the orchard during their lunch break or after work, and quietly pick a few sweet oranges. Although they were afraid of being discovered by the owner every time, the excitement of hiding and the increasingly intimate relationship between the two made them both feel that such a stealing trip was worth it.

Stealing oranges was discovered by the owner of the orchard, and my female colleague and I hid in the small haystack close together, which was thrilling and exciting

Sometimes, they also invite a few familiar colleagues to come together and share this little fun. Everyone gathered in the haystack, drank the freshly picked orange juice, and chatted about the trivial matters of work and life. In this relaxed atmosphere, the relationship with each other is more harmonious, and the partners at work have become friends in life.

In these episodes of stealing oranges, Zhou Guihua and Chen Mingyu felt the joy of life and the sincerity of human nature. They found that even if it is an ordinary thing, as long as they experience it with their hearts, they can reap unexpected joy and harvest.

Sometimes, they also see some disputes between neighbors, but there will always be people who take the initiative to mediate. Everyone hopes that this small orchard will become a harmonious place for the community, a corner where people can relax.

Zhou Guihua and Chen Mingyu are deeply affected by this warm atmosphere, and often take the initiative to help some neighbors in need. They found that as long as everyone treats others with kindness, even if something unpleasant happens, it can be resolved quickly.

Stealing oranges was discovered by the owner of the orchard, and my female colleague and I hid in the small haystack close together, which was thrilling and exciting

The experience of stealing oranges again and again gave the two a new understanding of life. They found that happiness in life does not always come from material things, but more from helping each other. As long as you embrace kindness and cherish the people around you, life will be better because of it.

One day, the two went to the orchard again, only to find that the small haystack had been cleared by the owner. Looks like we're going to have nowhere to hide in the future. Zhou Guihua said with some regret.

Chen Mingyu pondered for a moment, and then showed a knowing smile It doesn't matter, we can pick oranges here openly in the future. He said.

Chen Mingyu reached out and gently brushed her face, I thought, it's time to introduce the relationship between the two of us to the owner. I would like to formally ask him if I can plant some orange trees here so that we can come here more often for dates in the future.

Stealing oranges was discovered by the owner of the orchard, and my female colleague and I hid in the small haystack close together, which was thrilling and exciting

Chen Mingyu nodded, and that's exactly what happened. I hope that our story will continue to bloom here and be the best part of this orchard.

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