
"What a terrible day." "He didn't call me back, it's rude." "She let me down so much." Usually, we all complain about these small things to ourselves and others in the form of complaints

author:Yang Mingzhang

"What a terrible day."

"He didn't call me back, it's rude."

"She let me down so much."

Usually, we all tell these little stories to ourselves and others in the form of complaints.

We unconsciously design these complaints to reinforce our sense of lack of self by making ourselves right and other people or other things wrong.

"I am right" places us in an imaginary sense of superiority, thus reinforcing this false self, this ego.

This also creates an enemy.

Yes, the ego needs enemies to define its boundaries. Even weather can serve this function.

Through habitual mental judgment and emotional austerity, you have a personalized pattern of reaction to the person or thing in your life.

These are all forms of suffering of one's own making, but people are not aware of them because they satisfy the ego.

Through habitual reactions and conflicts, the ego strengthens itself.

Without those stories, life would be simpler.

"It's raining." "He didn't call back." "I went, she didn't."

When you are in pain, when you are unhappy, be totally with that moment.

Neither unpleasant nor disturbing can survive in the present moment.

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