
A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

On the subway, the young mother's child in her arms fell asleep, and she was afraid that the child would kick others, and she was afraid that the child's shoes would stain other people's clothes, so she held the shoes with her hands. Until the subway arrived at the station, the young mother kept this action.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

If someone asks, "What is the best education?"

Perhaps the answer is: cultivation rooted in the heart, self-consciousness without reminders, freedom premised on restraint, kindness for the sake of others. How much preaching is not as good as practicing, using actions to teach children to be highly disciplined in public, think more about others, and try not to cause trouble to others.


Parenting regardless of age, these children are touching!

Remember the girl who picked up garlic skin on the subway in Tianjin not long ago?

On Tianjin Metro Line 3, a male passenger of about 60 years old disregarded the objections of the people around him and arbitrarily peeled garlic in the carriage, and the garlic skin was thrown to the ground.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

Although the passengers next to them were dissatisfied, they were hindered by their feelings, and either covered their noses with white eyes or turned away.

Only one female student, dressed in a school uniform, stepped forward and silently bent down to pick up a piece of garlic skin in her hand and take the garbage out of the carriage.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

Later, the identity of the girl was also excavated, and it turned out to be Meng Siyuan, an eighth-grade student in the junior high school of Tianjin 21 Middle School.

In the face of media interviews, Meng Siyuan seemed particularly calm, "In fact, this is a very common thing, my parents educated me in this way, and my parents will consciously and voluntarily clean and maintain environmental hygiene in the unit." ”

The words and deeds of parents have cast the values of a child's entire life, and a good concept of family education has achieved a selfless public morality, picking up from the ground is not garbage, but the quality of the people!

One rainy afternoon, a kitten was trapped on the roof of the canopy, unable to move, two little boys tried to catch it with their hands, but it was very scared, kept pacing and wailing, did not dare to jump, and finally the two little boys thought of catching the kitten with the umbrella they carried with them!

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

Thank you for your kindness for giving the kitten the courage to jump down!

At Wuhan Central Hospital, 3-year-old Jun Jun (pseudonym) suddenly had a high fever. When he was taken to the hospital, he was confused, his eyes were rolled up, and his limbs twitched. Dr. Yang Huiqin tried to rescue her, during which the child bit her finger to death.

Fortunately, half an hour later, the situation of the army improved. The next day, after his parents walked out of the clinic with Junjun, they said to him: "Thank you Grandma Yang quickly." The army bowed deeply.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

The essence of education means: a tree shakes a tree, a cloud pushes a cloud, a soul awakens a soul... In the upbringing of children, the cultivation of parents is hidden.

In the park, a little boy squatted down and tied the shoelaces of a lady with a lot of luggage.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

"You raised me to grow up, and I grew old with you!" No longer a slogan, but love in the details!

The highest level of filial piety is to maintain patience and respect for those closest to you!

The 5-year-old boy was still carrying a bulky shopping bag in his hand, but when he saw that it was inconvenient for his aunt and little sister behind him to push open the door and come in, he turned around quickly and used his small body to block the glass door that was about to close, making way for his aunt and little sister.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

Child, what you push open is not a door, but a family's most basic sense of responsibility for society!

The boy waited at the bus stop, the plastic bag blocked the sewer, he waded over the water and took the plastic bag away.

You have a cultured look, but you are really handsome!


For the good of the child, please be kind

A netizen saw such a heart-warming scene in the Changsha subway: when waiting for the subway, a baby asked what the footprints under his feet were doing, and his parents and grandmother (grandma) patiently explained to him that they were in line, and neatly lined up for the baby to see.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

People who are well tutored all appear as family units. No matter how good the school district room is, it is not as good as the sensible parents!

A child "walked" four comic books in the bookstore, and when the parents found out, they wrote an apology letter, and left the entire book money of 40 yuan, which was stuffed into the bookstore through the crack in the door early in the morning. The apology letter reads: "Hello! Since I had no way to teach my son, [my son] took four (manga) picture books in your shop. Your shop door is not open, I should have personally brought my son to apologize personally, did not open the door, I gave you (put the money) inside. I'm sorry. ”

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

In the face of children's mistakes, being able to not protect the short is the way to fundamentally let the children change their bad problems, blindly favoritism, but let the children feel that they have no fear, and in the future they will make a big mistake, steal the needle in the hour, and steal the country when they are big, I hope that every parent will understand!

The child sitting in the back seat of the morning rush hour threw the yogurt box out of the window, and the father immediately got out of the car, educated the child's behavior, and picked up the yogurt box and put it back in the car.

There are no born bear children, only the wrong way of education and missing parents.

At a road intersection in Shijiazhuang, a woman led a little girl across the road, and when she saw a vehicle coming, the two subconsciously stopped and planned to return. However, the vehicle stopped in front of the zebra crossing to give way, the mother and daughter crossed the road, and the girl, prompted by her mother, bowed to the giving way vehicle and waved to the driver.

Children are mirrors, reflecting parents, grateful and reverent for the help of others, is the best enlightenment education!

Also rainy, at the entrance of an underground passage. A mother uses her left hand to shield her child from the rain. Holding an umbrella in his right hand, he shielded himself from the rain from a hunched old man, a tramp who had been slowly following him.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

Kindness is always hidden inadvertently, and action is always more profound than words.

On the crowded subway during rush hour, the little boy may be tired of standing and begging his grandmother to have a seat.

The kind grandmother squatted down and pressed it to her grandson's ear and said, "These uncles and aunts, after a day's work, are very tired. You are now 5 years old, you can stand on your own, you don't need to give up your seat.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

Many times, we always put our own needs first. How many people still want to help others when they are in difficulty?

On one flight, a mother with her child alone gave everyone a small gift as soon as she got on the plane, which contained earplugs and small candy, and a printed passage on the back: "I am Wendy from Ningbo, I am just one and a half years old... My mom who is alone is worried that my crying will disturb you, here are earplugs and small candy, hope to alleviate your troubles...", the baby is very well-behaved the whole time.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

Some people don't do this because they're in first class, they're doing it in first class.


Parents' explanations and cover-ups

Children are being made unwanted

A few days ago in Shanghai Disneyland, when the theater was out, an 8-year-old boy may have accidentally touched the girl's sensitive parts, the girl came forward to theorize, and the result was that the little boy's mother jumped like a thunderbolt, saying that the girl verbally attacked her son, so she began to hit and scold the girl.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

The mother and her friend were undoubtedly telling the little boy:

1) You are not wrong in doing so

2, even if you are deliberately touching, it is okay, there is a mother to support you

Habits are like killing children, don't wait until the day when he can't turn back, let the prison teach him to be a man.

Two children in Guangzhou played in the elevator, each tied themselves with the two ends of a rope, and the girl was directly pulled by the rope to the ceiling and fell down. Afterwards, the child's mother looked at the monitoring and thought that it was a defect in the design of the elevator, and the elevator door should sense the rope.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

Blindly favoritism and short-term protection, only more bear children can be raised who do not take their own lives seriously!

On the morning of April 27, on the bus No. 16 in Suining City, Sichuan Province, a child repeatedly kicked a male passenger sitting next to him.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

The man stood up, rushed over and grabbed the child and threw him to the ground, then kicked the child in the head with his foot.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

Parents do not educate children well, there will always be someone who will help you educate. When a bear child encounters a violent man, you will find that parenting will protect you, and you have never paid attention to it!


The world is quietly rewarding the educated

The philosopher Lev HugoStei said that in these three situations a person's upbringing is best reflected:

1. Whether you will stick to yourself when no one is paying attention;

2. Will everyone do something "uncultured" when they will follow the crowd;

3. When you have to do something, will you consider minimizing the impact on the public.

Educated children, even when no one sees it, will straighten out the falling shared bicycle.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

Educated children will let the girl who is in a hurry to catch the train buy the ticket first, and then consciously go to the last position to re-queue up to buy the ticket!

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

Educated children will leave an extra note when throwing garbage in the trash can, reminding the hard-working sanitation workers not to scratch their hands.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

A cultured child will put his small hand on his mother's forehead when her mother is extremely tired to guard her short sleep.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

Being cultured is not about your identity, status, money, or reputation, but a kind of humility rooted in your heart!

In a variety show, dong qing in order to take care of the 96-year-old guest Mr. Xu Yuanchong in a wheelchair, she naturally chose to kneel down to interview.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

When she asks questions, she will speak slowly close to the old man's ear, and she will also kneel lower when looking at the old man, keeping her eyes level or looking up at the old man.

A sneaky photo on the subway: your upbringing is the starting line for children

The details show upbringing, humility and nobility, and the place that can reflect a person's honor is not how many houses he has and how high his social status is, but how much he can understand this society.

May all cultured people be treated tenderly by this world!

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