
As soon as the guests and children come to the house, they are "crazy"? Parents are required to take the course, what is the child thinking in his heart?

I believe that many parents have encountered such embarrassing scenes, usually well-behaved, obedient, sensible children, once they encounter relatives and friends to visit home, children will show crazy "excitement", unreasonable trouble, rolling on the ground, spilling... In short, the more you don't let him do anything, the more he does, because there are guests, parents are not embarrassed to get angry, but parents say children, children do not listen, parents say children, children more and more energetic, making parents extremely embarrassed, this no, my little niece is also this!

As soon as the guests and children come to the house, they are "crazy"? Parents are required to take the course, what is the child thinking in his heart?

My little niece, the little name is Lemon, almost 4 years old, this little girl has been lively and active since childhood, even more naughty than boys of the same age, climbing high and low, will not be safe for a while, but in recent months, can sit down and quietly read comic books, the family feels that the child has grown up, can read and learn, the family is very happy! But the happy time is always short, during this New Year, take her to relatives, or have relatives and friends come to the house, don't mention, this chick is crazy, shouting to attract our attention, not to say, one will turn on the TV, the sound will be turned to the maximum, one will run to the kitchen to take a stainless steel basin to knock there, one will roll in front of us again... If we stop her naughtiness, or yell at her, she will make a lot of trouble, causing our family a headache, and for this, during the New Year, she will not be slapped by her father twice! So the question is, why do children have this phenomenon of "people coming crazy"?

As soon as the guests and children come to the house, they are "crazy"? Parents are required to take the course, what is the child thinking in his heart?

According to the analysis of child psychologists, the phenomenon of "people coming crazy" of children is mainly caused by two reasons, the first is that the family is too doting on the child, and the second is the family that disciplines too strictly!

First of all, let's talk about the first case, that is, the family is too doting on the child, because the current family, although the birth policy has been liberalized. But as long as there is only one child, the "only child" has become the treasure of the whole family, and the whole family revolves around the child alone, resulting in the child from the initial cognition, there is a "self-centered" consciousness, the child will have a sense of superiority from the heart, and even have become accustomed to the atmosphere of the whole family around themselves! When the guests come to the house, the whole family will shift their attention to the guests, and the child will be sensitive to this phenomenon, so he will make a variety of movements on his own to attract attention!

As soon as the guests and children come to the house, they are "crazy"? Parents are required to take the course, what is the child thinking in his heart?

The second is that the family discipline is too strict, the child has been suppressed, just like the animals in the zoo, every day is boring, but there is no way to change, if one day, the parents of the guests come to the home, the guests release the child's nature, breaking the shackles of the past, the child will be sensitive to perceive the change in the atmosphere, if the temptation is successful, the parents will not reprimand themselves in front of the guests, the child will release all the repression!

As soon as the guests and children come to the house, they are "crazy"? Parents are required to take the course, what is the child thinking in his heart?

So, what should we do in the face of the child's "crazy people"?

I think we should first face the child squarely, when encountering the child's "people come crazy" situation, we can not first of all in front of outsiders, beat and scold the child, this will hurt the child's self-esteem, but also cause the child's rebellious psychology!

Secondly, we should improve the method of family education, to see if there are some aspects of the child's nature, you can try to let the child be the master of the home, let the child to receive guests, so that not only can exercise the child's social skills, but also let the child get the same respect, so that the child feels that he will not be left out in the cold at any time!

We parents sometimes criticize, and even reprimand the child's "crazy" behavior, but after the guest leaves, we must also remember to communicate with the child, so that the child knows that it is impolite behavior, such behavior will make everyone dislike him! Can't be directly an imperative reprimand, and require forced correction, not an example! If the child is more than 5 years old, it cannot be directly reprimanded, let alone reprimanded in front of outsiders, or even hands-on, because children from 5 to 12 years old have super self-esteem, and hurting children's self-esteem in front of outsiders will lead to super rebellion after the age of 12.

As soon as the guests and children come to the house, they are "crazy"? Parents are required to take the course, what is the child thinking in his heart?

Therefore, no matter how the child behaves in front of relatives and friends, parents need to do the right guidance, guide the child to treat interpersonal relationships correctly, let the child develop correct values, let the child gradually become the master of the family, and do not feel that he is only a child, we can suppress the child, whether it is behavior, personality or language, we must communicate with the child in advance, let the child understand and understand their own behavior, this is the most important! We want children who not only behave well in front of their parents, but also children who behave better in front of their guests than in front of their parents!

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