
The more eggs you eat after giving birth, the better?

Is the more eggs you eat after giving birth, the better? Some women will supplement some of the more nutritious foods during the confinement period in order to increase nutrition. It is believed that it can not only nourish the body's loss during childbirth, but also increase the amount of milk secretion, so the more eggs are eaten after childbirth, the better?

The more eggs you eat after giving birth, the better?

After giving birth, due to the huge physical exertion of the previous body, the lack of gastric juice secretion, the appetite and digestion ability will be reduced, coupled with some other physiological changes, resulting in the reduction of the digestion and absorption function of the mother's stomach and intestines during confinement.

Although eggs are high in nutrients, they are not easy to digest, and if you eat a large number of eggs during confinement, it will increase the burden on the digestive system and easily cause malnutrition.

The more eggs you eat after giving birth, the better?

In general, it is enough for a woman to eat 1 to 2 eggs a day. Therefore, do not blindly eat more eggs during confinement.

Nourishment should pay attention to the comprehensive and balanced absorption of nutrition, in addition to meat, eggs and milk, beans, should also eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, to ensure that the intake of various nutrients is sufficient and balanced, in addition to dietary conditioning, postpartum maintenance should also pay attention to adjusting living habits, to ensure adequate rest and appropriate exercise.

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