
Whether a man is good or not to chase, it depends on the circle of friends


As the saying goes, women chase men in a layer of yarn.

After a woman looks at a man, she wants to pursue it, and it is relatively more advantageous.

On the one hand, women are more romantic in their personality.

Even if it is an active pursuit of men, it will also make men feel the beauty of love.

On the other hand, the kung fu of women's pampering, many men will feel very sweet in their hearts, and naturally ambiguous.

However, there are also many men who do not eat this set.

They are more attached to love, and they cannot be easily "taken".

Well, to know which men are easy to chase and which men are not easy to chase, you also need to go deep into their lives.

Nowadays, the best place to show the true side of men's lives is the "circle of friends".

People show their lives in the circle of friends and share their funny stories.

From his circle of friends, he can clearly know whether it is good to chase.

Whether a man is good or not to chase, it depends on the circle of friends


Men with clean circles are often very simple

When it comes to whether men are good or not, we must first know what kind of men are easy to be emotional.

In fact, the more simple a man is, the more he has no experience of being in love.

So relatively speaking, simple men are easy to be "picked up", and they are easier to chase.

From a person's circle of friends, you can see what kind of person he is.

For example, some men's circle of friends is always very simple.

They don't have a rich "nightlife" or a cloud of beautiful women.

The content of the circle of friends is relatively simple, either it is a sharing of daily life, or a link to hobbies.

Such men, their social circles are clean, and the content of life is relatively simple.

If a more active woman shows up in his life, it's easy to be pursued.

Just like Xiao Heyun in the TV series "Beginning", his profession is game engineer.

Life is simple, single preferences, and there are fewer people of the opposite sex who can be contacted.

Therefore, during a period of time with Li Shiqing, he slowly became emotional.

In real life, there are many such men.

It is precisely because they have fewer opportunities to contact the opposite sex, so when women take the initiative to pursue, it is easy to accept.

Whether a man is good or not to chase, it depends on the circle of friends


Men who always post their feelings in the circle are eager for love

Not long ago, a boy who saw the circle of friends suddenly sighed:

"Friends around me are getting married one after another, and I am still alone."

It is not difficult to see that this boy has great expectations and expectations for love.

And such men are often very good to chase.

For most people, they have actually experienced love.

But there are still a small number of people who remain single all the time.

It's not that they like to be alone, it's that they don't take the initiative themselves, but their hearts are looking forward to the arrival of love.

So, such a man is also a very good chaser.

When they are lonely, they will habitually post some emotional topics in the circle of friends.

From time to time, sigh your feelings.

In doing so, they are both a comfort to themselves and a hint to others.

He expects others to take the initiative to get to know him and accompany him.

If you happen to like someone and often post emotional content in the circle of friends, don't hesitate to boldly pursue.

As long as you bravely take the first step, you will find that such a man is very good to pursue.

Whether a man is good or not to chase, it depends on the circle of friends


Men with heavy feelings, not easy to chase

After talking about men who are good to chase, then what men are not good to chase?

In fact, anyone who has been with a man with heavy feelings can understand that they are often difficult to chase.

A man of great affection, their hearts are like closed walls.

You think you can open the door to the atrium, but in the end you realize that you are so powerless.

Such a man, his circle of friends is often full of nostalgia for past feelings.

They are reluctant to go to the past, they can't let go of the past, and it is naturally difficult to look to the future.

Just like in the movie "Former Raiders 3", after Meng Yun and Lin Jia broke up, they met a strange girl.

The girl likes Meng Yun, not only plays with him and makes trouble with him, but also expresses her feelings generously.

But no matter what, Meng Yun is not willing to open his heart and accept each other frankly.

This was because Meng Yun had more important people living in his heart, and he could no longer tolerate others walking in.

Whether a man is good or not to chase, it depends on the circle of friends

Therefore, a man with heavy feelings is difficult to pursue.

Don't think there's anything special about yourself that will allow him to open his heart to you.

Maybe no matter how active you are, no matter how hard you try, you can't make the other party really fall in love with you.

Girlfriend Xiaoxiao fell in love with colleague Zhang Huai.

Zhang Huai is optimistic and upbeat, has a gentle personality, and also makes XiaoXiao feel funny and humorous when chatting.

But Xiao Xiao opened Zhang Huai's circle of friends and found that he was like writing a small essay, recording every day with his ex.

At that moment, Xiao Xiao clearly knew that men with heavy feelings were difficult to get.

Therefore, when you fall in love with a man who is emotionally heavy, you can only say that it is not the right time.

You either wait patiently, or you choose to leave, and you will continue to pursue it, and there will be no good results in the end.

All in all, whether a man is good or not does not need to go to great lengths.

From the details of their circle of friends, they can clearly know whether this man is good or not.

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