
How do uncultured children grow up?

Rousseau said in the children's pedagogy Emile:

Plants are improved through cultivation, while humans are improved through upbringing.

As the first stage of life, the parents' "words and deeds" is extremely important, early childhood is the best period for children to develop and cultivate, and the cultivation of living habits directly affects the character and value orientation of children in adulthood.

How do uncultured children grow up?

Many uncultured children are caused by parents not carrying out the necessary discipline and restraint on their children in early childhood, not giving them rules of behavior, and allowing their children to develop freely.

Family reasons account for a large part of the problem of parenting, and most of the families of uncultured children are not parented.

If you are like a murderer, please make a rule

On May 1 last year, a movie theater in Dongguan suffered a heart-wrenching incident.

When the movie ended, a child suddenly rushed out, ran to the movie screen, punched and kicked at the screen, and the parents did not come out to stop it, which finally caused the movie screen to be deliberately damaged.

After the staff checked, they found that the screen loss was at least around 180,000. Going to court to ask for compensation, but the parties could not be found, and no one was willing to come out to bear it, which made people indignant.

How do uncultured children grow up?

Children are naturally active, but in public places to destroy other people's property, parents did not come out to stop, and did not take the initiative to bear compensation afterwards, which is a manifestation of lack of education and social morality.

There are often "bear parents" behind "bear children", and "bear parents" make children become unruly and uneducated.

In today's society, there are always some parents who blindly indulge and spoil their children under the banner of "loving their children".

How do uncultured children grow up?

"The child is still young, let one let him do what happened!"

"What do you know like a child?"

As everyone knows, inertia is like killing a son.

When you excuse every mistake your child makes, he will grow up to make even bigger mistakes, flout all rules, become lawless, and wait until then to discipline him.

Parents condone children, society will not, the law will not, as a guardian of the parents, if they can not exercise the duties of parents, one day, the law will come to discipline him.

Children are still young, don't be protective

In Ruzhou, Henan, a child defecates on the ground, and a few steps away from him, there is a public toilet.

The 66-year-old sanitation worker stepped forward to dissuade him, but was insulted and beaten by the child's parents.

The child's father slammed the sanitation worker in the head, and the mother kept spitting at the sanitation worker.

How do uncultured children grow up?

This kind of family education, can we still expect children to be more polite and educated?

Many children are not born naughty, and most of those who are lawless are also parents with no parenting.

American writer Jenny. Erim said: The shortcomings in the child are not terrible, the terrible thing is that the parents who are the leaders of the child's life lack the correct concept of tutoring and the method of teaching the child.

The phrase "the child is still young" wants to erase all the faults, and always pushes all the faults on others.

Too much protection of children, you think that loving children is actually harming children, such parents, raising uncultured children, is not surprising at all.

The Son does not teach the Father's fault of distinguishing between black and white

A child who was not taught right or wrong when he was a child will not become a reasonable adult when he grows up.

On the contrary, if the parents have a very positive view, then the child will also grow up after being educated. When you grow up, you will also become a polite, responsible and cultured person.

How do uncultured children grow up?

The Son is not the fault of the Father.

It is better to raise the poor and the rich than to raise them.

The best education is always right and wrong, black and white.

As Haruki Murakami said: A child is like a small sapling, and the family environment is the water that waters.

If the water quality is too poor, the saplings will not only not become towering trees, but will also die.

I hope we parents don't become that bad water.


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