
Older children playing the piano? Mom believed! As a result, the baby came to menstruation at the age of 10 and was 1 meter 52 tall for life

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Correspondent Li Xu Reporter He Lina

In the past few days, the pediatric endocrinology specialist clinic of a hospital in Hangzhou is not exaggerated every day.

Wang Di, deputy chief physician, said that the outpatient clinic, which was supposed to end at 12 noon, because there were many patients, almost every time it had to end at 1:30, and it was too late to eat even at noon. Unlike other diseases, many parents feel that precocious puberty is not an emergency, and will always choose to take their children to see them on holidays. The more she watched, the heavier her heart became, and too many children missed the best intervention time because of the negligence of their parents, affecting the high level of lifelong height.

"What? Only 1 meter 52 at most? "Out of the clinic, Meng Meng (pseudonym) mother and Meng Meng heart is extremely heavy, originally according to the genetic height, Meng Meng can grow to 1 meter 6, unfortunately, the mother because of listening to a word, missed the best treatment period, the mother regrets it.

Older children playing the piano? Mom believed! As a result, the baby came to menstruation at the age of 10 and was 1 meter 52 tall for life

Mom listened to a word

The 10-year-old girl is 1 meter 52 tall for life

Meng Meng began to learn piano from the age of five, and after several years of perseverance, the piano played very well. In the summer vacation of the previous year, when Meng Meng was eight and a half years old, her mother helped her take a bath and found that Meng Meng had a lump on her chest and took her to the hospital for examination. At that time, Meng Meng was 1 meter 35 tall and had a bone age of 10 years. The doctor said that it may be pseudo-development, after prescribing some drugs, it is recommended that Meng Meng continue to observe, and specially instructed to review within 3 months.

Meng Meng's mother communicated in the mother group and found that there were many children with older bones. And many mothers say that it is normal for children who play the piano to have older bones. Look at Meng Meng again, the height is higher than that of children of the same age, and the induration of the chest also has a tendency to soften, so there is no attention, and the review is forgotten.

Unexpectedly, shortly after her 10th birthday, Meng Meng suddenly came to menstruation. Meng Meng's mother noticed that her daughter's breasts had already begun to develop. After the final exam, she took Meng Meng to the pediatric clinic of a hospital in Hangzhou to find Dr. Wang Di. At this time, Meng Meng, who is 1 meter 45 tall, has been examined and has belonged to the late stage of adolescent development, and her bone age has been 12 and a half years old. Dr. Wang Di said that Meng Meng belongs to the rapid progression of puberty, in layman's terms, that is, the development process is faster than other girls, and the growth potential has been affected, and it is expected that the lifelong height is only 1 meter 52.

Older children playing the piano? Mom believed! As a result, the baby came to menstruation at the age of 10 and was 1 meter 52 tall for life

Image source: Visual China

Will the bone age of playing the piano be older?

This pot, the piano does not back

Like cute mothers, many mothers think that children who play the piano will have older bones. In this regard, Dr. Wang Di said that playing the piano has nothing to do with the child's development time. It is true that some children who play the piano will take bone age films that are larger than the actual ones, because the use of high-intensity bones leads to accelerated bone development, and the frequent activities of children's hands that play the piano may stimulate hand development earlier than other parts of the body. Generally, the bone age is routinely patted, and the left hand will be patted, so it is possible that the bone age of the hand will be higher than the bone age of other parts of the body, resulting in the illusion of large bone age.

"Don't easily attribute bone age to playing the piano." Wang Di said that in the outpatient clinic, there are often children who miss the best treatment period because of misunderstandings. Wang Di said that we must define the concept of "piano child". Most children play the piano only as a hobby, playing only half an hour to an hour a day, and this amount of activity has little effect on bone age. Unless it is high-intensity training, playing more than five or six hours a day, it will indeed have a certain impact on the bone age of the opponent. But only a certain part does not represent the state of bone development of the whole body.

Wang Di said that to see if it develops early, bone age tablets are only a preliminary reference basis. Doctors generally judge the degree of development of secondary sexual characteristics. If necessary, it is also necessary to draw blood to check hormone levels or do B ultrasound and other comprehensive judgments, not just by a bone age tablet to judge.

Older children playing the piano? Mom believed! As a result, the baby came to menstruation at the age of 10 and was 1 meter 52 tall for life

Grasp these "clues" of children's early development

Premature development can impair the adult height of precocious children and require early detection and treatment. So what are the signs that the child has appeared to realize that the child is beginning to develop?

Precocious puberty generally refers to the development of secondary sexual characteristics in girls before the age of 8 and boys before the age of 9. Among them, the proportion of girls is higher than that of boys.

Wang Di said that in order to prevent children from precocious puberty, it is necessary to seize these "clues" of early development. When girls reach the age of 8, parents should pay attention to whether their children have breast lumps, because chest lumps are often the first manifestation of girls' development. In addition, but also pay attention to the speed of the child's growth, if you find that the child has recently grown faster than before, don't be happy too early, this may also be a sign of development, it is best to take it to the hospital for examination.

In the case of boys, development is more hidden. The earliest manifestation is the enlargement of the testicles, and by the time of voice change and beard growth, it is already the late stage of development. Therefore, when boys reach the age of 10, parents, especially fathers, must start to pay attention. If you are not sure, you can also go to the hospital once a year to check the growth and development.

Children with precocious puberty end early in the growth period, premature closure of the epiphysis, small growth potential, will affect the lifelong height, therefore, once the signs of precocious puberty are found, it is necessary to seek the help of a professional doctor as soon as possible to intervene. Wang Di reminded parents that they should not feel that precocious puberty is not an emergency and can wait until the holiday to watch slowly, which is likely to miss the golden time.

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